Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
do you know the reason why Betty MacDonald prefered FBI agensts?
If so let us know, please and you might be our next Betty MacDonald fan club surprise winner.
Good luck!
Betty MacDonald:
“My idea of heaven would be an enormous house, preferably one with twenty-four bedrooms and twenty-four bathrooms, thousands of guests, mostly FBI agents and foreign men, a great many unobtrusive excellent servants, and no work to do.
my alternative is a house with four bedrooms, a guesthouse, three
davenports, a lawn swing, three chaise longues and the floor, thousands
of guests, many of them under four years old, and no servants.”
We have a very special Betty MacDonald fan club surprise for you.
Tell us your favourite satirical text of Wolfgang Hampel's book Satire ist mein Lieblingstier, please and you'll get several fascinating Betty MacDonald fan club items for free.
Wolfgang Hampel's very successful book is available in many countries around the world. ( see links below )
Don't miss this unique Betty MacDonald fan club offer, please.