Sunday, December 6, 2020
8 Christmas traditions you didn't realise were German
8 Christmas traditions you didn't realise were German
09 December 2019, By Vivian Hendriksz
‘Tis the season to be jolly, that special time of year when people around the world start to put up their Christmas trees, decorating them with colourful lights and glass baubles. While some put up their Advent wreaths and purchase Advent calendars, others hang up stockings by the fireplace in preparation for the arrival of good old Saint Nick.
Christmas time is chock-full of lovely customs, but did you know that many of these traditions have German roots?
Christmas customs with German roots
In the run-up to the most wonderful holiday of the year, we take a closer look at eight Christmas traditions that are actually German.
1. Advent wreath - Adventskranz
Many families in Germany will put an Advent wreath on their coffee table on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, the first day of Advent. The wreath, usually made from evergreen or pine, features four large candles and is decorated with berries, dried fruits and pinecones. A candle is lit during each week on Sunday until all four candles are lit by Christmas Eve.
With roots going as far back as the 16th century, the modern-day Advent wreath tradition has been linked to Johann Hinrich Wichern, a Protestant pastor who lived in Hamburg in the 19th century. After the children at Wichern's mission school began asking every day if Christmas had arrived, he built a big wooden ring and placed 20 small red candles and four large white candles around it. A small red candle was lit every weekday and a white one every Sunday, until it was Christmas. The custom gained popularity among Protestant churches in Germany, and the rest is history.
German Christmas traditions Advent wreath
2. Christmas markets - Weihnachtsmärkte
Traditional wooden huts decked out in lights and the scent of Glühwein and grilled sausages in the air can only mean one thing - Christmas markets! Although the magical glow of Weihnachstmärkte may have spread across numerous countries and continents, most people know that the origins of this winter market can be traced back to Germany in the Middle Ages.
Towns and cities across Europe traditionally held open-air winter markets before the cold hit, so people could stock up on dried meat, flour and other essential goods which would last through the winter. In Germany, these markets slowly began to offer more seasonal goods, such as baked cakes, cookies and wooden toys, and thus the Christmas market was born. Dresden claims to host the oldest Christmas market in Germany, which first took place in 1434.
3. Christmas tree - Tannenbaum
The Christmas tree is a rather young German tradition (only 400 years old!) compared to others. While in pre-Christian times families often decorated their homes with evergreen branches or a yule log (not a chocolate cake but an actual log) during the holidays to keep away ghosts and evil spirits, the tradition of setting up a tree indoors has been linked to Martin Luther, the 16th-century Protestant reformer.
He was reportedly inspired by the glistening stars after walking home one winter evening and set up a tree, complete with lit candles, in his living to recreate the scene for his family. By the 19th century, the Christmas tree had become a staple in households across Germany, more popular even than the nativity scene.
4. Advent calendar - Adventskalendar
The modern-day Advent calendar counts down the four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve and is a favourite among children. Usually made from cardboard and festively decorated, the Advent calendar has a new "door" for each day that is opened to reveal a small present, usually of the chocolate variety (although some modern calendars include things like mini bottles of alcohol or even lingerie!)
The Advent calendar has roots going as far back as the early 19th century, when Protestant families in Germany made chalk marks on walls or lit candles to count down the days until Christmas, in much the same manner as the Advent wreath. The first printed Advent calendars began to appear around the turn of the 20th century. In 1904, one was inserted into the "Neues Tagblatt" newspaper in Stuttgart as a gift for readers.
Most people, however, credit Gerhard Lang with the invention of the Advent calendar as we know it today. His inspiration was his mother, who used to make him an "Advent calendar" every year from 24 little sweets stuck to a piece of cardboard. Around 1908, Lang's first calendar appeared, a collection of 24 little pictures that could be affixed to a piece of cardboard each day in December. A few years later, Lang produced his "Christmas Calendar", the first Advent calendar with little doors to open.
German Christmas traditions advent calendar
5. Santa Claus - Weihnachtsmann
Some may think that the modern-day image of Santa Claus, a kindly man dressed in red, with a white beard, is based on Nikolaus - which is true to a certain extent. Although both sneak into people’s houses to leave presents for good children, the modern-day concept of Santa Claus is actually the brainchild of German-American cartoonist Thomas Nast.
The story goes that, while working for Harper's Weekly magazine during the US civil war in the mid-19th century, Nast felt that the public needed something to cheer them up at Christmas time. He drew photos of a fat man in a suit bringing armfuls of presents to the soldiers, and things sort of snowballed from there. Santa was changed for good in popular imagination - a transformation that Coca Cola is often (wrongly) credited with.
6. Gift giving on December 24th versus December 6th
Most families in Germany open their presents on Christmas Eve. But if Saint Nicholas was part of the original inspiration behind Santa Claus, then why doesn’t everyone open their gifts on the saint’s feast day, December 6th, you may ask? Well, this is due to a certain Protestant reformer meddling with the dates.
Martin Luther is said to have been wary of saints and their link to the Catholic Church, so in 1535 he began reshaping the Christian gift-giving day from December 6th to December 24th / 25th - the birth date of Christ. To support this change, Luther also created a new figure, das Christkind (Christ Child). This angel-like Jesus figure was credited with bringing good children presents on Christmas Eve, instead of Nikolaus.
German Christmas traditions baubles
7. Christmas bauble - Weihnachtskugel
What is a Christmas tree without decorations? Made from glass, plastic, or metal, Christmas baubles come in various colours, shapes and sizes and are used to decorate trees throughout the world. The first Christmas trees were decorated with dried fruits, sweets and pastries. But by the mid-16th century, glass baubles started to become popular. Hans Greiner in Lauscha is said to have started making garlands of glass beads and tin figurines which could be hung on trees.
