Saturday, January 1, 2022

Wolfgang Hampel, Satire is my favorite animal, Vita Magica special Heidelberg attraction.

Wolfgang Hampel, Satire is my favorite animal, Vita Magica special Heidelberg attraction. In July 2015, Wolfgang Hampel started the literary-musical series Vita Magica. Vita Magica is very successful and quickly became a cult event. At Vita Magica, Wolfgang Hampel performs sketches written by him, sings his own songs and recites his popular satirical poems. Satire is my favorite animal by Wolfgang Hampel is one of the most humorous books of all time with incredible satirical fireworks that have delighted many readers around the world. Heidelberg has a lot to offer. One of the very special attractions is the monthly live event Vita Magica. If you visit Heidelberg you should not miss Vita Magica. Wolfgang Hampel and the Vita Magica team support cultural institutions with book sales of Satire is my Favorite Animal, donations and events. You can order one of the most humorous books of all time-----------------------. Satire is my favorite animal by Wolfgang Hampel:------------- national & international--------------------- USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Japan , Japan, Mexico, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel on the SWR 3 television program HERZSCHLAG-MOMENTE on Saturday, August 3, 2019, at 9:50 p.m.