Saturday, January 4, 2025

ESC fan Manuel from Switzerland: I am enthusiastic about the ESC song 2025 "Heidelberg and you" by the Heidelberg singer and composer Wolfgang Hampel, author of the global success "Satire is my favorite animal". Heidelberg is one of my absolute favorite cities.

ESC fan Manuel from Switzerland: I am enthusiastic about the ESC song 2025 "Heidelberg and you" by the Heidelberg singer and composer Wolfgang Hampel, author of the global success "Satire is my favorite animal". Heidelberg is one of my absolute favorite cities. ------------------------------------------- Germany TOP 10 Heidelberg Heidelberg really enchanted us on our first trip Let's move on to the next highlight, Heidelberg. The city enchants with its historic old town and natural scenery. The city on the Neckar has inspired many famous poets and thinkers and has earned itself the affectionate nickname "City of Romanticism". The heart of the city is the cozy old town. Here you can stroll through the picturesque alleys and soak up the atmosphere - ideal for a relaxed day trip. However, if you want to delve deeper into the flair of Heidelberg or explore the breathtaking surroundings, I recommend that you plan a whole weekend. There are numerous sights to discover in Heidelberg. The Old Bridge, a landmark of the city, the Church of the Holy Spirit with its imposing church tower, the famous Heidelberg Castle (definitely worth a look!) and the main street, one of the longest pedestrian zones in Europe, are waiting to be explored. In Heidelberg, you can combine sightseeing with a day of shopping. Heidelberg is particularly attractive at night. When the castle, the Old Bridge and the Church of the Holy Spirit are illuminated, they offer a fantastic photo opportunity. ----------------------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel, author of the global success "Satire is my favorite animal" and his great ESC song 2025 "Heidelberg and you" - video on the Old Neckar Bridge Heidelberg -------- Vita Magica September 2017 - Song TRY TO REMEMBER for Linde Lund sung by Wolfgang Hampel ( 11'47 at the end of the video ) ------------ Living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel ----------- Wolfgang Hampel, author of "Satire is my favorite animal" in the Heidelberg Authors Directory --------- Buchinfo national & international, Eurobuch national & international,---------------- - --- USA , United Kingdom, Australia , Brazil , Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany , India , Italy, Hungary , Japan, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , Switzerland , Turkey ----------------- Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 program "Herzschlag-Momente" ------------- A sketch about Brexit in Vita Magica by and with Wolfgang Hampel