Demand for these decorations skyrocketed, although some of the earlier Christmas baubles were coated with lead. As luck would have it, it was a German chemist, Justus von Liebig, who developed a new silver nitrate solution to coat the baubles before hand-painting them, making the glittering decorations safe for all to enjoy.
8. Tinsel - Lametta
Before you get ready to head on down to tinsel town this Christmas and cover everything from your tree to your office in tinsel, did you know that this Christmas staple was actually invented in Nuremberg in 1610? Designed to mimic the look of ice, it was originally made from shredded silver, which had been hammered paper-thin and cut into strips, to reflect the candlelight from the trees.
Of course, this meant that only the wealthy and affluent could afford it. Later on, people tried experimenting with other materials like tin, lead and copper, but these materials were costly and even poisonous. Today tinsel is made from a material known as polyvinyl chloride - or PVC for short.
Celebrate Christmas with these German traditions!
For many people are the world, Christmas is not Christmas without these customs. Which of these Christmas traditions do you and your family follow? Let us know in the comments below!
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
we hope you'll enjoy this wonderful Christmas concert from Heidelberg with unique Julia Migenes as much as many Betty MacDonald fan club fans around the world. Please don't miss it.
I bet Mark Twain would love very witty and wise Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel. It's acoording to many delighted readers around the world one of the funniest books ever written. It's a perfect Xmas gift and by the way don't miss Betty MacDonald fan club contest, please.
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
Don't miss our wonderful Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas surprise, please.
Send us your favourite text from very witty book Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel, please and you have the chance to win a signed first edition of Betty MacDonald's Nancy and Plum. We have a wonderful Xmas surprise for everybody who joins Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas contest. Deadline: December 23, 2020
Everybody is a winner because we have a great Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas surprise for you.
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
a new fascinating Betty MacDonald biography by Wolfgang Hampel, bestselling author of ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) will be published in 2021.
Wolfgang Hampel was a very good friend of author Monica Sone, described by Betty MacDonald as Kimi in The Plague and I.
Monica Sone shared the most interesting info on her wonderful friend Betty MacDonald.
Wolfgang Hampel and Betty MacDonald fan club are working on this golden treasure for many Betty MacDonald fans around the world.
Why are funny books so important?
Take me, I'm a very optimistic personality but in these days I need some kind of support. Therefore I'm very glad and grateful I can read a very intelligent and funny book. Satire ist mein Lieblingstier (Satire is my favourite animal) by Wolfgang Hampel is a perfect example of very funny and very intelligent literature. Yes, indeed it requires lateral thinking; making unexpected connections; being one step ahead of the reader. If you are looking for a very funny and very intelligent book try brilliant Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel.
You'll enjoy it as much as I do and many, many delighted readers around the world.
Take care,
Martine Didier
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
we wish you a great time with one of the funniest books ever written.
Send us your thoughts regarding humour, please. We are going to include the best essays in our next Betty MacDonald fan club newsletters. You might be one of our Betty MacDonald fan club surprise winners. Good luck!
Why do I think that Satire is my favourite animal by Wolfgang Hampel is such a popular book? I guess the reason why is it's so witty and intelligent. Yes, it's true. You can read Satire is my favourite animal over and over again the same way I do and it won't bore you. To me this happens very, very seldom.
Very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel the best recipe for bad mood and depression - especially important in times like we have now.
Please don't miss Satire ist mein Lieblingstier by Heidelberg author Wolfgang Hampel ( Satire is my favourite animal ) one of the funniest books ever written according to many readers around the world.
(UK, USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries)
Very successful writers are going to introduce their fascinating books at Vita Magica January - June 2021. You are very welcome! Vita Magica setzt ihr Programm auch 2021 fort. Im ersten Halbjahr werden großartige neue Autoren ihre sehr erfolgreichen Bücher vorstellen. Vita Magica will continue with fascinating new authors and their very interesting books at Vita Magica January - June 2021. A fascinating new Vita Magica program. Wir brauchen jetzt sehr witzige und heitere Bücher!!!
Golden laughter is very important - especially now!!!!
Das wunderbare Buch ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) von Wolfgang Hampel ist ein brilliantes Feuerwerk der besten Pointen mit sehr geistreicher, witziger und hintergründiger Unterhaltung!!!!!
Wenn Sie ein sehr humorvolles Buch lesen wollen, dann verpassen Sie bitte nicht 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' von Wolfgang Hampel.
Das sehr witzige Buch 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) von Wolfgang Hampel lieben vieler Leser auf der ganzen Welt!!!!( USA, UK, Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und vielen anderen Ländern )
Wolfgang Hampel, author of very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) and Vita Magica Team support culturual institutions with special events and book sales of Satire ist mein Lieblingstier. This very witty book is according to many readers from all over the world one of the funniest books ever written.
Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel is like golden sunshine in very grey November.
Please don't miss very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ). It's one of the funniest books ever written according to many readers around the world. It brings lots of fun and joy to many readers around the world. Many of them including me take this best medicine for bad mood every day.
Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica founder, Wolfgang Hampel from Heidelberg, author of very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) is working on a new Betty MacDonald biography.
'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' by Wolfgang Hampel is very successful in USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can read Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel over and over again and it won't be boring. Don't miss it, please.
Wolfgang Hampel, author of very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) and Vita Magica Team support culturual institutions with special events and book sales of Satire ist mein Lieblingstier. This very witty book is according to many readers from all over the world one of the funniest books ever written.
Take care,