Sunday, February 16, 2025
Oliver Pocher doubts Raab's ESC success
Focus online
Oliver Pocher doubts Raab's ESC success
Raab wants to give the ESC a new lease of life by using a pop star jury to find the German candidates. But Pocher doubts that this will work: "With a casting process! The ESC has changed a lot, it needs a lot more. I doubt that it will work."
In contrast to RTL itself, Oliver Pocher sees Raab's TV future as bleak: "My prediction is that Raab will no longer be on RTL in a year. It's not the kind of success story that they're trying to sell us. At some point, someone at Bertelsmann who has nothing to do with entertainment but rather with calculators will ask two questions. What did it cost? How much did we earn from it? And then it will be buried."
Oliver Pocher zweifelt an Raabs ESC-Erfolg
Focus online
Oliver Pocher zweifelt an Raabs ESC-Erfolg
Raab will dem ESC zu neuem Glanz verhelfen, indem er mit einer Popstar-Jury die deutschen Kandidaten sucht. Doch Pocher bezweifelt den Erfolg: „Mit einem Casting-Verfahren! Der ESC hat sich extrem verändert, da braucht es viel mehr. Ich bezweifle, dass das funktioniert.“
Für Raabs TV-Zukunft sieht Oliver Pocher, im Gegensatz zu RTL selbst, schwarz: „Meine Voraussage dazu ist, dass es Raab in einem Jahr nicht mehr bei RTL geben wird. Es ist nicht so eine Erfolgsgeschichte, wie man es uns verkaufen möchte. Irgendwann wird jemand, der bei Bertelsmann nichts mit Entertainment, sondern mit dem Taschenrechner zu tun hat, zwei Fragen stellen. Was hat’s gekostet? Wie viel haben wir damit verdient? Und dann wird’s beerdigt.“
Wolfgang Hampel, author of the global success "Satire is my favorite animal": "I have a nightmare that is huge. Reality overtakes satire and I am unemployed!"
Wolfgang Hampel, author of the global success "Satire is my favorite animal": "I have a nightmare that is huge. Reality overtakes satire and I am unemployed!"-----------------------------------
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"Absurd": Republican proposes bizarre new name for Greenland
Quirin Knospe • 2 hours • 2 minutes reading time
Republican Representative Buddy Carter in front of the US Capitol, 2024.
Re-elected US President Donald Trump continues to strive to buy Greenland and is receiving intra-party support from the US Congress. According to reports from the US news site "Axios", Republican Representative Buddy Carter has introduced a bill that supports efforts to buy the island.
Republicans: Greenland should be called "Red, White and Blueland"
The congressman from Georgia already has an initial idea of what Greenland should be called after the takeover. If the draft goes ahead, "Greenland," as the island is called in English, will be renamed "Red, White and Blueland" after the colors of the US flag. The draft would empower Trump to begin negotiations on the purchase of the island and to implement the renaming. The draft law would also oblige the federal government to refer to it as such on official maps and documents.
Donald Trump had already expressed his desire to buy the Danish island in 2019. Now, shortly after taking office again, he apparently wants to implement this idea. The autonomous Danish region is of strategic importance to the USA, especially in view of the threats from Russia and China, Trump emphasized. The strategically important island in the Arctic is rich in natural resources and is home to a US air force base.
"President Trump has rightly identified the purchase of what is now Greenland as a national security priority, and we will proudly welcome its people to the freest nation ever when our chief negotiator signs this monumental agreement," Carter said in his statement. "America is back and will soon be bigger than ever, with the addition of Red, White and Blueland."
Danish government rejects Trump's purchase wishes
The Republican's proposal has already met with rejection in Danish politics. According to reports from "Politico", Danish MEP Anders Vistisen described it as unrealistic and "absurd". Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen had already stressed in a 45-minute conversation with Donald Trump in January that Greenland was not for sale.
According to media reports, the conversation took place before Trump's inauguration. Frederiksen stated that "Greenlanders have the right to determine their own future" and referred to statements by Greenland's Prime Minister Múte B. Egedes that it is up to Greenland to decide on its independence.
Danes ironically propose buying California
Meanwhile, in response to Trump's proposals, a group of Danish citizens have started a petition to buy California from the USA. So far, the petition has almost 210,000 supporters and the goal of raising a trillion dollars through crowdfunding.
The initiators also propose renaming Disneyland "Hans Christian Andersenland" and bringing the Danish way of life "hygge" to Hollywood. The petition initiators also claim that Trump has called California "the most ruined state in the Union". They are offering the US president a "lifetime supply of organic smörrebröd" to make the deal more palatable to him.
Hase/Volodin laufen zu Paargold bei der Eiskunstlauf-EM
Eiskunstlauf-EM in Tallinn
Hase/Volodin laufen zu Paargold bei der Eiskunstlauf-EM
Stand: 31.01.2025 08:02 Uhr
Bei der Eiskunstlauf-EM in Tallinn/Estland sind Minerva Hase und Nikita Volodin zu Gold gelaufen. Das Paar setzte sich am Donnerstag mit einer Leistungssteigerung gegen Ende der Kür gegen die Italiener Conti/Macii durch.Die Italiener hatten als vorletztes Paar eine fast fehlerfreie Kür gezeigt. Aber mit der fulminanten Ausführung von technischen Höchstschwierigkeiten am Ende setzte sich das deutsche Paar mit fast sechs Punkten Vorsprung mit 212,48 Zählern durch. Hase/Volodin zeigten nach dem besten Kurzprogramm, zu Vivaldis "Vier Jahreszeiten" auch die am besten bewertete Kür (71,59/140,89).
Eiskunstlauf-EM in Tallinn
Hase und Volodin laufen zu EM-Gold
Minerva Hase und Nikita Volodin holen sich bei der Eiskunstlauf-EM in Tallinn ihren ersten Europameistertitel. mehr
"Wir sind einfach unglaublich glücklich, dass wir es heute zusammenbekommen haben", sagte Hase. Partner Volodin konnte das Ergebnis kaum glauben: "Ehrlich gesagt waren wir ein bisschen überrascht, dass wir auf dem ersten Platz liegen."Erstes Paar-Gold seit 2011Das Duo sorgt mit dem Titel in der estnischen Hauptstadt für den größten Erfolg der Deutschen Eislauf-Union seit knapp sieben Jahren, als Aljona Savchenko und Bruno Massot Olympiasieger und auch noch Weltmeister wurden. Zum bis dato letzten Mal Gold für Deutschland bei einer EM holten Aljona Savchenko und Robin Szolkowy 2011.
Mit einer sehr starken Kür schob sich das georgische Paar Anastasija Metelkina und Luka Berulava von Platz neun nach dem Kurzprogramm auf den Bronze-Platz vor.Das ungarische Paar Maria Pavlova/Alexei Sviatchenko musste sich mit nur 0,44 Punkten Rückstand auf die Georgier mit Rang vier zufriedengeben. Ein Sturz beim Flip kostete das Duo die Medaille.Hocke/Kunkel mutig, aber mit PunktabzugDas zweite Berliner Duo Annika Hocke/Robert Kunkel durfte sich zur Halbzeit auf Rang fünf (62,68 Punkte) noch Hoffnungen auf eine Medaille machen. Doch nach einem Fehler beim Dreifach-Flip war es in der Kür dann mit der erhofften Medaille vorbei. Hocke/Kunkel wurden mit 176,55 Punkten Achte.Letizia Roscher und Luis Schuster komplettieren das starke deutsche Ergebnis, das junge Duo aus Chemnitz lief im Kurzprogramm (12./55,18 Punkte) ebenfalls unter die besten 16 Paare. Am Ende stand Platz zwölf für das dritte deutsche Paar zu Buche
Wolfgang Hampel, author of "Satire is my favorite animal", one of the most humorous books of all time, two-time Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner, winner of the SWR Ingrid Noll competition, TV, radio, press reviews and famous fans
Wolfgang Hampel, author of "Satire is my favorite animal", one of the most humorous books of all time, two-time Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner, winner of the SWR Ingrid Noll competition, TV, radio, press reviews and famous fans
The satirical classic 'Satire is my favorite animal' by Wolfgang Hampel is, in the opinion of many readers and critics worldwide, one of the most humorous books of all time and can be found on 'LEO-BW' with lots of information.
The former Minister of Science of Baden-Württemberg Theresia Bauer has been Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation since June 2024 and is a big fan of Wolfgang Hampel and his literary and musical series 'Vita Magica'. She wrote a great foreword to the book and has been a guest reader at 'Vita Magica' several times.
'Satire is my favorite animal' can be found on 'LEO-BW' with lots of information. Discover Baden-Württemberg - LEO-BW offers you the regional studies of the German southwest in all its diversity. Find out background information and details about the country and its inhabitants, about culture and history.
“UNESCO City of Literature: Wolfgang Hampel, author of 'Satire is my favorite animal' with "Poetry on the go" and the nostalgic train "Sixty" on a tour in Heidelberg, read to an enthusiastic audience on Friday, October 11, 2024 -------
In cooperation with the Cultural Office of the City of Heidelberg and Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (rnv), the nostalgic train "Sixty", built in 1963 and fully restored for modern use, rolled over the Heidelberg rails and described four entertaining tours between the districts of Bergheim and Handschuhsheim. During the journey, Wolfgang Hampel and Heidelberg authors read from their works. In addition, each of them acted as a sponsor for international poems from various UNESCO Cities of Literature around the world.
Wolfgang Hampel, the winner of the SWR Ingrid Noll competition and founder of the literary and musical cult event 'Vita Magica', recited the very funny and satirical poem 'Marco Polo lives on the corner' and other humorous texts from his book 'Satire is my favorite animal', which won the Betty MacDonald Memorial Award, to great applause from the large audience. "Satire is my favorite animal" is a worldwide success and is considered by many critics and readers to be one of the most humorous books of all time.
The world-famous Lady of Crime, Ingrid Noll says: "I'm always happy to read another humorous masterpiece by Wolfgang Hampel!"
Great living room reading as part of the RNZ Christmas campaign 2023 with Wolfgang Hampel -----------------------------
Living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel
Are you looking for an original and entertaining gift for your loved ones? Then we have just the right thing for you: a living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel, the author of the globally successful book “Satire is my favorite animal”! Wolfgang Hampel has many fans, including the world-famous Lady of Crime Ingrid Noll, who says of him: I am always very happy when I read a humorous masterpiece by Wolfgang Hampel. Wolfgang Hampel is not only a gifted writer, but also a versatile artist who will inspire you with his humor, his voice and his talent. He will not only read to you from his book, which is successful in many countries and is one of the 5000 funniest books on Amazon America, but he will also perform a short play that will make you laugh. He will also demonstrate his musical abilities by imitating famous singers such as Elvis Presley, Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Logan, Joy Fleming, Alexandra, Hildegard Knef, Doris Day, Udo Jürgens and many others. He will also sing songs he has composed and written himself that will touch you. A living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel is a unique opportunity to meet a world-class author and a very special artist. You can book him for just 150 euros and support a good cause, because the proceeds go to the RNZ campaign, which supports social projects in the region. If you want to see Wolfgang Hampel's special talents for yourself, you can also experience him at Vita Magica, a cult event that he founded in July 2015 and which invites all interested readers to exciting and inspiring afternoons. There you will also get to know the cabaret group “Die Heidelberger Satireschotterer”, which Wolfgang Hampel founded in October 2023 and which will provide fun and entertainment together with him. Don't wait any longer and secure a living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel, the satirist, poet, composer, singer and entertainer who will enrich your life!
Wolfgang Hampel, author of "Satire is my favorite animal" in Heidelberg Authors - Index
"Seitensprüche" campaign Heidelberg 2023 - Wolfgang Hampel, author of "Satire is my favorite animal": A gift chosen with a lot of feeling and understanding is the best opportunity to say thank you
The two-time Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner Wolfgang Hampel, author of one of the most humorous books of all time, "Satire is my favorite animal", takes part in other creative projects in addition to his musical and literary events "Vita Magica". One of these was the "Seitensprüche" campaign in Heidelberg, where quotes from Heidelberg authors could be collected in the side streets of the old town. Wolfgang Hampel was one of the authors whose quotes were selected for this campaign. This campaign took place from December 9th to 23rd, 2023 and aimed to support local businesses while promoting literature. It is an example of how Wolfgang Hampel uses his creativity to enrich the community and cultural life in Heidelberg. Wolfgang Hampel's magical saying was enthusiastically received.
