Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Danger to our country": 111 Republicans launch mutiny against Trump

Merkur "Danger to our country": 111 Republicans launch mutiny against Trump Article by Nils Hinsberger • 57 million • 3 minutes reading time Before the 2024 US election Former Republican national security officials and members of Congress are opposing Trump - and supporting Kamala Harris. Washington, D.C. - In an unprecedented move, over 100 former Republican national security officials and members of Congress have spoken out against Donald Trump. They stress that he is "unfit to serve as president again" and poses a "danger to our country," as the New York Times quotes from a joint letter from Trump opponents. This move marks a significant break in the current US political landscape so shortly before the 2024 US election in November, in which support for Trump within the party has long been considered almost unshakable. The signatories of the letter, which include both long-time Trump critics and former supporters, criticize Trump's "unusual affinity" with authoritarian leaders such as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. They accuse him of disregarding the norms of decent, "ethical and lawful" behavior and of making chaotic decisions on national security, The Hill quotes from the letter. Donald Trump loses support before 2024 US election "Our enemies praised" - Republicans attack Trump with open letter before US election The prominent signatories include former defense secretaries such as Chuck Hagel and William S. Cohen, former CIA directors such as Michael V. Hayden and William H. Webster, and former Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte. Former members of Congress such as Charles W. Boustany Jr. and Barbara Comstock have also signed the letter. This group emphasizes that as president, Trump "promoted daily chaos in government, praised our enemies, and undermined our allies." The signatories particularly condemn Trump's incitement to storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021, which they consider a violation of his oath of office and a danger to the country. In their letter, they quote Trump's former Vice President Mike Pence: "Anyone who puts themselves above the Constitution should never be President of the United States." Pence had already officially spoken out against supporting Trump in the US election in March. "It should come as no surprise that I am not supporting Donald Trump this year," he told Fox News at the time. Before the 2024 US election: Republicans oppose Trump - and support Harris Despite their possible disagreements with Kamala Harris on certain political issues, Republicans support her as a leader who consistently defends the "rule of law, democracy, and constitutional principles," the Times quotes. In their letter, they point to her support for a bipartisan border security bill and her support for US allies as examples of her leadership qualities. Support for Harris is also reflected in the growing number of Republicans who are publicly opposing Trump. More than 230 former Republican staffers and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales recently declared their support for Harris. A campaign called "Republicans Against Trump" was recently launched. The group has invested several million US dollars in television clips designed to dissuade undecided voters from voting for Trump, CBC News reported. The signatories of the letter, meanwhile, emphasize that any reservations about Harris "pale in comparison to" Trump's proven chaotic and unethical behavior. They warn that Trump's unpredictable nature is not a negotiating virtue, but could instead lead to "dangerous global consequences."