Sunday, September 1, 2024

Greens hide in the victim role after the Eastern elections: "Always enemy images and prejudices"

News38 Greens hide in the victim role after the Eastern elections: "Always enemy images and prejudices" Article by Henrik Jonathan Zinn • 51 million • 2 minutes reading time The Eastern elections are turning out to be a disaster for the traffic light parties! While the SPD in Thuringia seems to be overcoming the 5 percent hurdle, the Greens and FDP are likely to fail. The result is particularly devastating for the Greens, who are currently still in the state government. In Saxony, where the alliance is also in government, there is still hope. Shortly after the publication of the first Thuringia projection, which attests to the Greens only 3.9 percent - and thus the end of the government - a desperate party leader appears in front of the TV cameras. "This is very painful," was the sobering conclusion of Omid Nouripour. In Berlin, people were firmly convinced that the jump into the state parliament was a realistic undertaking. But the Thuringia election, which the opposition interprets as a "warning for the traffic light coalition", does not spare the alliance either. Eastern elections: Green Party leaders distract Nouripour tries to put the historically poor performance into perspective. "To be honest, this pain is relatively marginal compared to the turning point in this country, where an openly right-wing extremist party has now become the strongest force in Thuringia," said the 49-year-old. His statement should be seen as a clear stance against the AfD, which is likely to become the strongest force in the country with 33.2 percent! But the Greens' picture in Saxony is not really any more colorful either. With 5.4 percent, they are on the edge of the second state parliament exit this evening. According to Nouripour's counterpart, Ricarda Lang, the Saxon coalition partner CDU is primarily to blame for this. Party colleague Paula Piechotta sees it similarly. "I have to be honest, when they talk about the Greens' enemy image, it has clearly been strengthened. By Michael Kretschmer here in Saxony, by Friedrich Merz. Enemy images and prejudices are repeated again and again. It's almost a republican-style election campaign. In the end, such an election campaign strengthens the populist fringes and the right-wing extremists and weakens the democratic center," Lang complained in an ARD interview. The CDU would thus be sawing off the democratic branch on which it itself sits.