Friday, August 30, 2024

Donald Trump completely exhausted: Trump can't go on - Here his strength suddenly leaves him Donald Trump completely exhausted: Trump can't go on - Here his strength suddenly leaves him Article by editor Sarah Baumann-Rüster • 6 hours • 2 minutes reading time How bad is Donald Trump's health really? At 78 years old, Donald Trump is already old hat. After Joe Biden's withdrawal from the US election campaign, the attention is now fully focused on Trump, who, in contrast to Kamala Harris (59), recently seemed anything but fit. Now the 78-year-old Trump has to put up with questions about his fitness. Similar to Biden, every step and every appearance of the Republican is now being closely analyzed. This includes a recent video of the former US president. New embarrassing video has surfaced: Donald Trump exhausted while climbing stairs These are recordings that Donald Trump would probably like to ban from the internet. A video published by X-user TheClearCider shows the Republican presidential candidate in a desolate state. The clip documents Donald Trump climbing the stairs to his plane. Gasping for air and visibly out of breath, Trump drags himself up the stairs, always making sure to hold on to the railing. He finally arrives at the top, exhausted. Trump looks exhausted, almost as if he could fall over at any moment. Former President Trump can't go on - weak appearance raises questions about his health again "Luckily, the old guy, already out of breath, can hold on to a handrail or a countertop while he desperately waddles up the stairs," the user comments on Trump's visibly desperate appearance. The almost 6-second clip is likely to fuel speculation about Trump's health again. The weak appearance is already being hotly debated online. Donald Trump himself has not yet commented on the bizarre scenes. However, he has recently repeatedly emphasized that he is "in the best of health". However, the current recordings suggest otherwise.