Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Wolfgang Hampel, Satire is my favourite animal, Vita Magica, Betty MacDonald Biography

Wolfgang Hampel, author, journalist, poet and singer was born in Heidelberg. In July 2015, Wolfgang Hampel started the literary-musical series Vita Magica which became a cult event within a short time. In the Vita Magica programme, Wolfgang Hampel performs sketches written by him, sings his own songs and recites his popular satirical poems. Many well-known authors and musicians from Heidelberg and the surrounding area enrich the programme with their artistic contributions. In 2018, he published the book "Satire is my favourite animal - satirical poems and information about the cult event Vita Magica in Heidelberg". Satire is my favourite animal is according to many enthusiastic readers all over the world ( UK, USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries ) one of the most humorous books ever. Wolfgang Hampel and the Vita Magica team support distressed culture through events, donations and book sales. Wolfgang Hampel founded the Betty MacDonald Fan Club in 1983. In 1996 he interviewed family and friends of the world-famous American humorist. He visited all the places where Betty MacDonald lived with her family. Due to many requests from international Betty MacDonald fans, the Betty MacDonald Fan Club Blog was launched in 1999. Wolfgang Hampel's Betty MacDonald biography, interviews, stories, reports and poems found readers in 40 countries. His work on Betty MacDonald is also included in various books and theses. He is the recipient of the first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award. Wolfgang Hampel interviewed many other famous artists and writers, such as Ingrid Noll, Astrid Lindgren, Truman Capote, J. K. Rowling, Maurice Sendak, Donna Leon, David Guterson, Marie Marcks, William Cumming, Walt Woodward and Betty MacDonald Fan Club honorary members Letizia Mancino, Monica Sone, Gwen Grant and Darsie Beck. Wolfgang Hampel and the Betty MacDonald fan club team are currently working on a new Betty MacDonald biography with many details, information, stories and facts that have never been published before. ------------------------------------------------- Theresia Bauer---------------------------- Member of the State Parliament for the constituency of Heidelberg Minister for Science, Research and the Arts in Baden-Württemberg----------------------------- The special thing about "Vita Magica" is already evident from the name. Books have something magical about them: they transport us to other worlds, they tell us stories of people and nations and let us participate in small and big ideas. I myself have already had the pleasure of participating in two readings - with personally selected texts. My special thanks go to Wolfgang Hampel, who not only brought "Vita Magica" to life, but also contributed significantly to its current success with great enthusiasm and personal commitment. Best regards Yours, Theresia Bauer -------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner------------------------------- Lord Mayor of the City of Heidelberg------------------------ "Vita Magica" is a very special series of events with great entertainment value. The literati use the art of satire, poetry or prose to deal with very different topics. "Vita Magica" is a fantastic example of the outstanding literary productivity in Heidelberg. I would like to sincerely thank the Academy for the Elderly and especially Wolfgang Hampel for his commitment! He always manages not only to put together a great programme but also to attract interesting guest readers. I wish this book and of course the event continued success! Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner-------------------------------------------------- Ingrid Noll------------------------------------------------------------- Grande Dame of German-language crime literature------------------------- Bestselling author of "Der Hahn ist tot", "Die Apothekerin" and many other very successful books----------- I always look forward to receiving a funny poem by Wolfgang Hampel. Best regards Ingrid Noll ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 TV programme HERZSCHLAG-MOMENTE on Saturday, 3 August 2019, at 9:50 pm.