Sunday, September 29, 2024

Donald Trump: Explosive prediction: Ex-president will "definitely lose" the election Donald Trump: Explosive prediction: Ex-president will "definitely lose" the election Article by editor Tobias Rüster • 2 hours • 2 minutes reading time Donald Trump will lose the US election, explains an expert. ・Donald Trump wants to become US president again ・Ex-president will "definitely lose" the election ・"You can just feel it": Why Trump won't win the election Donald Trump wants to be elected US president for the second time in November 2024. His opponent is US Vice President Kamala Harris, after incumbent US President Joe Biden withdrew from the race. But things don't seem to be going well for Trump at the moment. Bizarre appearances, wild attacks and incoherent statements sometimes leave some Trump observers speechless. The possible election outcome is not left uncommented by celebrities either. Donald Trump will "definitely lose" the election So TV star Bill Maher has now declared on his HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher" during a panel discussion, which also included the writer Fran Lebowitz, the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari and the political consultant Ian Bremmer, that he is not worried that Trump could win the presidency. "You just feel it": Why Donald Trump should lose the US election He also explained why Maher is hoping for a defeat for Donald Trump - to some surprise from his talk show colleagues: ・"It seems that the period in which we repeat mistakes is getting shorter and shorter. I mean, Trump was only president four years ago and we seem to have complete amnesia about what that was like," said Maher. ・When Bremmer pointed out to Maher that it was not yet clear whether voters would make this "mistake" again, Maher replied: "He will definitely lose. You can just feel it." ・At the same time, he added that although he had predicted this now, he believed the polls would remain close until election day. It remains to be seen whether Bill Maher should continue to rely on his gut feeling in the future. The scene can be seen in a clip on the short message service X (formerly Twitter).