Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Suspected manipulation: This is how inflation figures are kept low in Turkey

Merkur Suspected manipulation: This is how inflation figures are kept low in Turkey Criticism of the statistics authority TÜIK is growing in Turkey. For the first time in two years, it has been revealed how the state statistics authority calculates inflation figures. There is great outrage and experts accuse it of manipulation. Ankara - Hardly any other authority in Turkey is as often criticized as the state statistics office TÜIK. Experts repeatedly criticize the fact that the economic figures published by TÜIK are incorrect. The state statistics office gives the current inflation figures as 71.6 percent. The independent economic research institute Ena Grup, on the other hand, comes up with 113.08 percent in its calculations. "Not only the inflation data, but also the calculation of national income, which is the measure of national prosperity, is wrong," writes economic expert Prof. Veysel Ulusoy on X. Ulusoy is also director of Ena Grup. The economic expert also distrusts the other figures from TÜIK, he writes elsewhere on X. "Not only inflation, but also related statistics are suspect. Economic growth is the most important of these. Many other economic experts also agree with Ulusoy's criticism. "A sign saying 'If words are silver, silence is gold' should be put up at the entrance to TÜİK," commented economic expert Mahfi Egilmez, also on X. Trade union speaks of "manipulation" by statistics authority Criticism also comes from the Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions DISK (Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions). While the Ena Grup calculated the inflation figures for the first six months at 41.16 percent, TÜIK gives the figures as 24.73 percent. This is manipulation. "TÜIK has carried out a serious manipulation by keeping the 6-month inflation rate low, which will affect wages, salaries and pensions," writes the DISK research center. Goods in inflation basket significantly cheaper than at the discounter Inflation is calculated in Turkey using a basket made up of various goods, services and energy. How the individual items in the basket are weighted was not previously known. Now the composition of this inflation basket has come out and with it the outrage. The figures are much too low. The experts state that rent is 5,845 TL (164 euros). Treatment by a specialist is said to cost 34 TL (0.95 cents) and olive oil is stated to cost 114 TL. If you look at the prices of the discounter A101, for example, a liter of olive oil costs 249 TL (6.99 euros). Other products in the discounter are also significantly more expensive than estimated by TÜIK. TÜIK concealed calculation of inflation basket The composition of the inflation basket was kept secret for more than two years to prevent misinterpretation. "Now it has come out that the price list for inflation calculation was not kept secret for nothing," journalist Murat Yetkin complains on YouTube. Inflation is particularly important for pensions and civil servants' salaries. Low inflation figures, even if they are not true, also mean less increase in pensions and civil servants' salaries. The state saves money as a result and people become poorer. Experts have long been warning about manipulated economic figures. The former head of the Turkish central bank, Durmus Yilaz, has clear words for Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek, who wants to bring the country out of the economic crisis, on X: "We know that the right policy cannot be made with false data." However, he had announced on social media that the disinflation process had begun. (erpe)