Sunday, September 1, 2024

The traffic light economy reminds me of an idiotic quote by Karl Lagerfeld

Column by Sarna Röser - The traffic light economy reminds me of an idiotic quote by Karl Lagerfeld Article by FOCUS-online guest author Sarna Röser • 4 hours • 3 minutes reading time The traffic light coalition is not looking for solutions, but for someone to blame for the misery of its economic policy. The government should resign early - or finally find the courage to speak clearly. "In difficult times, intelligent people look for solutions, idiots look for someone to blame." This quote by fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld describes our current economic policy perfectly. Instead of developing solutions together, we are pointing fingers at each other. The latest media-effective jibe by Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) that Christian Lindner (FDP) would never become Finance Minister under him is a prime example of this. But the constant emphasis on never being allowed to speak to the AfD is not getting us anywhere either. Instead of demonizing others or getting overly upset about extremes, we need to get to the heart of the problem. It is no secret that the political situation in Germany is anything but rosy at the moment. Political unrest. An increase in crime. Increasing bankruptcies. Companies moving away. The traffic light coalition should resign early. Massive housing shortage. Lack of support for families. Train timetables that are only estimated. Ever-increasing financial burdens and no appreciation for those who keep our country running with their hard work. The list of problems is long. But instead of addressing these, the SPD, Greens and FDP are stumbling from one inconclusive crisis summit to the next. It is hardly surprising that there is now discussion about whether the traffic light government should really continue for another 13 months or whether it would be better to resign beforehand. According to a new Insa survey, over half of Germans would welcome this. The desire for new elections is growing. More and more business people are also publicly advocating an early end to the traffic light coalition and are judging it to be incapable of governing. I understand this opinion and share it. It is the unsurprising result after numerous wrong decisions and public disputes. The easy way is often not the right way Of course it is easier to point the finger at the oh-so-incompetent party colleagues. It is easier to blame external factors. It is easier to publicly focus on topics that are popular. But in times of crisis the easy way is often not the right way. Admitting mistakes is uncomfortable. Listening to people with opposing views to your own is uncomfortable. And deviating from your own point of view to compromise is uncomfortable. But that is exactly what a democracy is about! Namely, letting the majority of the citizens of this country decide through democratic elections. Presenting voters with a sensible concept and acting in accordance with their views. Anyone who does not want that must abolish elections and determine results in advance, as satirist Harald Schmid recently so aptly put it. Or, in my opinion, the better solution: finally create a policy that does not give rise to incapacity to govern and extremes! Where is the courage to speak clearly? I am committed to using the current circumstances as an impetus for innovative and transformative politics. Not to shirk our responsibility, but to develop pragmatic solutions. It is not that we lack options. Germany could rely on a broad energy mix, reduce bureaucracy to relieve the burden on companies, implement a regulated migration policy or drive digitalization to generate new economic dynamism. There is enough tax money. And staff too. But instead of taking advantage of these opportunities, we are sinking into party-political squabbles and ideological trench warfare. I ask myself - and I ask the parties out there: Where is the courage to speak clearly? The willingness to take new paths? And the will to take responsibility for the future of this country? Finally take the citizens of this country, with their worries, fears and problems, seriously! Lagerfeld's quote hits the nerve of the times Lagerfeld's quote still hits the nerve of the times today. In difficult times, intelligent people look for solutions. It is precisely this intelligence that politicians sometimes seem to lack when it comes to tackling the real problems. We don't need blame - we need a government that looks ahead and is ready to tackle the challenges together with courage and determination. In the end, the question remains whether the traffic light government will turn things around and take the path towards finding solutions - or whether it will remain in the camp of those who prefer to blame others.