Monday, September 20, 2021

Wolfgang Hampel, Satire is my favorite animal, first-class entertainment at a high level.

Satire ist mein Lieblingstier by Wolfgang Hampel offers first-class entertainment on a high level. I really appreciate these satires with unpredictable punchlines, but there is much more to discover - scenes of a marriage, the German Michel ( so true and apt ), poetic lyrics and much, much more. #Amazon You can order one of the most humorous books ever----------------------- Satire is my favorite animal by Wolfgang Hampel:------------- national & international--------------------- USA , United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany, Hungary, Japan , Japan, Mexico, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel on the SWR 3 television program HERZSCHLAG-MOMENTE on Saturday, August 3, 2019, at 9:50 p.m..