Saturday, September 28, 2024

Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fan club organizer: "Video reveals: Donald Trump can't even answer a simple question. Why is that not surprising?"

Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fan club organizer: "Video reveals: Donald Trump can't even answer a simple question. Why is that not surprising?"-------------------------- Donald Trump: Video reveals: He can't even answer a simple question Article by editor Tobias Rüster • 3 hours • 3 minutes reading time Donald Trump wants to be re-elected US President in November. ・Donald Trump wants to be US President again ・Video of speech is intended to show Trump's incompetence ・Trump has no answer to a specific question In the United States, the reins are being tightened in the presidential election campaign. Donald Trump wants to be elected US President for the second time in November and prevent Kamala Harris from moving into the White House. "The Don" is currently giving it his all in countless appearances. But things aren't always going well for Trump in the election campaign. Some of Trump's statements cause astonished faces and incredulous head shaking among observers and experts. Sometimes this is also due to Trump's incoherent statements. Donald Trump: Video is supposed to reveal his incompetence A new video published by Trump opponents on the X-Account (formerly Twitter) "Kamala's Wins" is now supposed to illustrate how confusing a speech by the ex-president can be. Trump himself would of course strongly disagree. ・He recently even claimed that he had been singled out by English professor friends for his "brilliant" speeches in the box style. His critics, however, want nothing to do with that. As proof, there is the video already mentioned, which is supposed to demonstrate Trump's failure to answer a specific question and thus his alleged incompetence. Donald Trump cannot answer a specific question It was a simple and important question that Donald Trump was asked to answer in front of his voters during an appearance in Warren, Michigan. "What will you do to keep our jobs here?" was the question the ex-president was asked to answer. After all, the 78-year-old often boasts of being the savior of the US economy. But his answer suggests that he may not be able to do anything to save people's jobs. ・As the excerpt shows, Donald Trump does not answer the question at all. Instead of a specific suggestion for the auto industry, "The Don" presents a story from his life, how he once claimed to have won an award in Michigan as "Man of the Year" and how the "fake news" eventually declared that this never happened. No sign of a solution. ・By the way: This is not the first time that Trump has revealed the story - but he has never been able to provide any proof. According to CNN research, Trump has never received such an award. Under the video, the mockery once again knows no bounds: ・"He is undoubtedly the dumbest person to ever run for president. Did you notice how he didn't answer the question and turned his incoherent answer into an opportunity to praise himself and brag about a made-up award he never received because it doesn't exist? How can an adult with a functioning brain listen to this guy and think: Yes, he's the right person for the job!", it says, for example.