Sunday, October 27, 2024

‘This Is Real’: Excerpts From Michelle Obama’s Speech on the Election

The New York Times October 26 2024 ‘This Is Real’: Excerpts From Michelle Obama’s Speech on the Election Michelle Obama made a striking speech about the consequences that the election will have for women’s bodies and reproductive health. Michelle Obama speaks from behind a lectern onstage. “I am asking you all from the core of my being to take our lives seriously,” Michelle Obama said in Kalamazoo, Mich. Michelle Obama made the case for Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday night in Kalamazoo, Mich., with a striking speech about the consequences that the election will have for women’s bodies and reproductive health. Here are excerpts: “Do not put our lives in the hands of politicians, mostly men.” “I want folks to understand the chilling effect, not just on critical abortion care, but on the entirety of women’s health — all of it. There are good reasons why so many women and physicians are horrified by what’s happened since Donald Trump’s justices overturned Roe v Wade. We’re seeing women scrambling across state lines to get the care they need.” “This is real. So, do you think Donald Trump is thinking about the consequences for the millions of women who will be living in medical deserts? Does anyone think he has the emotional maturity and foresight to come up with a plan to protect us? Y’all, we are teetering on the edge.” “And this will not just affect women, it will affect you and your sons. The devastating consequences of teen pregnancy won’t just be borne by young girls, but also by the young men who are the fathers. They, too, will have their dreams of going to college, their entire future is totally upended by an unwanted pregnancy.” “I am asking you all from the core of my being to take our lives seriously. Please! Do not, do not put our lives in the hands of politicians, mostly men, who have no clue or do not care about what we as women are going through, who don’t fully grasp the broad reaching health implications that their misguided policies will have on our health outcomes. The only people who have standing to make these decisions are women with the advice of their doctors. We are the ones with the knowledge and experience to know what we need. So please, please do not hand our fates over to the likes of Trump, who knows nothing about us, who has shown deep contempt for us. Because a vote for him is a vote against us. Against our health. Against our worth.” Meet the Times journalists covering the election. Get a glimpse of the frenzied life of our politics editor, ride along with our reporters traveling the country with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and find out what our congressional reporter has learned in four decades on the job. “What side of history do you want to be on?” “And let me tell you all — to think that the men that we love to be either unaware or indifferent to our plight is simply heartbreaking. It is a sad statement about our value as women in this world. It is both a setback in our quest for equity, and a huge blow to our country standing as a world leader on issues of women’s health and gender equality. So fellas, before you cast your votes, ask yourselves, what side of history do you want to be on?” “Now, I recognize that there are a lot of angry, disillusioned people out there, upset with the slow pace of change, and I get it. It is reasonable to be frustrated. We all know we have a lot more work to do in this country. But to anyone out there thinking about sitting out this election or voting for Donald Trump or a third-party candidate in protest because you’re fed up, let me warn you, your rage does not exist in a vacuum. If we don’t get this election right, your wife, your daughter, your mother, we as women will become collateral damage to your rage.” “So, are you as men, prepared to look into the eyes of the women and children you love and tell them that you supported this assault on our safety? And to the women listening, we have every right to demand that the men in our lives do better by us. We have to use our voices to make these choices clear to the men that we love — our lives are worth more than their anger and disappointment. And we are more than just baby-making vessels.”