Monday, September 2, 2024

According to Boris Rhein, Germany has "a problem with terrorism in terms of migration"

WELT According to Boris Rhein, Germany has "a problem with terrorism in terms of migration" 9 hours • 1 minute reading time According to Hesse's Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU), immigration and terrorism are directly linked. The traffic light government must react to this. Migrants should be turned away at the borders and criminals should be stripped of their German citizenship. Hesse's Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU) is calling for a change in migration policy as a consequence of the attack in Solingen The Hesse Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU) sees a direct connection between immigration to Germany and terrorism. "Germany has a problem with terrorism in terms of migration and the traffic light coalition must respond to this," Rhein told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group. The crucial question is: "How do we ensure in concrete terms that fewer people come into the country?" The CDU politician called for a "change in migration policy". The federal government must "finally start to consistently turn people away at the borders". "Criminals and dangerous people should have their citizenship revoked," Rhein said in another demand, without giving any legal details. He also reiterated the Union parties' position of declaring more safe countries of origin, conducting asylum procedures in third countries and deporting people to Afghanistan and Syria.