Monday, October 25, 2021

Wolfgang Hampel, Vita Magica donation to Taeter Theater Heidelberg, Mayor Stefanie Jansen

Wolfgang Hampel, Vita Magica donation to Taeter Theater Heidelberg, Mayor Stefanie Jansen Mayor Stefanie Jansen presents today the Vita Magica donation at Vita Magica October in the amount of Euro 500 to Anne Grazcol-Steiner and Wolfgang Grazcol from Taeter Theater Heidelberg. Wolfgang Hampel and the Vita Magica team support needy cultural institutions with book sales of 'Satire is my favorite animal', donations and events. We would like to thank the Academy for the Elderly in Heidelberg and our wonderful Vita Magica visitors! Best regards Wolfgang Hampel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heidelberg's mayor Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner praises Vita Magica, Wolfgang Hampel and the book 'Satire is my favorite animal'------------------- Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner---------------------- Lord Mayor of the City of Heidelberg---------------------------- "Vita Magica" is a very special series of events with great entertainment value. The literati use the art of satire, poetry or prose to deal with very different topics. "Vita Magica" is a fantastic example of the outstanding literary productivity in Heidelberg. I would like to sincerely thank the Academy for the Elderly and especially Wolfgang Hampel for his commitment! He always manages not only to put together a great program, but also to attract interesting guest readers. I wish the book 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' and of course the event continued success! Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel's book "Satire is my favorite animal" conjures up laughter on faces and finds many readers in the USA, UK, Germany and many other countries. I had to laugh so loud and long about the satires in Wolfgang Hampel's book "Satire is my favorite animal" that the best wife of all asked me anxiously if everything was alright. She has read the book in the meantime and agrees with me. It is the best medicine against bad moods. When we visit Heidelberg, Wolfgang Hampel's cult event Vita Magica is also on our agenda. Very good, the man! Keep it up! Wolfgang Hampel and the Vita Magica team support needy cultural institutions with donations, book sales and events. You can order one of the most humorous books of all time-----------------------. Satire is my favorite animal by Wolfgang Hampel:------------- national & international--------------------- USA , United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany, Hungary, Japan , Japan, Mexico, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic