Thursday, September 26, 2024

Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fan club organizer: "How poor must the Republican Party be to nominate Donald Trump as presidential candidate? My condolences!"

Astrid Lund - Betty MacDonald fan club organizer: "How poor must the Republican Party be to nominate Donald Trump as presidential candidate? My condolences!" Donald Trump: Exposed after embarrassing ad: This embarrassment could cost him the election Article by editor Tobias Rüster • 2 days • 2 minutes reading time ・Donald Trump wants to become US President again ・Ex-President embarrasses himself with campaign advertising ・Embarrassing faux pas: Georgia and Georgia swapped How could this happen? In the United States, the reins are being tightened in the presidential election campaign. Donald Trump wants to be elected US President for the second time in November and prevent Kamala Harris from moving into the White House. "The Don" is currently giving it his all in countless appearances. But he and his campaign team have now made an embarrassing faux pas. Donald Trump embarrasses himself with embarrassing campaign advert Of course, the ridicule is inevitable. But it's also complicated. The Trump team has now embarrassed itself with an election advert in the US state of Georgia. In a picture that indicates the voter registration for the 78-year-old, blooming white flowers, gentle green hills and magnificent mountains towering against a blue sky can be seen. The problem, however, is that the picture does not show the US state of Georgia, but rather the former Soviet republic of Georgia (also Georgia in English). ・As the "Atlanta Journal-Constitution" first reported, someone from the Trump team apparently confused the state with the country on the border of Europe and Asia when they published an ad on Facebook and Instagram last week. "The Don" also makes a faux pas with a mix-up "ATTENTION GEORGIA: I humbly ask you to stop what you are doing and check the status of your voter registration. Only a handful of votes will decide this election," the ad says. If only it weren't for the wrong landscape with the beautiful Caucasus. Could this misstep cost Trump votes or even the election? According to his own statement, it's always a very close call. It is not the first faux pas of this kind. Donald Trump himself caused astonishment when, in a recent speech, he confused the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska (ANWR, the northernmost nature reserve in the USA), which he opened up for the development of oil and gas deposits during his presidency, with the Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan.