Monday, July 8, 2024

Colleagues publicly reprimand Foreign Minister

Colleagues publicly reprimand Foreign Minister fka/ • 33 million • 2 minutes reading time Baerbock was publicly criticized. Annalena Baerbock has incurred the displeasure of some of her colleagues in the traffic light coalition. It was not only FDP Vice Wolfgang Kubicki who recently lashed out at the Foreign Minister. SPD politician Kathrin Lange also publicly reprimanded the Green politician. What happened? Annalena Baerbock publicly reprimanded by traffic light colleagues The reason for the public reprimand is Annalena Baerbock's alleged "misconduct" in the recent past. The Foreign Minister (like Chancellor Olaf Scholz) had ignored the night flight ban in Frankfurt am Main and had traveled to Luxembourg after the German national team's match against Switzerland with a special permit. FDP Vice President attacks Foreign Minister Baerbock FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki had publicly attacked Baerbock in an interview with "Welt-TV" a short time later and asked why she had to watch the European Championship game live on site: "If her duties in Luxembourg are so important, then perhaps she should have concentrated on that." Criticism of Annalena Baerbock's expensive make-up artist In addition, the Foreign Minister's supposedly far too expensive styling team is also repeatedly the subject of public criticism. Annalena Baerbock's make-up artist is said to cost 136,000 euros a year. Too much, according to some of the traffic light colleagues. "I do have a problem with the fact that you spend 136,000 euros on hairstyles and make-up artists and think that's the way it has to be, because otherwise you look like a gravedigger," said Wolfgang Kubicki. Public scolding for Annalena Baerbock - SPD politician outraged at expensive make-up artist Brandenburg's Finance Minister Kathrin Lange also harshly criticized the Foreign Minister in a public statement. "Did Hans-Dietrich Genscher always have a personal make-up artist with him when he negotiated German unity? Maybe 'Genschman' looked worse than Baerbock, but foreign policy was definitely better back then!" That hit home. Lange also wrote that it "sometimes leaves you speechless at what this new green bourgeoisie says in all its bubble-like aloofness and naivety."