Wolfgang Hampel: A gift chosen with a lot of feeling and understanding is the best opportunity to say thank you. Good thoughts and ideas bring love, hope and joy into our lives, warm hearts and break the ice.
Wolfgang Hampel, who received the Betty MacDonald Memorial Award for the 2nd time for 'Satire is my favorite animal', founded the political cabaret group "Die Heidelberger Satireschotterer" in October 2023. -------------------------------------
Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica founder Wolfgang Hampel, the Heidelberg author of 'Satire is my favorite animal' - in the opinion of many readers worldwide one of the most humorous books of all time - wants to campaign against gravel gardens.--------------------------------------
Wolfgang Hampel and the Vita Magica team support cultural institutions in need with book sales of 'Satire is my favorite animal', donations and events.
- 7th Vita Magica anniversary on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 in the Kulturfenster Heidelberg with photos and comments
- Wolfgang Hampel - Satire is my favorite animal - great international success - Vita Magica fundraising campaign - BAZ November 26th, 2021 -
Wolfgang Hampel - donation handover - Wochenkurier Heidelberg - December 1st, 2021
Fourth Vita Magica anniversary and a TV appearance by Angelika Jung & Wolfgang Hampel - Wochenkurier Heidelberg - July 24, 2019
Wolfgang Hampel - 3rd Vita Magica anniversary - publication of 'Satire is my favorite animal' - Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung Heidelberg - August 13, 2018
Angelika Jung, Wolfgang Hampel, Hans Jung, Satire is my favorite animal - SWR 3 TV show HERZSCHLAG-MOMEHTE - Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung August 3, 2019
Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 TV show HERZSCHLAG-MOMENTE on Saturday, August 3, 2019, at 9:50 p.m. o'clock.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Satire is my favorite animal
Poems & information
Wolfgang Hampel
In July 2015,
Wolfgang Hampel
began the literary
musical series
Vita Magica:
For the third anniversary,
he has now published the book “Satire is my
favorite animal - satirical poems
and information about the
cult event Vita Magica
at the Academy for Seniors in
Heidelberg”. The author, journalist,
poet and singer was born in Heidelberg in 1955 and worked in training, further education and advanced training in human resources and accounting.
Wolfgang Hampel founded the Betty MacDonald Fan Club in 1983: in 1996 he interviewed the family and friends of the world-famous American humorist. He visited all the places where Betty MacDonald lived with her family. Due to many requests from international Betty MacDonald fans, the Betty MacDonald Fan Club Blog was launched in 1999. Wolfgang Hampel's Betty MacDonald biography, interviews, stories, reports and poems found readers in 40 countries. His work on Betty MacDonald is also included in various books and theses. He is the recipient of the first Betty MacDonald Memorial Prize. Wolfgang Hampel interviewed many other famous artists and writers, such as Ingrid Noll, Astrid Lindgren, Truman Capote, J. K. Rowling, Maurice Sendak, Donna Leon, David Guterson, Marie Marcks, William Cumming, Walt Woodward and Betty MacDonald Fan Club honorary members Letizia Mancino, Monica Sone, Gwen Grant and Darsie Beck. This book aims to inspire people to attend the Vita Magica event and the Academy for Seniors in Heidelberg. It introduces the fascinating participants - including well-known authors and musicians - in the successful series. The event takes place every last Tuesday of the month from 3:40 p.m. to around 5:10 p.m. in Hall E06 of the VHS/Academy for Seniors in Heidelberg, Bergheimer Straße 76. (Exception: Christmas, school holidays and other holidays).
In the Vita Magica program, Wolfgang Hampel performs sketches he has written, sings his own songs and recites his popular satirical poems.
Many well-known authors and musicians from Heidelberg and the surrounding area enrich the program with their artistic contributions.
Non-members are also very welcome.
The current Vita Magica program can be found on the Internet at
Theresia Bauer
Member of the state parliament for the Heidelberg constituency,
Former Minister for Science, Research
and Art in Baden-Württemberg,
Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation since June 2024
The special thing about "Vita Magica"
is already evident in the name.
Books have something magical about them:
They take us to other worlds,
they tell us stories of
people and nations and let us share in small and big ideas.
I myself have already had the pleasure of taking part in two readings - with personally selected texts.
My special thanks go to
Wolfgang Hampel, who not only brought "Vita Magica"
to life, but also contributed significantly to the current success of
"Vita Magica" with great enthusiasm and personal commitment.
Best wishes
Yours, Theresia Bauer
Prof. h. c. Dr. Karl A. Lamers -
Member of the Defense Committee
since 1994
In just three years, Vita Magica
became a series of readings, musical performances and cultural highlights at the Academy for Seniors in Heidelberg under the direction of Wolfgang Hampel.
The 3rd birthday was celebrated in a very dignified manner at the Academy for Seniors.
A book was published for this occasion, which, in addition to satirical poems, also contains a lot of information about Vita Magica and its actors.
Happy birthday!
Dear Mr. Hampel!
Happy birthday to "Vita Magica".
I am very impressed by your artistic work.
Best regards
Dr. Karl. A. Lamers
Prof. Dr. Eckard Würzner -
Mayor of the City of Heidelberg
"Vita Magica" is a very
special series of events
with great entertainment value.
The writers
use the art of satire, poetry
or prose to deal with very
different topics.
"Vita Magica" is a fantastic
example of the outstanding
literary productivity in
I would like to thank the Academy for Seniors
and especially Wolfgang Hampel
for his commitment!
He always manages to
not only put together a great
program, but also to attract interesting guest readers.
I wish this book
and of course the event continued success!
Prof. Dr. Eckard Würzner
Ingrid Noll -
Grande Dame of
crime literature -
Bestselling author of
"The Rooster is Dead",
"The Pharmacist"
and many
other very successful
I am always happy when I read a very humorous masterpiece by Wolfgang Hampel.
Best wishes
Ingrid Noll
Tatjana Geßler
Author, singer and TV
journalist, filmmaker
and presenter at
SWR Stuttgart
Dear Wolfgang,
I fondly remember the
two readings in January 2016
and February 2017 at
Vita Magica.
I always enjoy coming to
Heidelberg - not only because it is my birthplace and my home, but because I have always been given a particularly warm welcome by the audience at Vita Magica.
Yours, Tatjana Geßler
Wolfgang Hampel appeared on the radio with the famous crime writer Ingrid Noll and won the SWR Ingrid Noll competition.
Wolfgang Hampel, 'Satire is my favorite animal', Betty MacDonald Memorial Award---------------------
Wolfgang Hampel has received the Betty MacDonald Memorial Award for the second time for his globally successful book 'Satire is my favorite animal'. This is a great honor awarded by authors, critics and readers of the Betty MacDonald fan club and the Betty MacDonald Society from 40 countries to recognize outstanding achievements in the field of humorous literature.
'Satire is my favorite animal' is considered by many readers and critics to be one of the most humorous books of all time. The world-famous Lady of Crime, Ingrid Noll says: I am always very happy when I read a humorous masterpiece by Wolfgang Hampel.
Everyone praises Wolfgang Hampel's unique wordplay, his original themes and his incredibly sharp eye for the absurdities of everyday life. They compare him to Betty MacDonald because of his sparkling humor, his pleasant self-irony and his apparent ease of writing.
Many new readers have become curious because of the award ceremony and want to read 'Satire is my favorite animal'. I am sure that it will make readers laugh and think. It is great when authors bring their own personality and style into their literary work. That is what Betty MacDonald and Wolfgang Hampel have in common.
Buchinfo national & international,
Eurobuch national & international,---------------- - ---
United Kingdom,
Australia ,
Brazil ,
Czech Republic,
Germany ,
India ,
Hungary ,
Netherlands ,
>Switzerland ,
Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 broadcast “Heartbeat moments”
A sketch about Brexit in Vita Magica by and with Wolfgang Hampel
🇩🇪 Boss's business ESC 2025: Heat 1 Results - I'm shocked! Stefan Raab didn't have to interrupt his retirement for that. 0 points again at the ESC 2025 in Basel?
🇩🇪 Boss's business ESC 2025: Heat 1 Results - I'm shocked! Stefan Raab didn't have to interrupt his retirement for that. 0 points again at the ESC 2025 in Basel?-------------------
🇩🇪 Boss's business ESC 2025: Heat 1 Results------------------------------
I'm shocked! The worst thing about the preliminary round was Janine with the Elvis Presley cover. Anyone can sing better in the bathtub. I really wonder why Tim Bendzko couldn't qualify for the preliminary round if something like that is presented in the preliminary round. Stefan Raab didn't have to interrupt his retirement for that.
Wolfgang Hampel, author of the global success "Satire is my favorite animal" and his great song "Heidelberg and you" - video on the Old Neckar Bridge Heidelberg
Vita Magica September 2017 - Song TRY TO REMEMBER for Linde Lund sung by Wolfgang Hampel ( 11'47 at the end of the video )
Living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel
Wolfgang Hampel, author of "Satire is my favorite animal" in the Heidelberg Authors Directory
Buchinfo national & international,
Eurobuch national & international,---------------- - ---
United Kingdom,
Australia ,
Brazil ,
Czech Republic,
Germany ,
India ,
Hungary ,
Netherlands ,
Switzerland ,
Switzerland ,
Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 program "Herzschlag-Momente"
A sketch about Brexit in Vita Magica by and with Wolfgang Hampel
"It's getting on my nerves": Stefan Raab's "Chefsache ESC" fails with viewers
FOCUS online
"It's getting on my nerves": Stefan Raab's "Chefsache ESC" fails with viewers
Sebastian Berning • 8 hours • 2 minutes reading time
The icon is back on TV in full force. Stefan Raab's format "Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million" celebrated its free TV premiere on RTL on Wednesday (February 12th) - but the somewhat outdated humor failed to impress many viewers.
On Friday (February 14th) Raab's next TV show was scheduled: "Chefsache ESC". Entertainer Stefan Raab wants to find a suitable candidate for the Eurovision Song Contest again. The special thing: In the preliminary round of the RTL/NDR cooperation, the artists only competed with cover songs. Raab described the contribution by the metal band Feuerschwanz as a "crap song".
Viewers disappointed by Raab's "ESC is a matter for the boss"
Devastating criticism of the artist, but Raab also has to take a lot of flak on social media for his show concept. The RTL broadcast was only really well received by a few.
"Raab really gets on my nerves. Yvonne Catterfeld is the only one who makes sensible comments," rants one viewer on social media. You can also read: "Conclusion: Raab's time is completely over for me." Or: "I'm glad that we're finally getting a more diverse selection of genres. Raab's behavior yesterday was abysmal, though."
One user even questions the whole concept of the show: "Raab presents himself as a savior and redeemer and now he says he doesn't know the formula for winning. So what are we doing here? We might as well leave it to the NDR again..." A similarly minded comment reads: "Overall, no different or even better than usual. What the 'boss's business' consists of still needs to be explained in more detail."
After all, Barbara Schöneberger was not only able to surprise with her "boss's business" look, but also scored points.
USA: Inflation rises unexpectedly
Manager magazine
USA: Inflation rises unexpectedly
7 hours • 2 minutes reading time
The rise in consumer prices in the USA has accelerated again. Experts now fear that the trend could continue. An interest rate cut demanded by Trump would thus become less likely.
As the Labor Department in Washington announced on Wednesday, the so-called CPI index rose unexpectedly from 2.9 percent to 3.0 percent in January. US President Donald Trump (78) blamed his predecessor Joe Biden (82) for the development. He again called for a reduction in key interest rates.
Experts had expected a slowdown and an inflation rate of 2.8 percent for January and also assumed lower core inflation. However, this also increased and was at 3.3 percent. Prices for car insurance and used cars, medical care and flights in particular rose sharply month-on-month.
Manager magazine summarizes the day for you: The most important business news at a glance in a newsletter. Subscribe now for free.
"Biden inflation up!" wrote Trump on his online service Truth Social. During the election campaign, he had made fighting inflation a priority. Analysts, however, warn that Trump's tariffs and possible tax cuts could fuel inflation further.
The rise in inflation is also likely to strengthen calls for another interest rate pause at the US Federal Reserve; even though the Fed sees the PCE index and not the CPI as the key indicator of inflation. The PCE value rose to 2.6 percent in December. The central bank's goal is an inflation rate of 2.0 percent.
The head of the central bank, Jerome Powell (72), said on Tuesday that he was "in no hurry" to make cuts. Trump wrote on Truth Social: "Interest rates should be lowered."
He referred to his trade policy: Falling interest rates would "go hand in hand with the coming tariffs," he explained, without elaborating on this connection.
