Friday, December 22, 2023

TV column “Nuhr 2023 – The Year in Review” - ARD review with Dieter Nuhr says: “We Germans are the comedians of the planet!”

TV column “Nuhr 2023 – The Year in Review” - ARD review with Dieter Nuhr says: “We Germans are the comedians of the planet!” Article by FOCUS online author Josef Seitz • 1 H. Full screen button At the end of 2023, Dieter Nuhr will also try to summarize the year satirically and thereby entertain. What a wonderful year 2023 – at least in satirist Dieter Nuhr’s annual review. It squeezes a lot of entertainment value out of a difficult 365 days for an hour. Habeck becomes a royal poodle, Scholz becomes an apparent dead person and the AfD becomes an intestinal bacterium. What can you actually say today? At least not the political opinion, according to a recent survey, 44 percent of Germans believe. The so-called “perceived freedom of expression” in the country has reached its lowest point since the 1950s. Only three-quarters of Green Party voters are convinced that they can speak freely. Which brings us to Dieter Nuhr. It felt like three quarters of the Greens in particular wanted to ban this cabaret artist from free speech. The 63-year-old with two homepages - one as a satirist, the other as a photo artist - likes to provoke against the mainstream. With “Nuhr 2023 – The Year in Review” even on public television in the first. So much for freedom of expression. “Migrants say: We could have stayed at home!” So what does this Dieter Nuhr have to say about our year in its final stages? “In the end, no one knew anymore: Is Olaf Scholz still chancellor – or has he forgotten,” the cabaret artist begins his look at 2023. Actually, only Yevgeny Prigozhin has fallen faster than Germany this year. The head of the mercenary group Wagner died in a plane crash after his coup against Putin in August. So what is the situation in the country? Nuhr scoffs angrily: “Many migrants come to Germany, look around – and say: We could have stayed at home!” “The youth of the world will come to us!” Dieter Nuhr deals with Germany very lovingly. And he finds occasions in abundance. Topic Artificial Intelligence: “If it is as intelligent as many people believe, then it will leave the work to us humans – and apply for citizen’s benefit.” Topic Dead of the Year: “What many people haven’t noticed – Olaf Scholz is still with us.” Topic SPD: “It was a workers’ party – now it is the party for those who don’t work. And there are fewer of them. Still.” On the subject of migration, Nuhr takes up the Young Socialists’ suggestion that everyone in Germany should receive a kind of basic inheritance of 60,000 euros on their 18th birthday – “even if they have no right of residence: the youth of the world will come to us !” “The AfD works like intestinal bacteria” Of course, politics is providing the satirist with plenty of templates for his annual review this year. Let's take the new generation of politicians around Ricarda Lang and Kevin Kühnert: "People for whom politics was the last straw - training was not done, canceled... Parliament is increasingly becoming a social hotspot." Let's take the Federal Minister of Economics: "Royal poodles know about economics no less than Habeck either. The man was a children's book author - and not in a way that anyone would have read it." And Annalena Charlotte Alma Baerbock? “I could also become foreign minister. Ms. Baerbock can't do that either, but that's her problem.” And the AfD? “They work like intestinal bacteria, they live on the shit that others build.” A Germany without foreigners? “Some AfDers would have to do it themselves in the brothel.” Demonstrating for a country “where they would be stoned” “We are the comedians of the planet,” says Dieter Nuhr about Germany and the Germans of 2023. However, he takes personally how he himself was treated by his critics. His criticism that migration is dividing Europe, strengthening the right, and that anti-Semites and gay haters are also coming into the country has, for some, placed the satirist in the political right-wing corner. “The left used to be good and the right was stupid, today you don't even know who is who anymore,” says Nuhr. “Queer activists demonstrate for Palestine, a country where they would be stoned. The world is a madhouse.” This is what we can confirm with a clear conscience in December of this year. Where is the positive? A crazy world and a crazy country are pretty good material for a satirical review of the year. “Nuhr 2023 – The Year in Review” ran on December 21st at 10:30 p.m. on Erste. The show is also available in the ARD media library.