Sunday, February 27, 2022

Ukraine War: Things are getting out of hand for Putin

EXPRESS Ukraine War: Things are getting out of hand for Putin Alexander Haubrichs (ach) - 56 min ago Militarily, Russia is clearly superior to Ukraine. But the cost of this war is increasing every day. In his commentary, our author explains why Vladimir Putin's attack on the neighbor could turn out to be a colossal mistake. It's the details that often speak volumes in pictures. When Vladimir Putin (69) addresses his messages to the Russian people or to Ukraine, you can still see two push-button telephones in the background, reminiscent of the Cold War days long gone. From a time to which the thinking of the Russian President belongs. This thinking is also the reason why the Russian bear may have miscalculated colossally in the conflict with Ukraine. Because Vladimir Putin and his power clique are losing more and more control over this war, which is no longer just taking place on the battlefield. On the Internet, on social media, Ukraine, supported by the international community fighting for democracy and freedom, has gained the upper hand in this conflict on many levels. Vladimir Putin with a colossal misjudgment Putin, known as an enemy of technology, may have grossly underestimated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi (44). If he thought the former comedian was a lightweight who would flee a Russian attack and whom he could replace with a puppet regime, that turned out to be a fatal error. Selenskyi not only held his ground in Kiev, he also found the right words on social media, boosted the morale of the Ukrainian defenders and struck the right tone when addressing the Russian neighbors with soulful words. He creates a network of supporters from all over the world and diplomatically isolates Putin. Elon Musk and Anonymous as Putin's opponents Putin cannot turn it off, because Elon Musk made his Starlink satellite system available to Ukraine. The Russian commander-in-chief, on the other hand, has to defend himself against an invisible opponent. The hacker network "Anonymous" has been attacking the websites of its most important authorities for days. On Saturday, February 26, 2022, they even managed to hack Russian state television and broadcast images of the war into the living rooms of Russians, hardly anyone of whom wants a war with their neighbors anyway. If Putin had hoped, like the Taliban in Kabul last year, to march into Kiev without resistance, he was mistaken. Ukrainians are not going home, they have something to fight for. One democracy, one country, one homeland. The Russian soldiers, on the other hand, are likely to soon understand that they are only fighting for Putin and a clique of oligarchs. And for them the costs of the war continue to rise. Estimates say that every day of the war costs Russia between 5 billion and 20 billion euros. Putin's war tactics are as old as his telephones The promised rapid police action to “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine, as Putin unrealisticly put it, has failed. His war tactics are as old as the phones on his desk. Putin's options are dwindling, partly because Selenskyi is vastly superior to him in the battle of words. Even if he kills him, he would only make him a martyr. Because no one in his clique has been telling him the truth for a long time: Maybe someone has the landline number and will tell the Russian President so that this madness will stop. And not pushed into a corner nor tearing the whole world into the abyss. The Russian nuclear forces are said to be already on alert.