Happy birthday, dearest Betty MacDonald Fan Club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Happy birthday, dearest Betty MacDonald Fan Club founder Wolfgang Hampel.
Wolfgang Hampel's success story began in 1983 when he founded Betty MacDonald Fan Club with 4 fans. In 2015 we have members in 40 countries.
Wolfgang Hampel visited all the places where Betty MacDonald and her family lived.
He interviewed Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard Jensen's family and friends.
Betty MacDonald's very witty sister Alison Bard Burnett is beloved all over the world because of Wolfgang Hampel's unique interviews.
The international Betty MacDonald Fan Club members tremendously enjoy Wolfgang Hampel's fascinating Betty MacDonald - and Ma and Pa Kettle biography, his global success book "Satire ist mein Lieblingstier", his satirical poems and very witty interviews but also his brilliant friends.
Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner, author and journalist Wolfgang Hampel, meets the most wonderful personalities, for example our Betty MacDonald Fan Club honor members, outstanding authors and artists Monica Sone, Darsie Beck, Gwen Grant, e and Letizia Mancino.
If you dream - dream BIG! Wolfgang Hampel's big dream came true because of his unbelievable strength and huge energy.
We got info that one and only Wolfgang Hampel will be honored soon but modest Wolfgang won't talk about it. We hope Wolfgang will change his opinion because he deserves these awards very much.
We had many international Betty MacDonald Fan Club Events in Europe, Brasil and South Africa.
The international Betty MacDonald Fan Club ribbon is growing every day.
Betty MacDonald Guru Wolfgang Hampel was especially delighted when we had the first Betty MacDonald Fan Club Wedding in 2011.
More Betty MacDonald Fan Club honor members and international Betty MacDonald Fan Club meetings will follow.
Wolfgang Hampel is currently working on an updated Betty MacDonald biography.
Good luck and a million times good health!
We are looking forward to listen and read Wolfgang Hampel's outstanding interviews, stories, poems and biographies.
Thanks a Million for founding Betty MacDonald Fan Club and all the activities in the past and future!
Wolfgang Hampel shares his oustanding comical talent and brings lots of joy and golden laughter to all of us.
Have the most wonderful birthday ever, dear Wolfgang Hampel!
All our love in the name of Betty MacDonald Fan Club members in 40 countries,
Astrid Lund
Astrid Lund - Organizatorja e klubit të tifozëve të Betty MacDonald: "Jam dakord me Isakun: Nuk kam aspak ndjenjë të mirë! A do të marrë Gjermania sërish vetëm 0 pikë në ESC 2025 në Bazel? Duket shumë si kjo! Shpirt i gjorë ESC gjerman!"
Astrid Lund - Organizatorja e klubit të tifozëve të Betty MacDonald: "Jam dakord me Isakun: Nuk kam aspak ndjenjë të mirë! A do të marrë Gjermania sërish vetëm 0 pikë në ESC 2025 në Bazel? Duket shumë si kjo! Shpirt i gjorë ESC gjerman!"
Thüringen 24
"ESC është një çështje e shefit": Shikuesit shkojnë në barrikada - "Kjo nuk mund të jetë e vërtetë"
Alina Effertz • 14 orë • 2 minuta kohë leximi
Pas rikthimit spektakolar të Stefan Raab vitin e kaluar, artisti është tashmë i rrënjosur fuqishëm në peizazhin televiziv gjerman. Një projekt muzikor është veçanërisht afër zemrës së yllit të televizionit: "Eurovision Song Contest". Së bashku me transmetuesit RTL dhe ARD, 58-vjeçari tashmë ka ngritur emisionin “Chefsache ESC”.
Qëllimi i emisionit plot ngjarje: gjetja e kandidatit të këtij viti që do të përfaqësojë Gjermaninë në “ESC”-në e madhe. Fituesi i spektaklit do të udhëtojë në Bazel këtë vit dhe do të performojë në një nga skenat më të mëdha në Evropë. Por tashmë edicioni i dytë i talent show-t po e vë në humor të keq publikun.
"ESC është një çështje e shefit" përballet me erë të kundërt
Muzikantët e njohur dhe të sapoardhurit ishin në gjendje të aplikonin në internet për "Chefsache ESC" paraprakisht. Pas kësaj faze u njoftuan 24 artistët më të mirë. Këngëtarët dhe grupet tani duhet të dëshmojnë aftësitë e tyre në gjithsej tre shfaqje spektakolare, sepse vetëm njëri prej tyre do të lejohet të performojë në skenën e madhe “ESC” në Zvicër në maj 2025.
Të shtunën në mbrëmje (15 janar) RTL do të transmetojë edicionin e dytë të spektaklit të madh muzikor. Barbara Schöneberger moderon spektaklin dhe argëton publikun me mënyrën e saj humoristike Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld dhe Elton formojnë jurinë e profilit të lartë që vlerëson talentin e pjesëmarrësve. Në edicionin e dytë të emisionit, edhe Johannes Oerding jep opinionin e tij ekspert.
Por, pavarësisht performancave të mira muzikore dhe diskutimeve argëtuese mes anëtarëve të jurisë, “Chefsache ESC” duket se nuk është pritur veçanërisht mirë nga disa shikues. Ka një numër komentesh kritike në aplikacionin e mediave sociale X (dikur Twitter). Shikuesit shkruajnë ndër të tjera:
"Nuk mund të jetë e vërtetë që ata dërgojnë njerëz në ESC që nuk mund të këndojnë!"
“Nga njëra anë, të gjitha reklamat janë të bezdisshme. Nga ana tjetër, i jam mirënjohës reklamës që të rikuperoj nga performancat.”
“E urrej ta them. Por ne kemi nevojë për një Dieter Bohlen në juri që është vërtet i sinqertë…”
"Vlerësimet e jurisë duken si dëshmi dashamirës, të koduara për performancën e dobët të punonjësve."
“Në të njëjtën kohë, unë jam duke parë gjysmëfinalet e Melodienfestivalen në Suedi. Dhe madje edhe artistët që nuk më pëlqejnë janë më të mirë se aktet që po performojnë sot.”
Lista e pikave kritike për shikuesit e “Chefsache ESC” është e gjatë. Kandidatët mesa duket nuk kanë mundur të bindin deri më tani.
Mbetet për t'u parë se kush do ta përfaqësojë përfundimisht Gjermaninë në "Eurovision Song Contest". Në çdo rast, Stefan Raab duket se e shijon plotësisht rolin e tij si jurist.
"Ich stimme Isaak zu: Ich habe gar kein gutes Gefühl! Wird Deutschland beim ESC 2025 in Basel wieder nur 0 Punkte bekommen? Es sieht sehr danach aus! Arme deutsche ESC Seele!"
Ich komme aus Schweden, wir posten beim Betty MacDonald fan club in 40 Sprachen und bisher ist das Feedback weltweit von den ESC Fans katastrophal. Ich bin auch sehr kritisch gegenüber den schwedischen ESC Songs und Interpreten eingestellt, aber die deutsche Vorentscheidung ist so schwach und das Konzept mit den Coversongs ist unfassbar schlecht. Das macht kein anderes Land. Was hat sich Stefan Raab dabei gedacht?
Auf der Social-Media-App X (ehemals Twitter) finden sich reihenweise vernichtende Kommentare wieder. Die Zuschauer schreiben unter anderem:
„Das darf doch nicht wahr sein, dass man Leute zum ESC schickt, die NICHT SINGEN KÖNNEN!“
„Auf der einen Seite nervt die viele Werbung. Auf der anderen Seite bin ich für die Werbung dankbar, damit ich mich von den Auftritten erholen kann.“
„Ich sage es ungerne. Aber wir brauchen einen Dieter Bohlen in der Jury, der wirklich ehrlich ist…“
„Die Bewertungen der Jury klingen wie wohlwollende, verschlüsselte Zeugnisse für eine schlechte Arbeitnehmerleistung.“
„Ich gucke parallel das Halbfinale vom Melodienfestivalen in Schweden. Und dort sind selbst die Künstler, die mir nicht gefallen, besser als die Acts, die heute antreten.“
Die Liste der Kritikpunkte ist für die „Chefsache ESC“-Zuschauer also lang. Überzeugen konnten die Kandidaten bisher nicht.
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Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald-aanhangerskluborganiseerder: "Ek stem saam met Isaak: Ek het glad nie 'n goeie gevoel nie! Sal Duitsland weer net 0 punte by die ESC 2025 in Basel kry? Dit lyk baie daarna! Arme Duitse ESC-siel!"
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald-aanhangerskluborganiseerder: "Ek stem saam met Isaak: Ek het glad nie 'n goeie gevoel nie! Sal Duitsland weer net 0 punte by die ESC 2025 in Basel kry? Dit lyk baie daarna! Arme Duitse ESC-siel!"
Thüringen 24
"ESC is 'n saak vir die baas": Kykers neem die versperrings - "Dit kan nie waar wees nie"
Alina Effertz • 14 uur • 2 minute leestyd
Ná Stefan Raab se skouspelagtige terugkeer verlede jaar, is die vermaaklikheidster nou weer stewig gewortel in die Duitse televisielandskap. Een musikale projek lê die televisiester veral na aan die hart: die "Eurovision Song Contest". Saam met die uitsaaiers RTL en ARD het die 58-jarige nou die program “Chefsache ESC” op die been gebring.
Die doel van die veelbewoë vertoning: om vanjaar se kandidaat te vind wat Duitsland by die groot "ESC" sal verteenwoordig. Die wenner van die vertoning sal vanjaar na Basel reis en op een van die grootste verhoë in Europa optree. Maar reeds die tweede uitgawe van die talentprogram plaas die gehoor in 'n slegte bui.
"ESC is 'n saak vir die baas" staar die wind in die gesig
Gevestigde musikante en nuwelinge kon vooraf aanlyn aansoek doen vir die "Chefsache ESC". Na hierdie fase is die 24 beste kunstenaars in kennis gestel. Die sangers en bands moet nou hul vaardighede in altesaam drie skouspelagtige vertonings bewys, want net een van hulle sal in Mei 2025 op die groot “ESC”-verhoog in Switserland mag optree.
Saterdagaand (15 Januarie) saai RTL die tweede uitgawe van die groot musiekprogram uit. Barbara Schöneberger modereer die skouspel en vermaak die gehoor met haar humoristiese wyse Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld en Elton vorm die hoëprofiel-jurie wat die talent van die deelnemers evalueer. In die tweede uitgawe van die program gee Johannes Oerding ook sy kundige mening.
Maar ten spyte van top musikale optredes en vermaaklike besprekings onder die jurielede, lyk dit of “Chefsache ESC” nie besonder goed deur sommige kykers ontvang word nie. Daar is 'n aantal kritiese opmerkings op die sosiale media-toepassing X (voorheen Twitter). Kykers skryf onder meer:
"Dit kan nie waar wees dat hulle mense na die ESC stuur wat NIE KAN SING nie!"
“Aan die een kant is al die advertensies irriterend. Aan die ander kant is ek dankbaar vir die advertensies sodat ek kan herstel van die optredes.”
“Ek haat dit om dit te sê. Maar ons kort 'n Dieter Bohlen in die jurie wat regtig eerlik is ..."
"Die jurie se evaluasies klink na welwillende, gekodeerde getuigskrifte vir swak werknemerprestasie."
“Terselfdertyd kyk ek na die halfeindronde van die Melodienfestivalen in Swede. En selfs die kunstenaars waarvan ek nie hou nie, is beter as die optredes wat vandag optree.”
Die lys van kritiekpunte vir die "Chefsache ESC"-kykers is lank. Die kandidate kon tot dusver glo nie oortuig nie.
Dit moet nog gesien word wie uiteindelik Duitsland by die groot "Eurovision Song Contest" gaan verteenwoordig. Dit lyk in elk geval of Stefan Raab sy rol as jurielid ten volle geniet.
Astrid Lund - Trefnydd clwb ffan Betty MacDonald: "Rwy'n cytuno ag Isaak: does gen i ddim teimlad da o gwbl! A fydd yr Almaen yn cael dim ond 0 pwynt eto yn ESC 2025 yn Basel? Mae'n edrych yn debyg iawn iddo! Enaid ESC Almaeneg gwael!"
Astrid Lund - Trefnydd clwb ffan Betty MacDonald: "Rwy'n cytuno ag Isaak: does gen i ddim teimlad da o gwbl! A fydd yr Almaen yn cael dim ond 0 pwynt eto yn ESC 2025 yn Basel? Mae'n edrych yn debyg iawn iddo! Enaid ESC Almaeneg gwael!"
