Thursday, December 28, 2023

The worst Christmas for Betty MacDonald - and Wolfgang Hampel fan Michael

The worst Christmas for Betty MacDonald - and Wolfgang Hampel fan Michael We hope your Christmas was nice, but for Betty MacDonald - and Wolfgang Hampel fan Michael it was the worst Christmas he has ever experienced. ------------Astrid--------------------- That was the worst Christmas I've ever experienced. It's my own fault. I was in such a rush to catch the train to my family that I forgot to put on my glasses in the chaos. I only noticed it in the train station when I couldn't read the departure information. By then it was already too late. Although my parents, my two brothers and my sister now wear glasses all the time, they have completely different strengths than me. My family immediately offered me to try out their glasses, but that doesn't work because my ametropia needs much stronger correction values. That's why I lay on the couch throughout Christmas and saw everything very blurry. It was so terrible even though all the family members took loving care of me, who was blind. After Christmas my father drove me home and I was so happy when I immediately put on my glasses in my apartment. It was like a real Christmas present. Finally I could see everything clearly again. This will never happen to me again because I unfortunately had to realize that I am so visually impaired that I will constantly need glasses for the rest of my young life. Let's put it bluntly: I'm totally screwed without glasses. ------------------- Kind regards ---------------- Michael, who only leaves the house with glasses, spare glasses and a glasses passport