Thursday, February 27, 2025
New poll on the Hamburg election: Greens are losing ground - surprising coalition possibility
New poll on the Hamburg election: Greens are losing ground - surprising coalition possibility
Bedrettin Bölükbasi • 3 hours • 2 minutes reading time
Fegebank and Tschentscher are governing together in Hamburg - will it be enough for a green-red majority even after the election on Sunday?
New poll on the Hamburg election: Greens are losing ground - surprising coalition possibility
Shortly before the Hamburg election in 2025, the governing SPD is enjoying a comfortable lead. The Greens, on the other hand, are suffering heavy losses.
Berlin - Shortly before the state election in Hamburg, another poll sees the governing SPD of First Mayor Peter Tschentscher clearly ahead. This also offers a surprising opportunity for a coalition.
"Politbarometer" for the 2025 Hamburg election: SPD still clearly ahead
According to the survey published on Thursday evening (February 27) by the research group Wahlen for ZDF, the Social Democrats in the Hanseatic city are at 33 percent. This is one percentage point more than in the previous survey from mid-February, but is well below the election result of 39.2 percent in 2020.
The Greens, who govern in Hamburg with the SPD, lost two points to 17 percent in the survey comparison and would also have to accept considerable losses compared to their result of 24.2 percent five years ago.
Party Survey result in %
CDU 18%
AfD 9%
SPD 33%
Greens 17%
BSW 3%
FDP 3%
Left 12%
Others 5%
Hamburg election 2025: SPD-Left coalition suddenly possible
According to the survey, the CDU is still at 18 percent - after 11.2 percent in 2020. With an increase of three points, the Left would reach twelve percent and would be above its previous result of 9.1 percent. The AfD is still at nine percent - after 5.3 percent in the state election in 2020.
According to the survey, the SPD and the Greens would continue to have a majority in the state parliament together. It would also be enough for a coalition of the SPD and CDU. And due to the sharp increase, it would - somewhat surprisingly - also be just enough for an alliance between the Social Democrats and the Left.
The FDP and the BSW would also not be represented in the parliament, each with no more than three percent. 1,046 eligible voters in Hamburg were surveyed for the survey from Wednesday to Thursday. 51 percent of them would prefer to see incumbent Tschentscher remain as First Mayor. 14 percent want Green challenger Katharina Fegebank, while 15 percent are in favor of CDU top candidate Dennis Thering.
Hamburg election 2025: surveys are not forecasts
Surveys are generally always subject to uncertainty. Among other things, declining party ties and increasingly short-term voting decisions make it difficult for opinion research institutes to weight the data collected. In principle, surveys only reflect the opinion at the time of the survey and are not forecasts of the election outcome. In addition, a statistical error of up to three percentage points must always be taken into account (error tolerance). (bb/cs)