Thüringen 24
“Mater i’r bos yw ESC”: Mae gwylwyr yn mynd i’r barricades - “Ni all hyn fod yn wir”
Alina Effertz • 14 awr • 2 funud o amser darllen
Ar ôl dychweliad syfrdanol Stefan Raab y llynedd, mae'r diddanwr bellach wedi'i wreiddio'n gadarn yn nhirwedd teledu'r Almaen unwaith eto. Mae un prosiect cerddorol yn arbennig o agos at galon y seren deledu: yr “Eurovision Song Contest”. Ynghyd â’r darlledwyr RTL ac ARD, mae’r chwaraewr 58 oed bellach wedi sefydlu’r sioe “Chefsache ESC”.
Nod y sioe gyffrous: dod o hyd i ymgeisydd eleni a fydd yn cynrychioli'r Almaen yn yr “ESC” fawr. Bydd enillydd y sioe yn teithio i Basel eleni ac yn perfformio ar un o lwyfannau mwyaf Ewrop. Ond eisoes mae ail rifyn y sioe dalent yn rhoi'r gynulleidfa mewn hwyliau drwg.
“Mater i'r bos yw ESC” yn wynebu'r gwynt
Roedd cerddorion sefydledig a newydd-ddyfodiaid yn gallu gwneud cais ar-lein am y “Chefsache ESC” ymlaen llaw. Yn dilyn y cyfnod hwn, hysbyswyd y 24 o artistiaid gorau. Rhaid i’r cantorion a’r bandiau nawr brofi eu sgiliau mewn cyfanswm o dair sioe ysblennydd, oherwydd dim ond un ohonyn nhw fydd yn cael perfformio ar lwyfan mawr “ESC” yn y Swistir ym mis Mai 2025.
Nos Sadwrn (15 Ionawr) bydd RTL yn darlledu ail rifyn y sioe gerddoriaeth fawr. Barbara Schöneberger sy'n cymedroli'r olygfa ac yn diddanu'r gynulleidfa gyda'i dull doniol Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld ac Elton yw'r rheithgor proffil uchel sy'n gwerthuso dawn y cyfranogwyr. Yn ail rifyn y sioe, mae Johannes Oerding hefyd yn rhoi ei farn arbenigol.
Ond er gwaethaf perfformiadau cerddorol o fri a thrafodaethau difyr ymhlith aelodau’r rheithgor, nid yw’n ymddangos bod “Chefsache ESC” yn cael croeso arbennig gan rai gwylwyr. Mae yna nifer o sylwadau beirniadol ar ap cyfryngau cymdeithasol X (Twitter gynt). Mae gwylwyr yn ysgrifennu, ymhlith pethau eraill:
“Ni all fod yn wir eu bod yn anfon pobl i’r ESC NA ALLANT CANU!”
“Ar y naill law, mae’r holl hysbysebu yn annifyr. Ar y llaw arall, rwy’n ddiolchgar am yr hysbysebu fel y gallaf ddod dros y perfformiadau.”
“Mae'n gas gen i ei ddweud. Ond mae angen Dieter Bohlen ar y rheithgor sy’n onest iawn…”
“Mae gwerthusiadau’r rheithgor yn swnio fel tystebau caredig, wedi’u codio am berfformiad gwael gweithwyr.”
“Ar yr un pryd, rydw i’n gwylio rownd gynderfynol y Melodienfestivalen yn Sweden. Ac mae hyd yn oed yr artistiaid nad ydw i’n eu hoffi yn well na’r perfformwyr sy’n perfformio heddiw.”
Mae'r rhestr o bwyntiau beirniadaeth ar gyfer gwylwyr "Chefsache ESC" yn hir. Mae'n debyg nad yw'r ymgeiswyr wedi gallu argyhoeddi hyd yn hyn.
Mae'n dal i gael ei weld pwy fydd yn cynrychioli'r Almaen yn y “Eurovision Song Contest” fawr yn y pen draw. Beth bynnag, mae'n ymddangos bod Stefan Raab yn mwynhau ei rôl fel rheithiwr yn llawn.
Astrid Lund - Người tổ chức câu lạc bộ người hâm mộ Betty MacDonald: "Tôi đồng ý với Isaak: Tôi không có cảm giác tốt chút nào! Liệu Đức có chỉ giành được 0 điểm tại ESC 2025 ở Basel không? Có vẻ như vậy! Thật tội nghiệp cho linh hồn ESC của Đức!"
Astrid Lund - Người tổ chức câu lạc bộ người hâm mộ Betty MacDonald: "Tôi đồng ý với Isaak: Tôi không có cảm giác tốt chút nào! Liệu Đức có chỉ giành được 0 điểm tại ESC 2025 ở Basel không? Có vẻ như vậy! Thật tội nghiệp cho linh hồn ESC của Đức!"
Thüringen 24
“ESC là vấn đề của ông chủ”: Người xem xuống đường biểu tình – “Điều này không thể là sự thật”
Alina Effertz • 14 giờ • 2 phút thời gian đọc
Sau sự trở lại ngoạn mục của Stefan Raab vào năm ngoái, nghệ sĩ giải trí này hiện đã một lần nữa khẳng định vị thế của mình trên truyền hình Đức. Một dự án âm nhạc đặc biệt gần gũi với ngôi sao truyền hình này: “Cuộc thi ca khúc Eurovision”. Cùng với các đài truyền hình RTL và ARD, người đàn ông 58 tuổi này hiện đang thực hiện chương trình “Chefsache ESC”.
Mục đích của chương trình sôi động này là tìm ra ứng cử viên năm nay sẽ đại diện cho nước Đức tại cuộc thi lớn “ESC”. Người chiến thắng cuộc thi năm nay sẽ được tới Basel và biểu diễn trên một trong những sân khấu lớn nhất châu Âu. Nhưng ngay cả phiên bản thứ hai của chương trình tìm kiếm tài năng này cũng khiến khán giả không hài lòng.
“ESC là vấn đề của ông chủ” đang gặp phải sự phản đối
Các nhạc sĩ nổi tiếng và người mới có thể nộp đơn trực tuyến tham dự “Chefsache ESC” trước. Sau giai đoạn này, 24 nghệ sĩ xuất sắc nhất đã được công bố. Các ca sĩ và ban nhạc hiện phải chứng minh kỹ năng của mình trong tổng cộng ba chương trình hoành tráng, vì chỉ một trong số họ được phép biểu diễn trên sân khấu lớn “ESC” ở Thụy Sĩ vào tháng 5 năm 2025.
Vào tối thứ bảy (ngày 15 tháng 1), RTL sẽ phát sóng phiên bản thứ hai của chương trình ca nhạc lớn. Barbara Schöneberger điều hành chương trình và giải trí cho khán giả bằng cách cư xử hài hước của mình. Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld và Elton tạo thành ban giám khảo danh giá đánh giá tài năng của những người tham gia. Trong phiên bản thứ hai của chương trình, Johannes Oerding cũng đưa ra ý kiến chuyên môn của mình.
Nhưng bất chấp những màn trình diễn âm nhạc đỉnh cao và những cuộc thảo luận thú vị giữa các thành viên ban giám khảo, “Chefsache ESC” dường như không được một số khán giả đón nhận nồng nhiệt. Có một số bình luận chỉ trích về ứng dụng mạng xã hội X (trước đây là Twitter). Người xem viết, trong số những điều khác:
“Không thể nào họ lại gửi những người KHÔNG THỂ HÁT đến ESC được!”
“Một mặt, tất cả quảng cáo đều gây khó chịu. Mặt khác, tôi biết ơn quảng cáo để tôi có thể hồi phục sau buổi biểu diễn.”
“Tôi ghét phải nói điều này. Nhưng chúng ta cần một Dieter Bohlen thực sự trung thực trong ban giám khảo…”
“Đánh giá của ban giám khảo nghe giống như những lời chứng thực nhân từ, được mã hóa cho hiệu suất làm việc kém của nhân viên.”
“Cùng lúc đó, tôi đang xem vòng bán kết của Melodienfestivalen ở Thụy Điển. Và thậm chí những nghệ sĩ mà tôi không thích còn giỏi hơn những nghệ sĩ đang biểu diễn ngày hôm nay.”
Danh sách những điểm chỉ trích dành cho người xem “Chefsache ESC” thì rất dài. Có vẻ như cho đến nay các ứng cử viên vẫn chưa thể thuyết phục được.
Người ta vẫn chưa biết ai sẽ đại diện cho nước Đức tại cuộc thi “Eurovision Song Contest” lớn này. Trong mọi trường hợp, Stefan Raab dường như hoàn toàn thích thú với vai trò bồi thẩm đoàn của mình.
Astrid Lund - Betti MakDonald fan-klubi tashkilotchisi: "Isaakning fikriga qo'shilaman: Menda umuman yaxshi tuyg'u yo'q! Germaniya Bazeldagi ESC 2025da yana atigi 0 ochko oladimi? Bunga juda o'xshaydi! Bechora nemis ESC ruhi!"
Astrid Lund - Betti MakDonald fan-klubi tashkilotchisi: "Isaakning fikriga qo'shilaman: Menda umuman yaxshi tuyg'u yo'q! Germaniya Bazeldagi ESC 2025da yana atigi 0 ochko oladimi? Bunga juda o'xshaydi! Bechora nemis ESC ruhi!"
Tyuringen 24
"ESC - bu xo'jayinning ishi": Tomoshabinlar barrikadalarga borishadi - "Bu haqiqat bo'lishi mumkin emas"
Alina Effertz • 14 soat • 2 daqiqa o'qish vaqti
Stefan Raabning o'tgan yilgi ajoyib qaytishidan so'ng, ko'ngilochar endi yana nemis televideniesida mustahkam o'rnashib oldi. Bir musiqiy loyiha televidenie yulduzining qalbiga ayniqsa yaqin: "Evrovidenie qo'shiq tanlovi". 58 yoshli RTL va ARD teleradiokompaniyalari bilan birgalikda "Chefsache ESC" shousini tashkil qildi.
Voqealarga boy shouning maqsadi: Germaniyani yirik "ESC" da namoyish etadigan bu yilgi nomzodni topish. Ko‘rgazma g‘olibi bu yil Bazelga boradi va Yevropadagi eng katta sahnalardan birida chiqish qiladi. Ammo iste'dodlar shousining ikkinchi nashri tomoshabinlarni yomon kayfiyatga solmoqda.
"ESC - bu xo'jayin uchun masala" shamolga duch keladi
Tashkil etilgan musiqachilar va yangi kelganlar "Chefsache ESC" ga oldindan onlayn ariza topshirishlari mumkin edi. Ushbu bosqichdan so'ng 24 ta eng yaxshi rassomlar haqida xabar berildi. Xonandalar va guruhlar endi jami uchta ajoyib shouda o‘z mahoratlarini isbotlashlari kerak, chunki ulardan faqat bittasiga 2025-yil may oyida Shveytsariyadagi katta “ESC” sahnasida chiqishga ruxsat beriladi.
Shanba kuni kechqurun (15 yanvar) RTL katta musiqiy shouning ikkinchi nashrini efirga uzatadi. Barbara Schöneberger tomoshani boshqaradi va o'zining hazil-mutoyibalari bilan tomoshabinlarni xushnud etadi, Stefan Raab, Ivonne Catterfeld va Elton ishtirokchilarning iste'dodini baholaydigan yuqori darajadagi hakamlar hay'atini tashkil qiladi. Shouning ikkinchi nashrida Yoxannes Oerding ham o'zining ekspert fikrini beradi.
Ammo eng yaxshi musiqiy chiqishlar va hay'at a'zolari o'rtasidagi qiziqarli munozaralarga qaramay, "Chefsache ESC" ba'zi tomoshabinlar tomonidan unchalik yaxshi qabul qilinmaganga o'xshaydi. Ijtimoiy media ilovasi X (ilgari Twitter) haqida bir qancha tanqidiy mulohazalar mavjud. Tomoshabinlar boshqa narsalar qatorida yozadilar:
"Qo'shiq ayta olmaydigan odamlarni ESCga yuborishlari haqiqat bo'lishi mumkin emas!"
“Bir tomondan, barcha reklamalar zerikarli. Boshqa tomondan, spektakllardan tuzalib ketishim uchun reklama uchun minnatdorman”.
“Men buni aytishni yomon ko'raman. Ammo bizga hakamlar hay'atida rostgo'y Diter Bolen kerak..."
"Hakamlar hay'atining baholashlari xodimlarning yomon ishlashi uchun xayrixoh, kodlangan guvohliklarga o'xshaydi."
