Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica fans,
Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica founder Wolfgang Hampel met Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg - in Stuttgart on May 15, 2019.
Wolfgang Hampel presented the very successful Vita Magica book ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) with satirical poems by Wolfgang Hampel and many info about the writers, musicians and artists of Vita Magica.
The Minister of Science wrote a great foreword.
Wolfgang Hampel is very grateful because of the outstanding support of the Minister and her team.
Thanks a million!!!!!!!!!
Theresia Bauer seems to be delighted about the book.
Her comment: A very beautiful cover and a great book!
The Minister of Science had already been a very popular guest reader at Vita Magica twice and the audience enjoyed it very much.
Theresia Bauer presented her favourite literature.
The Minister of Science will be back at Vita Magica in 2020.
Many greetings to Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and her team, Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica founder Wolfgang Hampel, the authors, musicians and artists of Vita Magica and the Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica fans from all over the world
Landtagsabgeordnete für den Wahlkreis Heidelberg
Ministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst in Baden-Württemberg
Das besondere an "Vita Magica" zeigt sich bereits am Namen. Bücher haben etwas Magisches: Sie entführen uns in andere Welten, sie erzählen uns Geschichten von Menschen und Völkern und lassen uns teilhaben an kleinen und großen Ideen.
Ich selbst hatte bereits die Freude an zwei Lesungen - mit persönlich ausgewählten Texten - mitzuwirken. Mein besonderer Dank gilt Wolfgang Hampel, der "Vita Magica" nicht nur ins Leben gerufen hat, sondern auch mit großer Begeisterung und persönlichem Engagement maßgeblich zum heutigen Erfolg von "Vita Magica" beigetragen hat.
Herzliche Grüße
Ihre Theresia Bauer
We have a very special Betty MacDonald fan club surprise for you.
Tell us your favourite satirical text of Wolfgang Hampel's book Satire ist mein Lieblingstier, please and you'll get several fascinating Betty MacDonald fan club items for free.
Wolfgang Hampel's very successful book is available in many countries around the world. ( see links below )
Don't miss this unique Betty MacDonald fan club offer, please.