Monday, October 7, 2024

Friedman is "disappointed" in Baerbock

DTS news agency Friedman is "disappointed" in Baerbock 32 minutes - 1 minute reading time Berlin (dts news agency) - The journalist Michael Friedmann criticizes the position of Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) on Israel. He expects Baerbock to clearly state that Israel's security is part of Germany's basic identity. But: "For her, 'yes' is written in lower case, 'but' is written in capital letters," Friedmann told the news portal T-Online. Friedmann explains that Hamas does not want a democratic state, but an Islamist state like the Taliban in Afghanistan. "I am disappointed in Ms. Baerbock for not expressing this so clearly." Meanwhile, the Union is sharply criticizing the pro-Palestinian protests on the anniversary of the Hamas massacre in Israel. Parliamentary Secretary Thorsten Frei (CDU) told the "Rheinische Post" (Tuesday edition): "The pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the anniversary of the terrible terrorist attack are difficult to bear and a challenge. Of course, there can be no tolerance for violent protesters." At the same time, Frei is calling for better protection for Jews in Germany. The anniversary must "be a reminder to us to better protect Jewish life in Germany." People of the Jewish faith must be able to practice their religion in Germany just like members of other religions. "Anti-Semitism, regardless of whether it is so-called native or immigrant, must be fought with all the severity of the rule of law," said Frei.