“Shu bilan birga, men Shvetsiyadagi “Melodienfestivalen” musobaqasining yarim finalini tomosha qilyapman. Hatto men yoqtirmaydigan san'atkorlar ham bugungi kundagi chiqishlardan yaxshiroq."
"Chefsache ESC" tomoshabinlari uchun tanqidiy fikrlar ro'yxati juda katta. Aftidan, nomzodlar hozircha ishontira olmagan.
Katta "Evrovidenie" qo'shiq tanlovida Germaniyani kim vakillik qilishini ko'rish kerak. Har holda, Stefan Raab hakamlar hay'ati rolidan to'liq rohatlanayotganga o'xshaydi.
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald szurkolói klub szervezője: "Egyetértek Isaakkal: egyáltalán nincs jó érzésem! Németország megint csak 0 pontot kap a bázeli ESC 2025-ön? Nagyon úgy néz ki! Szegény német ESC lélek!"
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald szurkolói klub szervezője: "Egyetértek Isaakkal: egyáltalán nincs jó érzésem! Németország megint csak 0 pontot kap a bázeli ESC 2025-ön? Nagyon úgy néz ki! Szegény német ESC lélek!"
Thüringen 24
„Az ESC a főnök dolga”: Barikádokra mennek a nézők – „Ez nem lehet igaz”
Alina Effertz • 14 óra • 2 perc olvasási idő
Stefan Raab tavalyi látványos visszatérése után az előadóművész most ismét szilárdan gyökerezik a német televíziózásban. Egy zenei projekt különösen közel áll a televíziós sztár szívéhez: az „Eurovíziós Dalfesztivál”. Az 58 éves férfi az RTL és az ARD műsorszolgáltatókkal közösen létrehozta a Chefsache ESC című műsort.
Az eseménydús műsor célja: megtalálni azt az idei jelöltet, aki képviseli Németországot a nagy „ESC-n”. A show győztese idén Bázelbe utazik, és Európa egyik legnagyobb színpadán lép fel. Ám a tehetségkutató műsorának már a második kiadása rossz hangulatba hozza a közönséget.
Az „ESC a főnök dolga” szembeszel ellenszéllel
A „Chefsache ESC”-re előzetesen online jelentkezhettek a bejáratott zenészek és az újoncok. Ezt követően a 24 legjobb művészt értesítették. Az énekeseknek és zenekaroknak most összesen három látványos show-ban kell bizonyítaniuk tudásukat, mert 2025 májusában csak egyikük léphet fel a svájci „ESC” nagyszínpadon.
Szombaton (január 15-én) az RTL sugározza a nagy zenei műsor második kiadását. Barbara Schöneberger moderálja a látványt, és humoros modorával szórakoztatja a közönséget, Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld és Elton alkotja a résztvevők tehetségét értékelő rangos zsűrit. A műsor második számában Johannes Oerding is elmondja szakértői véleményét.
De a kiváló zenei előadások és a zsűritagok közötti szórakoztató beszélgetések ellenére úgy tűnik, hogy a „Chefsache ESC”-t egyes nézők nem fogadják különösebben. Számos kritikus megjegyzés érkezett az X közösségimédia-alkalmazáshoz (korábban Twitter). A nézők többek között ezt írják:
„Nem lehet igaz, hogy olyan embereket küldenek az ESC-be, akik NEM TUDNAK ÉNEKELNI!”
„Egyrészt bosszantó minden reklám. Másrészt hálás vagyok a reklámért, hogy fel tudjak gyógyulni az előadásokból.”
„Utálom kimondani. De szükségünk van egy Dieter Bohlenre a zsűribe, aki igazán őszinte…”
„A zsűri értékelései jóindulatú, kódolt ajánlások a rossz alkalmazotti teljesítményről.”
„Ugyanakkor a svédországi Melodienfestivalen elődöntőjét nézem. És még azok a művészek is, akiket nem szeretek, jobbak, mint azok, akik ma fellépnek.”
A „Chefsache ESC” nézői számára kifogásolható pontok listája hosszú. A jelölteket láthatóan eddig nem sikerült meggyőzni.
Kiderül, ki képviseli végül Németországot a nagy „Eurovíziós Dalfesztiválon”. Mindenesetre úgy tűnik, Stefan Raab teljes mértékben élvezi a zsűritag szerepét.
Astrid Lund, orhanizator fan-klubu Betti Makdonalʹd: «YA z·hodna z Isaakom: u mene zovsim nepryyemne vidchuttya! Chy Nimechchyna znovu otrymaye lyshe 0 baliv na ESC 2025 u Bazeli? Skhozhe na tse! Bidna nimetsʹka dusha ESC!»
Астрід Лунд, організатор фан-клубу Бетті Макдональд: «Я згодна з Ісааком: у мене зовсім неприємне відчуття! Чи Німеччина знову отримає лише 0 балів на ESC 2025 у Базелі? Схоже на це! Бідна німецька душа ESC!»
Thüringen 24
«ESC – справа боса»: глядачі виходять на барикади – «Це не може бути правдою»
Аліна Ефферц • 14 годин • 2 хвилини читання
Після вражаючого повернення Штефана Рааба минулого року артист знову міцно вкоренився на німецькому телебаченні. Один музичний проект особливо близький телевізійній зірці – «Пісенний конкурс Євробачення». Спільно з телекомпаніями RTL і ARD 58-річний хлопець створив шоу Chefsache ESC.
Мета насиченого подіями шоу: знайти цьогорічного кандидата, який представлятиме Німеччину на великому “ESC”. Переможець шоу цього року поїде до Базеля та виступить на одній із найбільших сцен Європи. Але вже другий випуск талант-шоу псує глядачам настрій.
«ESC — це справа боса» зустрічає зустрічний вітер
Як відомі музиканти, так і новачки могли заздалегідь подати онлайн заявку на участь у «Chefsache ESC». Після цього етапу було оголошено 24 найкращих художника. Тепер співаки та гурти мають продемонструвати свою майстерність у трьох видовищних шоу, адже лише одному з них буде дозволено виступити на великій сцені ESC у Швейцарії у травні 2025 року.
У суботу ввечері (15 січня) RTL транслюватиме другий випуск великого музичного шоу. Барбара Шенебергер модерує видовище та розважає публіку своєю гумористичною манерою Стефан Рааб, Івонн Каттерфельд та Елтон утворюють високопоставлене журі, яке оцінює талант учасників. У другому випуску шоу свою експертну думку висловлює й Йоганнес Ердінг.
Але, незважаючи на високі музичні виступи та веселі дискусії серед членів журі, «Chefsache ESC», схоже, не дуже добре сприймається деякими глядачами. Є низка критичних коментарів щодо програми соціальних мереж X (раніше Twitter). Серед іншого глядачі пишуть:
«Не може бути правдою, що до ESC посилають людей, які НЕ ВМІЮТЬ СПІВАТИ!»
«З одного боку, вся реклама дратує. З іншого боку, я вдячний за рекламу, щоб я міг відновитися після виступів».
«Мені неприємно це говорити. Але нам потрібен Дітер Болен у журі, який буде справді чесним…»
«Оцінки журі звучать як доброзичливі, закодовані відгуки про низьку роботу співробітників».
«У той же час я дивлюся півфінал Melodienfestivalen у Швеції. І навіть ті артисти, які мені не подобаються, кращі за виконавців, які виступають сьогодні».
Список критики для глядачів «Chefsache ESC» довгий. Кандидати, очевидно, поки що не змогли переконати.
Залишається невідомо, хто врешті-решт представлятиме Німеччину на великому пісенному конкурсі «Євробачення». У будь-якому випадку Стефан Рааб, схоже, повністю насолоджується своєю роллю присяжного.
Astrid Lund, orhanizator fan-klubu Betti Makdonalʹd: «YA z·hodna z Isaakom: u mene zovsim nepryyemne vidchuttya! Chy Nimechchyna znovu otrymaye lyshe 0 baliv na ESC 2025 u Bazeli? Skhozhe na tse! Bidna nimetsʹka dusha ESC!»
Thüringen 24
«ESC – sprava bosa»: hlyadachi vykhodyatʹ na barykady – «Tse ne mozhe buty pravdoyu»
Alina Efferts • 14 hodyn • 2 khvylyny chytannya
Pislya vrazhayuchoho povernennya Shtefana Raaba mynuloho roku artyst znovu mitsno vkorenyvsya na nimetsʹkomu telebachenni. Odyn muzychnyy proekt osoblyvo blyzʹkyy televiziyniy zirtsi – «Pisennyy konkurs Yevrobachennya». Spilʹno z telekompaniyamy RTL i ARD 58-richnyy khlopetsʹ stvoryv shou Chefsache ESC.
Meta nasychenoho podiyamy shou: znayty tsʹohorichnoho kandydata, yakyy predstavlyatyme Nimechchynu na velykomu “ESC”. Peremozhetsʹ shou tsʹoho roku poyide do Bazelya ta vystupytʹ na odniy iz naybilʹshykh stsen Yevropy. Ale vzhe druhyy vypusk talant-shou psuye hlyadacham nastriy.
«ESC — tse sprava bosa» zustrichaye zustrichnyy viter
Yak vidomi muzykanty, tak i novachky mohly zazdalehidʹ podaty onlayn zayavku na uchastʹ u «Chefsache ESC». Pislya tsʹoho etapu bulo oholosheno 24 naykrashchykh khudozhnyka. Teper spivaky ta hurty mayutʹ prodemonstruvaty svoyu maysternistʹ u trʹokh vydovyshchnykh shou, adzhe lyshe odnomu z nykh bude dozvoleno vystupyty na velykiy stseni ESC u Shveytsariyi u travni 2025 roku.
U subotu vvecheri (15 sichnya) RTL translyuvatyme druhyy vypusk velykoho muzychnoho shou. Barbara Sheneberher moderuye vydovyshche ta rozvazhaye publiku svoyeyu humorystychnoyu maneroyu Stefan Raab, Ivonn Katterfelʹd ta Elton utvoryuyutʹ vysokopostavlene zhuri, yake otsinyuye talant uchasnykiv. U druhomu vypusku shou svoyu ekspertnu dumku vyslovlyuye y Yohannes Erdinh.
Ale, nezvazhayuchy na vysoki muzychni vystupy ta veseli dyskusiyi sered chleniv zhuri, «Chefsache ESC», skhozhe, ne duzhe dobre spryymayetʹsya deyakymy hlyadachamy. YE nyzka krytychnykh komentariv shchodo prohramy sotsialʹnykh merezh X (ranishe Twitter). Sered inshoho hlyadachi pyshutʹ:
«Ne mozhe buty pravdoyu, shcho do ESC posylayutʹ lyudey, yaki NE VMIYUTʹ SPIVATY!»
«Z odnoho boku, vsya reklama dratuye. Z inshoho boku, ya vdyachnyy za reklamu, shchob ya mih vidnovytysya pislya vystupiv».
«Meni nepryyemno tse hovoryty. Ale nam potriben Diter Bolen u zhuri, yakyy bude spravdi chesnym…»
«Otsinky zhuri zvuchatʹ yak dobrozychlyvi, zakodovani vidhuky pro nyzʹku robotu spivrobitnykiv».
«U toy zhe chas ya dyvlyusya pivfinal Melodienfestivalen u Shvetsiyi. I navitʹ ti artysty, yaki meni ne podobayutʹsya, krashchi za vykonavtsiv, yaki vystupayutʹ sʹohodni».
Spysok krytyky dlya hlyadachiv «Chefsache ESC» dovhyy. Kandydaty, ochevydno, poky shcho ne zmohly perekonaty.
Zalyshayetʹsya nevidomo, khto vreshti-resht predstavlyatyme Nimechchynu na velykomu pisennomu konkursi «Yevrobachennya». U budʹ-yakomu vypadku Stefan Raab, skhozhe, povnistyu nasolodzhuyetʹsya svoyeyu rollyu prysyazhnoho.
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fan kulübü organizatörü: "Isaak'a katılıyorum: Hiç iyi bir hissim yok! Almanya Basel'deki ESC 2025'te yine sadece 0 puan mı alacak? Çok benziyor! Zavallı Alman ESC ruhu!"
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fan kulübü organizatörü: "Isaak'a katılıyorum: Hiç iyi bir hissim yok! Almanya Basel'deki ESC 2025'te yine sadece 0 puan mı alacak? Çok benziyor! Zavallı Alman ESC ruhu!"
