Sunday, September 3, 2023

Expert Reveals That's Why Putin Didn't Kill Wagner Leaders Immediately

Expert Reveals That's Why Putin Didn't Kill Wagner Leaders Immediately Article by Lukas Richter • 19 hrs Express overview: Political expert Igor Eidman discusses in a radio interview why Putin did not eliminate the Wagner leaders immediately after the attempted coup. Eidman suspects that technical preparations and diversionary maneuvers required time. The fatal plane crash of Wagner leaders happened two months after the attempted coup. In an interview with Radio NV, Russian political expert and sociologist Igor Eidman explained why Vladimir Putin did not eliminate the leadership of the private military company Wagner immediately after their attempted coup. According to Eidman, what surprised him was not that Yevgeny Prigozhin and other leaders were killed, but rather that they survived so long at all. "The unwritten laws of the underworld do not allow a battered enemy to live because they are dangerous," Eidman said in the interview. Eidman indicated that it was obvious that Putin would swiftly eliminate Prigozhin and his cronies. He suspects that Putin and his circle needed time to technically prepare the act and to allow enough time to elapse so that any suspicions could be diverted from themselves. The expert explained that in the eight weeks between Prigozhin's attempted coup and the plane crash, the Russian authorities managed to manipulate public opinion. They had thrown various theories "that he might have been assassinated by Ukraine, France or the US - by anyone but Putin," he said. Eidman left Russia in 2011 and has lived in Leipzig ever since. He is also Editor-in-Chief of M.NEWS, an international online publication that informs and connects Russian-speaking supporters of human rights and democracy. The platform takes a clear opposition stance to the Putin regime.