Friday, September 3, 2021

Election campaign: The desperation team Election campaign: The desperation team CDU candidate for chancellor Armin Laschet finally presents fellow campaigners - but his team for the future may soon be a thing of the past. Armin Laschet wants to be a team player - but he shied away from personnel decisions for a long time. The desperation team For him, it has always been important that "the CDU becomes visible as a team," Armin Laschet declared on Friday. But it was precisely this that his party had begun to doubt in recent months. What had Laschet not explained in the race for CDU chairmanship and chancellor candidacy. That the party didn't need a chairman, but a team captain who could unite the party. That he was therefore not running as a "one-man show," but as a team player. But then Armin Laschet, of all people, toured the country as a one-man show. If you want to be chancellor, you can't avoid making decisions The CDU leader wants to become chancellor. But he was too cowardly to make decisions. It's true that anyone who puts together a team alienates all those who don't make the team. But anyone who wants to be chancellor can't avoid such decisions. Laschet decided not to put together a team even when his personal poll ratings plummeted dramatically and he had become ballast for the party. In doing so, he further damaged the CDU. In the greatest need, Laschet has now changed course and presented a "team for the future. But the team came far too late. It was put together hectically and in a small circle. It is a desperate team that is likely to be the past instead of the future by September 26. And it reveals many problems that the CDU has in addition to the lack of traction of its candidate for chancellor. He has now formed a team of personalities "who have developed original new ideas for the future" and who stand for what the CDU/CSU wants to implement, Laschet said at the presentation. Among the federal ministers of the Union, there seems to be no one who fulfills this requirement - in any case, there is none of them in the team. But not all of those who made it into the selection are convincing either. The fact that Friedrich Merz is supposed to stand for the future of the CDU will at best be seen as such by the party's core voters. He is more likely to scare off the many Merkel voters that the CDU is in danger of losing. Nor does anyone believe that Silvia Breher could turn things around for the CDU/CSU. The woman has been the CDU's deputy leader for almost two years - and is still unknown to the wider public. Either Armin Laschet has no plan, or he has a different one every day. Laschet said on Friday, "We are not digitally positioned as we should be." He's right about that. But why he believes that Dorothee Bär must therefore be on his team remains his secret. In the past eight years, the CSU politician was first state secretary in the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, then minister of state in charge of digitization for the German chancellor. So she is either partly responsible for the misery or not assertive. On Friday, she announced that she wanted to "give the state an update" and "ignite a new digital turbo." Why should that suddenly work now? For months, Laschet didn't want to put together a team at all. Now, after the three-person climate team presented on Monday, there is surprisingly also a future team. This reinforces an impression that has become more and more solid in recent weeks: Either Armin Laschet has no plan, or he has a different one every day. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Satire is my favourite animal by Wolfgang Hampel conjures up laughter on everyone's face. I tried it out on a somewhat serious friend whom I very rarely see smiling. Satire is My Favourite Animal by Wolfgang Hampel works wonders and I have never seen my friend so cheerful. I hope the author writes a new book soon, because this reading material is addictive - especially in times like these. You can order one of the most humorous books ever----------------------- Satire is my favourite animal by Wolfgang Hampel:------------- national & international--------------------- USA , United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany, Hungary, Japan , Japan, Mexico, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 television programme HERZSCHLAG-MOMENTE on Saturday, 3 August 2019, at 9:50 pm.