Thüringen 24
“ESC patronun meselesidir”: İzleyiciler barikatlara yöneldi – “Bu doğru olamaz”
Alina Effertz • 14 saat • 2 dakika okuma süresi
Geçtiğimiz yıl Stefan Raab'ın muhteşem geri dönüşünün ardından ünlü sanatçı, Alman televizyon dünyasında yeniden sağlam bir yer edindi. Televizyon yıldızının kalbine özellikle yakın olan bir müzik projesi var: "Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması". 58 yaşındaki isim, RTL ve ARD televizyon kanallarıyla birlikte "Chefsache ESC" adlı programı hazırladı.
Hareketli gösterinin amacı: Bu yıl Almanya'yı büyük "ESC"de temsil edecek adayı bulmak. Yarışmanın galibi bu yıl Basel'e gidecek ve Avrupa'nın en büyük sahnelerinden birinde sahne alacak. Ancak yetenek yarışmasının ikinci edisyonu şimdiden izleyicileri kötü bir ruh haline sokmaya başladı.
“ESC patronun meselesidir” karşı rüzgarla karşı karşıya
Hem deneyimli müzisyenler hem de yeni başlayanlar “Chefsache ESC” için önceden online başvuruda bulunabildiler. Bu aşamanın ardından en iyi 24 sanatçıya bildirim yapıldı. Şarkıcılar ve grupların şimdi toplamda üç muhteşem gösteride yeteneklerini kanıtlamaları gerekiyor, çünkü bunlardan yalnızca birinin 2025 Mayıs ayında İsviçre'deki büyük "ESC" sahnesinde sahne almasına izin verilecek.
Cumartesi akşamı (15 Ocak) RTL büyük müzik şovunun ikinci edisyonunu yayınlayacak. Barbara Schöneberger gösteriyi yönetiyor ve esprili tavrıyla izleyicileri eğlendiriyor. Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld ve Elton, katılımcıların yeteneklerini değerlendiren yüksek profilli jüriyi oluşturuyor. Programın ikinci edisyonunda Johannes Oerding de uzman görüşünü sunuyor.
Ancak jüri üyelerinin keyifli tartışmaları ve üst düzey müzik performanslarına rağmen, “Chefsache ESC” bazı izleyiciler tarafından pek de iyi karşılanmamış gibi görünüyor. Sosyal medya uygulaması X (eski adıyla Twitter) hakkında çok sayıda eleştirel yorum var. İzleyiciler, diğer şeylerin yanı sıra şunları yazıyor:
"ŞARKI SÖYLEYEMEYEN insanları ESC'ye gönderdikleri doğru olamaz!"
“Bir yandan da bütün bu reklamlar can sıkıcı. Öte yandan reklam sayesinde performansların yorgunluğunu atabiliyorum.”
"Bunu söylemekten nefret ediyorum. Ama jüride gerçekten dürüst bir Dieter Bohlen'e ihtiyacımız var…”
"Jürinin değerlendirmeleri, çalışanların kötü performansına yönelik iyi niyetli, şifreli tanıklıklar gibi görünüyor."
“Aynı zamanda İsveç'teki Melodienfestivalen'in yarı finallerini izliyorum. Ve sevmediğim sanatçılar bile bugün sahne alan sanatçılardan daha iyiler.”
“Chefsache ESC” izleyicilerinin eleştirebileceği noktaların listesi uzun. Adaylar şu ana kadar ikna etmeyi başaramadı.
Almanya'yı büyük "Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması"nda kimin temsil edeceği ise henüz belli değil. Her halükarda Stefan Raab, jüri üyeliği rolünün tadını sonuna kadar çıkarıyor gibi görünüyor.
Astrid Lund - organizátorka fanklubu Betty MacDonald: "Souhlasím s Isaakem: Nemám vůbec dobrý pocit! Získá Německo na ESC 2025 v Basileji opět jen 0 bodů? Vypadá to velmi podobně! Chudák duše německého ESC!"
Astrid Lund - organizátorka fanklubu Betty MacDonald: "Souhlasím s Isaakem: Nemám vůbec dobrý pocit! Získá Německo na ESC 2025 v Basileji opět jen 0 bodů? Vypadá to velmi podobně! Chudák duše německého ESC!"
Durynsko 24
„ESC je záležitost pro šéfa“: Diváci jdou na barikády – „To nemůže být pravda“
Alina Effertz • 14 hodin • 2 minuty čtení
Po loňském velkolepém comebacku Stefana Raaba je nyní bavič opět pevně zakořeněn v německé televizní krajině. Srdci televizní hvězdy je obzvláště blízký jeden hudební projekt: „Eurovision Song Contest“. Spolu s televizními stanicemi RTL a ARD nyní osmapadesátiletý muž připravil pořad „Chefsache ESC“.
Cíl rušné show: najít letošního kandidáta, který bude reprezentovat Německo na velkém „ESC“. Vítěz show letos pojede do Basileje a vystoupí na jednom z největších pódií v Evropě. Už druhý ročník talentové show ale kazí diváky.
„ESC je záležitostí šéfa“ čelí protivětru
Zavedení hudebníci a nováčci se mohli o „Chefsache ESC“ předem přihlásit online. Po této fázi bylo oznámeno 24 nejlepších umělců. Zpěváci a kapely nyní musí prokázat své dovednosti v celkem třech velkolepých show, protože pouze jednomu z nich bude v květnu 2025 umožněno vystoupit na velkém pódiu „ESC“ ve Švýcarsku.
V sobotu večer (15. ledna) odvysílá RTL druhý ročník velké hudební show. Barbara Schöneberger moderuje podívanou a baví diváky svým vtipným způsobem Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld a Elton tvoří vysoce postavenou porotu, která hodnotí talent účastníků. Ve druhém vydání pořadu podává svůj odborný názor i Johannes Oerding.
Ale navzdory špičkovým hudebním výkonům a zábavným diskusím mezi členy poroty se nezdá být „Chefsache ESC“ některými diváky příliš dobře přijat. Existuje řada kritických komentářů k aplikaci X sociálních médií (dříve Twitter). Diváci píší mimo jiné:
"Nemůže být pravda, že do ESC posílají lidi, kteří NEUMÍ ZPÍVAT!"
„Na jednu stranu je veškerá reklama otravná. Na druhou stranu jsem vděčný za reklamu, abych se mohl vzpamatovat z výkonů.“
"Nerad to říkám." Ale potřebujeme v porotě Dietera Bohlena, který je opravdu čestný…“
"Hodnocení poroty zní jako benevolentní, kódovaná svědectví o špatném výkonu zaměstnanců."
„Zároveň sleduji semifinále Melodienfestivalen ve Švédsku. A dokonce i umělci, které nemám rád, jsou lepší než ti, kteří dnes vystupují."
Seznam kritických bodů pro diváky „Chefsache ESC“ je dlouhý. Kandidáty se zřejmě zatím nepodařilo přesvědčit.
Uvidí se, kdo bude nakonec reprezentovat Německo na velké „Eurovision Song Contest“. Každopádně se zdá, že Stefan Raab si roli porotce plně užívá.
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fanklubbarrangör: "Jag håller med Isaak: Jag har ingen bra känsla alls! Kommer Tyskland bara få 0 poäng igen på ESC 2025 i Basel? Det ser väldigt ut som det! Stackars tysk ESC-själ!"
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fanklubbarrangör: "Jag håller med Isaak: Jag har ingen bra känsla alls! Kommer Tyskland bara få 0 poäng igen på ESC 2025 i Basel? Det ser väldigt ut som det! Stackars tysk ESC-själ!"
Thüringen 24
"ESC är en fråga för chefen": Tittarna tar sig till barrikaderna - "Detta kan inte vara sant"
Alina Effertz • 14 timmar • 2 minuter lästid
Efter Stefan Raabs spektakulära comeback förra året är underhållaren nu stadigt förankrad i det tyska tv-landskapet igen. Ett musikaliskt projekt ligger tv-stjärnan särskilt varmt om hjärtat: "Eurovision Song Contest". Tillsammans med TV-bolagen RTL och ARD har 58-åringen nu satt upp showen "Chefsache ESC".
Syftet med den händelserika showen: att hitta årets kandidat som kommer att representera Tyskland på det stora "ESC". Vinnaren av showen kommer att resa till Basel i år och uppträda på en av de största scenerna i Europa. Men redan den andra upplagan av talangshowen gör publiken på dåligt humör.
"ESC är en fråga för chefen" möter motvind
Etablerade musiker och nykomlingar kunde i förväg ansöka online till "Chefsache ESC". Efter denna fas meddelades de 24 bästa artisterna. Sångarna och banden måste nu bevisa sina färdigheter i totalt tre spektakulära shower, eftersom endast en av dem kommer att få uppträda på den stora "ESC"-scenen i Schweiz i maj 2025.
På lördag kväll (15 januari) sänder RTL den andra upplagan av den stora musikshowen. Barbara Schöneberger modererar spektaklet och underhåller publiken med sitt humoristiska sätt Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld och Elton utgör den högprofilerade jury som utvärderar deltagarnas talang. I den andra upplagan av showen ger Johannes Oerding också sitt expertutlåtande.
Men trots toppmusikaliska framträdanden och underhållande diskussioner bland jurymedlemmarna verkar "Chefsache ESC" inte bli särskilt väl mottagen av vissa tittare. Det finns en rad kritiska kommentarer på sociala medier-appen X (tidigare Twitter). Tittarna skriver bland annat:
"Det kan inte vara sant att de skickar folk till ESC som INTE KAN SJANGE!"
”Å ena sidan är all reklam irriterande. Å andra sidan är jag tacksam för annonseringen så att jag kan återhämta mig från föreställningarna.”
"Jag hatar att säga det. Men vi behöver en Dieter Bohlen i juryn som är riktigt ärlig...”
"Juryns utvärderingar låter som välvilliga, kodade vittnesmål för dåliga anställdas prestationer."
"Samtidigt tittar jag på semifinalerna i Melodienfestivalen i Sverige. Och även de artister jag inte gillar är bättre än de akter som uppträder idag."
Listan över kritikpunkter för "Chefsache ESC"-tittarna är lång. Kandidaterna har tydligen inte lyckats övertyga hittills.
Det återstår att se vem som i slutändan kommer att representera Tyskland vid den stora "Eurovision Song Contest". Stefan Raab verkar i alla fall trivas till fullo i sin roll som jurymedlem.
Astrid Lund - Betty NicDhòmhnaill eagraiche cluba luchd-leantainn: "Tha mi ag aontachadh le Isaak: chan eil faireachdainn math agam idir! Am faigh a’ Ghearmailt ach 0 puingean a-rithist aig ESC 2025 ann am Basel? Tha e a’ coimhead glè choltach ris! Anam bochd Gearmailteach ESC!"
Astrid Lund - Betty NicDhòmhnaill eagraiche cluba luchd-leantainn: "Tha mi ag aontachadh le Isaak: chan eil faireachdainn math agam idir! Am faigh a’ Ghearmailt ach 0 puingean a-rithist aig ESC 2025 ann am Basel? Tha e a’ coimhead glè choltach ris! Anam bochd Gearmailteach ESC!"
Ceum 24
“Tha ESC na chùis don cheannard”: Bidh luchd-amhairc a’ gabhail ris na barricades - “Chan urrainn dha seo a bhith fìor"
Alina Effertz • 14 uairean • 2 mhionaid ùine leughaidh
Às deidh tilleadh iongantach Stefan Raab an-uiridh, tha am fèistear a-nis freumhaichte gu daingeann ann an cruth-tìre telebhisean na Gearmailt a-rithist. Tha aon phròiseact ciùil gu sònraichte faisg air cridhe an rionnag telebhisean: an “Eurovision Song Contest”. Còmhla ris na craoladairean RTL agus ARD, tha an duine 58-bliadhna a-nis air an taisbeanadh “Chefsache ESC” a chuir air dòigh.
Amas an taisbeanaidh inntinneach: tagraiche na bliadhna-sa a lorg a bhios a’ riochdachadh na Gearmailt aig an “ESC” mhòr. Bidh buannaiche an taisbeanaidh a’ siubhal gu Basel am-bliadhna agus a’ cluich air aon de na h-ìrean as motha san Roinn Eòrpa. Ach mu thràth tha an dàrna deasachadh den taisbeanadh tàlant a’ cur an luchd-èisteachd ann an droch shunnd.
Tha “ESC na chùis don cheannard” mu choinneimh na cinn
Bha e comasach dha luchd-ciùil stèidhichte agus daoine ùra tagradh a dhèanamh air-loidhne airson an “Chefsache ESC” ro-làimh. Às deidh na h-ìre seo, chaidh fios a chuir chun 24 neach-ealain as fheàrr. Feumaidh na seinneadairean agus na còmhlain a-nis na sgilean aca a dhearbhadh ann an trì taisbeanaidhean iongantach, oir chan fhaod ach aon dhiubh cluich air àrd-ùrlar mòr “ESC” san Eilbheis sa Chèitean 2025.
Air feasgar Disathairne (15 Faoilleach) bidh RTL a’ craoladh an dàrna deasachadh den taisbeanadh ciùil mòr. Bidh Barbara Schöneberger a’ tomhas an t-seallaidh agus a’ toirt aoigheachd don luchd-èisteachd leis an dòigh èibhinn aice. Tha Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld agus Elton mar an diùraidh àrd-ìomhaigh a bhios a’ measadh tàlant nan com-pàirtichean. Anns an dàrna deasachadh den taisbeanadh, tha Johannes Oerding cuideachd a 'toirt seachad a bheachd eòlaiche.
Ach a dh’ aindeoin prìomh thaisbeanaidhean ciùil agus còmhraidhean inntinneach am measg buill an diùraidh, chan eil coltas gu bheil cuid de luchd-amhairc a’ faighinn fàilte shònraichte air “Chefsache ESC”. Tha grunn bheachdan èiginneach air an app meadhanan sòisealta X (Twitter roimhe). Bidh luchd-amhairc a’ sgrìobhadh, am measg rudan eile:
“Chan urrainn dha a bhith fìor gun cuir iad daoine chun ESC nach urrainn seinn!”
“Air an aon làimh, tha an t-sanasachd gu lèir neònach. Air an làimh eile, tha mi taingeil airson an t-sanasachd gus am faigh mi air ais bho na cuirmean.”
“Is fuath leam a ràdh. Ach feumaidh sinn Dieter Bohlen air an diùraidh a tha dha-rìribh onarach…”
“Tha measaidhean an diùraidh coltach ri teisteanasan math, còdaichte airson droch choileanadh luchd-obrach."
“Aig an aon àm, tha mi a’ coimhead iar-chuairtean deireannach an Melodienfestivelen san t-Suain. Agus tha eadhon an luchd-ealain nach toil leam nas fheàrr na na cleasan a tha a’ coileanadh an-diugh.”
Tha an liosta de phuingean càineadh airson an luchd-amhairc “Chefsache ESC” fada. Tha e coltach nach robh e comasach dha na tagraichean a chreidsinn gu ruige seo.
Tha e fhathast ri fhaicinn cò a bhios a’ riochdachadh na Gearmailt aig a’ cheann thall aig an “Eurovision Song Contest”. Co-dhiù, tha e coltach gu bheil Stefan Raab a’ còrdadh ris a dhreuchd mar neach-diùraidh.
Astrid Lund - organizator fan-kluba Betti Makdonal'd: «YA soglasna s Ayzekom: u menya sovsem nekhorosheye predchuvstviye! Neuzheli Germaniya snova poluchit tol'ko 0 ochkov na Yevrovidenii 2025 v Bazele? Ochen' pokhozhe na eto! Bednaya nemetskaya dusha Yevrovideniya!»
Астрид Лунд - организатор фан-клуба Бетти Макдональд: «Я согласна с Айзеком: у меня совсем нехорошее предчувствие! Неужели Германия снова получит только 0 очков на Евровидении 2025 в Базеле? Очень похоже на это! Бедная немецкая душа Евровидения!»
Тюринген 24
«Евровидение — это дело босса»: зрители выходят на баррикады — «Это не может быть правдой»
Алина Эфферц • 14 часов • 2 минуты времени чтения
После впечатляющего возвращения Штефана Рааба в прошлом году этот артист снова прочно обосновался на немецком телевидении. Один музыкальный проект особенно близок сердцу телезвезды: «Евровидение». Совместно с вещательными компаниями RTL и ARD 58-летний мужчина создал шоу «Chefsache ESC».
Цель насыщенного событиями шоу: найти кандидата этого года, который представит Германию на большом «Евровидении». Победитель шоу в этом году отправится в Базель и выступит на одной из крупнейших сцен Европы. Однако уже второй выпуск шоу талантов портит настроение зрителям.
«ESC — это дело босса» сталкивается с встречным ветром
Известные музыканты и новички могли заранее подать заявку на участие в «Chefsache ESC» онлайн. По итогам этого этапа были оповещены 24 лучших художника. Теперь певцам и группам предстоит доказать свое мастерство в трех зрелищных шоу, поскольку только одному из них будет разрешено выступить на большой сцене «Евровидения» в Швейцарии в мае 2025 года.
В субботу вечером (15 января) телеканал RTL будет транслировать второй выпуск большого музыкального шоу. Барбара Шёнебергер руководит представлением и развлекает публику своим юмористическим стилем. Штефан Рааб, Ивонн Каттерфельд и Элтон образуют авторитетное жюри, которое оценивает талант участников. Во втором выпуске шоу свое экспертное мнение также высказывает Йоханнес Эрдинг.
Однако, несмотря на первоклассные музыкальные выступления и занимательные дискуссии среди членов жюри, «Chefsache ESC», похоже, не был особенно хорошо принят некоторыми зрителями. В адрес приложения социальной сети X (ранее Twitter) появилось множество критических комментариев. Зрители пишут, среди прочего:
«Не может быть, чтобы на Евровидение отправляли людей, которые НЕ УМЕЮТ ПЕТЬ!»
«С одной стороны, вся эта реклама раздражает. С другой стороны, я благодарен за рекламу, которая позволяет мне восстанавливаться после выступлений».
«Мне неприятно это говорить. Но нам нужен Дитер Болен в составе присяжных, который действительно честен...»
«Оценки присяжных звучат как благожелательные, закодированные отзывы о плохой работе сотрудников».
«В это же время я смотрю полуфинал Melodienfestivalen в Швеции. И даже артисты, которые мне не нравятся, лучше тех, кто выступает сегодня».
Список критических замечаний зрителей «Chefsache ESC» можно продолжать долго. Кандидатам, судя по всему, пока не удалось убедить своих сторонников.
Пока неизвестно, кто в конечном итоге представит Германию на большом «конкурсе песни Евровидение». В любом случае, Стефан Рааб, похоже, в полной мере наслаждается своей ролью присяжного.
Astrid Lund - organizator fan-kluba Betti Makdonal'd: «YA soglasna s Ayzekom: u menya sovsem nekhorosheye predchuvstviye! Neuzheli Germaniya snova poluchit tol'ko 0 ochkov na Yevrovidenii 2025 v Bazele? Ochen' pokhozhe na eto! Bednaya nemetskaya dusha Yevrovideniya!»
Tyuringen 24
«Yevrovideniye — eto delo bossa»: zriteli vykhodyat na barrikady — «Eto ne mozhet byt' pravdoy»
Alina Efferts • 14 chasov • 2 minuty vremeni chteniya
Posle vpechatlyayushchego vozvrashcheniya Shtefana Raaba v proshlom godu etot artist snova prochno obosnovalsya na nemetskom televidenii. Odin muzykal'nyy proyekt osobenno blizok serdtsu telezvezdy: «Yevrovideniye». Sovmestno s veshchatel'nymi kompaniyami RTL i ARD 58-letniy muzhchina sozdal shou «Chefsache ESC».
Tsel' nasyshchennogo sobytiyami shou: nayti kandidata etogo goda, kotoryy predstavit Germaniyu na bol'shom «Yevrovidenii». Pobeditel' shou v etom godu otpravitsya v Bazel' i vystupit na odnoy iz krupneyshikh stsen Yevropy. Odnako uzhe vtoroy vypusk shou talantov portit nastroyeniye zritelyam.
«ESC — eto delo bossa» stalkivayetsya s vstrechnym vetrom
Izvestnyye muzykanty i novichki mogli zaraneye podat' zayavku na uchastiye v «Chefsache ESC» onlayn. Po itogam etogo etapa byli opoveshcheny 24 luchshikh khudozhnika. Teper' pevtsam i gruppam predstoit dokazat' svoye masterstvo v trekh zrelishchnykh shou, poskol'ku tol'ko odnomu iz nikh budet razresheno vystupit' na bol'shoy stsene «Yevrovideniya» v Shveytsarii v maye 2025 goda.
V subbotu vecherom (15 yanvarya) telekanal RTL budet translirovat' vtoroy vypusk bol'shogo muzykal'nogo shou. Barbara Shoneberger rukovodit predstavleniyem i razvlekayet publiku svoim yumoristicheskim stilem. Shtefan Raab, Ivonn Katterfel'd i Elton obrazuyut avtoritetnoye zhyuri, kotoroye otsenivayet talant uchastnikov. Vo vtorom vypuske shou svoye ekspertnoye mneniye takzhe vyskazyvayet Yokhannes Erding.
Odnako, nesmotrya na pervoklassnyye muzykal'nyye vystupleniya i zanimatel'nyye diskussii sredi chlenov zhyuri, «Chefsache ESC», pokhozhe, ne byl osobenno khorosho prinyat nekotorymi zritelyami. V adres prilozheniya sotsial'noy seti X (raneye Twitter) poyavilos' mnozhestvo kriticheskikh kommentariyev. Zriteli pishut, sredi prochego:
«Ne mozhet byt', chtoby na Yevrovideniye otpravlyali lyudey, kotoryye NE UMEYUT PET'!»
«S odnoy storony, vsya eta reklama razdrazhayet. S drugoy storony, ya blagodaren za reklamu, kotoraya pozvolyayet mne vosstanavlivat'sya posle vystupleniy».
«Mne nepriyatno eto govorit'. No nam nuzhen Diter Bolen v sostave prisyazhnykh, kotoryy deystvitel'no chesten...»
«Otsenki prisyazhnykh zvuchat kak blagozhelatel'nyye, zakodirovannyye otzyvy o plokhoy rabote sotrudnikov».
«V eto zhe vremya ya smotryu polufinal Melodienfestivalen v Shvetsii. I dazhe artisty, kotoryye mne ne nravyatsya, luchshe tekh, kto vystupayet segodnya».
Spisok kriticheskikh zamechaniy zriteley «Chefsache ESC» mozhno prodolzhat' dolgo. Kandidatam, sudya po vsemu, poka ne udalos' ubedit' svoikh storonnikov.
Poka neizvestno, kto v konechnom itoge predstavit Germaniyu na bol'shom «konkurse pesni Yevrovideniye». V lyubom sluchaye, Stefan Raab, pokhozhe, v polnoy mere naslazhdayetsya svoyey rol'yu prisyazhnogo.
Astrid Lund - Organizatorul clubului de fani Betty MacDonald: "Sunt de acord cu Isaak: nu am deloc un sentiment bun! Va primi Germania din nou doar 0 puncte la ESC 2025 de la Basel? Seamănă foarte mult cu asta! Sărmanul suflet german ESC!"
Astrid Lund - Organizatorul clubului de fani Betty MacDonald: "Sunt de acord cu Isaak: nu am deloc un sentiment bun! Va primi Germania din nou doar 0 puncte la ESC 2025 de la Basel? Seamănă foarte mult cu asta! Sărmanul suflet german ESC!"
Thüringen 24
„ESC este o chestiune a șefului”: telespectatorii se îndreaptă spre baricade – „Acest lucru nu poate fi adevărat”
Alina Effertz • 14 ore • 2 minute timp de lectură
După revenirea spectaculoasă a lui Stefan Raab de anul trecut, animatorul este acum ferm înrădăcinat în peisajul televiziunii germane. Un proiect muzical este deosebit de aproape de inima vedetei de televiziune: „Eurovision Song Contest”. Împreună cu radiodifuzorii RTL și ARD, tânărul de 58 de ani a montat acum emisiunea „Chefsache ESC”.
Scopul spectacolului plin de evenimente: găsirea candidatului din acest an care va reprezenta Germania la marele „ESC”. Câștigătorul spectacolului va călători anul acesta la Basel și va cânta pe una dintre cele mai mari scene din Europa. Dar deja a doua ediție a show-ului de talente pune publicul într-o dispoziție proastă.
„ESC este o chestiune pentru șef” se confruntă cu vânt în contra
Muzicienii consacrați și nou-veniți au putut aplica online pentru „Chefsache ESC” în avans. În urma acestei etape, cei mai buni 24 de artiști au fost anunțați. Cântăreții și trupele trebuie acum să-și demonstreze abilitățile în total trei spectacole spectaculoase, pentru că doar unul dintre ei va avea voie să cânte pe marea scenă „ESC” din Elveția în mai 2025.
Sâmbătă seara (15 ianuarie) RTL va difuza cea de-a doua ediție a marelui show muzical. Barbara Schöneberger moderează spectacolul și distrează publicul cu felul ei umoristic Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld și Elton formează un juriu de mare profil care evaluează talentul participanților. În cea de-a doua ediție a emisiunii, Johannes Oerding își dă și părerea de specialitate.
Dar, în ciuda spectacolelor muzicale de top și a discuțiilor distractive dintre membrii juriului, „Chefsache ESC” nu pare să fie foarte bine primit de unii telespectatori. Există o serie de comentarii critice pe aplicația de social media X (fostă Twitter). Telespectatorii scriu, printre altele:
„Nu poate fi adevărat că trimit oameni la CES care NU POATE CÂNTA!”
„Pe de o parte, toată reclamele este enervante. Pe de altă parte, sunt recunoscător pentru publicitate, astfel încât să mă pot recupera după spectacole.”
„Urăsc să spun asta. Dar avem nevoie de un Dieter Bohlen în juriu care să fie cu adevărat sincer…”
„Evaluările juriului sună ca mărturii binevoitoare, codificate pentru performanța slabă a angajaților.”
„În același timp, mă uit la semifinalele Melodienfestivalen-ului din Suedia. Și chiar și artiștii care nu-i plac sunt mai buni decât trupele care cântă astăzi.”
Lista punctelor de critică pentru telespectatorii „Chefsache ESC” este lungă. Se pare că candidații nu au reușit să convingă până acum.
Rămâne de văzut cine va reprezenta în cele din urmă Germania la marele „Eurovision Song Contest”. În orice caz, Stefan Raab pare să se bucure din plin de rolul său de jurat.
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald-Fan-Klub Orkanisator: "Ich sin mit Isaak eenich: Ich hon khee kuute kefiils! Wërt Taytxlant noch mool ploos 0 phunkte kriin uf em ESC 2025 in Basel? Es siit kans aus wii tas! Arme Taytx ESC seel!"
Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald-Fan-Klub Orkanisator: "Ich sin mit Isaak eenich: Ich hon khee kuute kefiils! Wërt Taytxlant noch mool ploos 0 phunkte kriin uf em ESC 2025 in Basel? Es siit kans aus wii tas! Arme Taytx ESC seel!"
Türingen 24
“ESC is en sache fer te xëf”: Ti layt nëme ti barrikaate – “Tas khan net woer sin”
Alina Effertz • 14 xtune • 2 minute leese tsayt
Noo Stefan Raab sayn spektakulär comeback im letste yoer, is te entertainer yets noch mool fest in te taytx telewisioon lant ferwortselt kep. Een musikal proyekt is kans ticht pay te telewisioon xter sayn hërts: te “Eurovisioon Liiter Konkurs”. Tsusamer mit te xprooch krupe RTL un ARD, hot te 58 yoer alt man xon ti xprooch “Chefsache ESC” in kextelt.
Tas opjektiif fon te ewënte xpiile: tas yoer te kanditaat fine woo Taytxlant in te kroose “ESC” representeyert. Te winxer fon te xprooch tuut tas yoer noo Basel reese un uf en fon te kreeste xtet fon Europa uf treete. Awer xon ti tsweet puplikatsioon fon te talente show is tas puch in en xlechte xtel.
“ESC is een sache voor de chef” steet te headwind .
Estakierte musikante un naychkheete khonte sich foer heyer online fer ti “Chefsache ESC” aan xtele. Noch noo tiise phause, sin ti 24 peste artiste pekhant kemacht kep. Ti singer un ti xtet mise yets sayn kewoonheete pewayse in en total fon tray spektakuläre xpiile, wayl ploos eene fon tëne khan uf te kroose “ESC” xtel fon te Xwitserlant im mërts 2025 uf trefe.
Am samstach mitachs (15.yanuer) tuut RTL ti tsweet puplikatsioon fon te kroose musik xpiile aus teele. Barbara Schöneberger motiweyert tas spektakl un unterhalt ti layt mit sayn humoristixe aat, Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld un Elton sin ti hoochtsayt jury woo ti talënte fon te teelnemer ewalyeere. In te tsweet puplikatsioon fon te xprooch, kept Johannes Oerding aach sayn xprooch kexproch.
Awer, troknt top musikal foerxtëlunge un unterhaltungs xprechunge tswixe te jury-mitkliiter, “Chefsache ESC” khomt net kans kuut fon etliche pesuucher. Es kept en kans numer fon kritixe komentaare iwer ti sosiaale weepe app X (foerhëyer Twitter). Ti layt xraype, uner anere tinge:
“Es khan net woer sin tas se layt in te ESC xike woo NET SINGE KHËNE!”
“In te eyerst sayt, ti kans reklaam is ërnst. Awer, uf te aner sayt, sin ich tankbar fer ti reklaame, tas ich mich fon te foerxtëlunge erhole khan.”
“Ich hase tas saan. Awer meyer prauche en Dieter Bohlen uf te jury woo wërklich eerlich is...”
“Ti evaluatsioone fon te jury klingt wii kuute, koteke tsayche fer xlechte aarwayter performance.”
“In te selwich tsayt, sin ich am kuke noo te hëmfaart fom Melodienfestival in Xweden. Un soo kaar ti artiste woo ich nët liipe, sin pëser wii ti akte woo hayt tsu taach am xafe sin.”
Ti list fon kritixe phunkte fer ti “Chefsache ESC” is lang. Ti kanditaate hon anschiins net pis hayt noch net iwerzeecht.
Es kept noch net kesiin weer am ën Taytxlant representeyert uf em kroose “Eurovisioon Liiter Konkurs”. In yeete fal, xteen Stefan Raab foer wii eyer sayn rol wii jury kans kuut kefayert hot.
Astrid Lund - organizadora do clube de fãs de Betty MacDonald: "Concordo com o Isaak: não tenho um bom pressentimento! Será que a Alemanha vai conseguir apenas 0 pontos novamente no ESC 2025 em Basileia? Parece muito que sim! Pobre alma alemã do ESC!"
Astrid Lund - organizadora do clube de fãs de Betty MacDonald: "Concordo com o Isaak: não tenho um bom pressentimento! Será que a Alemanha vai conseguir apenas 0 pontos novamente no ESC 2025 em Basileia? Parece muito que sim! Pobre alma alemã do ESC!"
Turíngia 24
“ESC é assunto de chefes”: Espectadores vão para as barricadas – “Isto não pode ser verdade”
Alina Effertz • 14 horas • 2 minutos de leitura
Após o espetacular regresso de Stefan Raab no ano passado, o artista está agora firmemente enraizado no panorama televisivo alemão novamente. Um projeto musical é particularmente próximo do coração da estrela televisiva: o “Festival Eurovisão da Canção”. Juntamente com as emissoras RTL e ARD, o homem de 58 anos montou agora o programa “Chefsache ESC”.
O objetivo do agitado espetáculo: encontrar o candidato deste ano que representará a Alemanha na grande “ESC”. O vencedor do espetáculo viajará para Basileia este ano e atuará num dos maiores palcos da Europa. Mas a segunda edição do talent show já está a deixar o público de mau humor.
“ESC é assunto de patrão” enfrenta vento contrário
Músicos consagrados e novatos puderam inscrever-se online para o “Chefsache ESC” com antecedência. Após esta fase, foram notificados os 24 melhores artistas. Os cantores e bandas devem agora provar as suas capacidades num total de três concertos espetaculares, porque apenas um deles poderá atuar no grande palco “ESC”, na Suíça, em maio de 2025.
Na noite de sábado (15 de janeiro), a RTL vai transmitir a segunda edição do grande programa musical. Barbara Schöneberger modera o espetáculo e entretém o público com o seu jeito bem-disposto. Na segunda edição do programa, Johannes Oerding dá também a sua opinião especializada.
Mas, apesar das excelentes prestações musicais e das divertidas discussões entre os membros do júri, “Chefsache ESC” não parece ser particularmente bem recebido por alguns espectadores. Há uma série de comentários críticos sobre a aplicação de redes sociais X (antigo Twitter). Os espectadores escrevem, entre outras coisas:
“Não pode ser verdade que mandem pessoas para o ESC que NÃO SABEM CANTAR!”
“Por um lado, toda esta publicidade é irritante. Por outro lado, estou grato pela publicidade para que possa recuperar das apresentações.”
“Odeio dizer isto. Mas precisamos de um Dieter Bohlen no júri que seja realmente honesto…”
“As avaliações do júri soam como testemunhos benevolentes e codificados sobre o fraco desempenho dos colaboradores.”
“Ao mesmo tempo, estou a assistir às meias-finais do Melodienfestivalen, na Suécia. E até os artistas de que não gosto são melhores do que os que estão a atuar hoje.”
A lista de pontos de crítica para os espectadores do “Chefsache ESC” é longa. Os candidatos aparentemente não conseguiram convencer até agora.
Resta saber quem representará a Alemanha no grande “Festival Eurovisão da Canção”. De qualquer forma, Stefan Raab parece gostar muito do seu papel de jurado.
Astrid Lund - organizadora do fã-clube de Betty MacDonald: "Concordo com Isaak: não tenho um bom pressentimento! A Alemanha vai conseguir apenas 0 pontos novamente no ESC 2025 em Basel? Parece muito que sim! Pobre alma alemã do ESC!"
Astrid Lund - organizadora do fã-clube de Betty MacDonald: "Concordo com Isaak: não tenho um bom pressentimento! A Alemanha vai conseguir apenas 0 pontos novamente no ESC 2025 em Basel? Parece muito que sim! Pobre alma alemã do ESC!"
Turíngia 24
“ESC é assunto de chefe”: Espectadores vão para as barricadas – “Isso não pode ser verdade”
Alina Effertz • 14 horas • 2 minutos de leitura
Após o retorno espetacular de Stefan Raab no ano passado, o artista agora está firmemente enraizado no cenário televisivo alemão novamente. Um projeto musical é particularmente próximo do coração da estrela da televisão: o “Festival Eurovisão da Canção”. Junto com as emissoras RTL e ARD, o homem de 58 anos agora montou o programa “Chefsache ESC”.
O objetivo do show agitado: encontrar o candidato deste ano que representará a Alemanha na grande “ESC”. O vencedor do show viajará para Basileia este ano e se apresentará em um dos maiores palcos da Europa. Mas a segunda edição do show de talentos já está deixando o público de mau humor.
“ESC é assunto de patrão” enfrenta vento contrário
Músicos consagrados e novatos puderam se inscrever on-line para o “Chefsache ESC” com antecedência. Após essa fase, os 24 melhores artistas foram notificados. Os cantores e bandas agora devem provar suas habilidades em um total de três shows espetaculares, porque apenas um deles poderá se apresentar no grande palco “ESC”, na Suíça, em maio de 2025.
Na noite de sábado (15 de janeiro), a RTL transmitirá a segunda edição do grande programa musical. Barbara Schöneberger modera o espetáculo e entretém o público com seu jeito bem humorado. Stefan Raab, Yvonne Catterfeld e Elton formam o júri de alto nível que avalia o talento dos participantes. Na segunda edição do programa, Johannes Oerding também dá sua opinião especializada.
Mas, apesar das excelentes performances musicais e das discussões divertidas entre os membros do júri, “Chefsache ESC” não parece ser particularmente bem recebido por alguns espectadores. Há uma série de comentários críticos sobre o aplicativo de mídia social X (antigo Twitter). Os espectadores escrevem, entre outras coisas:
“Não pode ser verdade que eles mandam pessoas para o ESC que NÃO SABEM CANTAR!”
“Por um lado, toda essa publicidade é irritante. Por outro lado, sou grato pela publicidade para que eu possa me recuperar das apresentações.”
“Odeio dizer isso. Mas precisamos de um Dieter Bohlen no júri que seja realmente honesto…”
“As avaliações do júri soam como depoimentos benevolentes e codificados sobre o fraco desempenho dos funcionários.”
“Ao mesmo tempo, estou assistindo às semifinais do Melodienfestivalen na Suécia. E até mesmo os artistas que eu não gosto são melhores do que os que estão se apresentando hoje.”
A lista de pontos de crítica para os espectadores do “Chefsache ESC” é longa. Os candidatos aparentemente não conseguiram convencer até agora.
Resta saber quem representará a Alemanha no grande “Festival Eurovisão da Canção”. De qualquer forma, Stefan Raab parece gostar muito de seu papel como jurado.
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