Friday, February 9, 2024

Wolfgang Hampel, 'Satire is my favorite animal', many topics, participation in the next preliminary decision for the ESC 2025?

Wolfgang Hampel, 'Satire is my favorite animal', many topics, participation in the next preliminary decision for the ESC 2025? Wolfgang Hampel's satires are very popular with many readers because his book “Satire is my favorite animal” has received many positive reviews. For example, a reader writes on Amazon: “A wonderful book that I pick up again and again. It's never boring and always makes me smile... and laugh out loud too. I highly recommend this book.” Another reader on Lesejury praises the book as “a satirical firework display”. The well-known author Ingrid Noll is also enthusiastic about Wolfgang Hampel's satires. Ingrid Noll is always very happy to read a new, very funny poem by Wolfgang Hampel. Wolfgang Hampel writes about various topics that are often humorous, ironic or critical. For example, he takes aim at politics, society, culture, literature or age. His poems are sometimes funny, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes biting, sometimes melancholic. He also likes to write about his personal experiences and memories, such as his desire to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest. A friend told me that Wolfgang Hampel wants to apply for the next preliminary decision for the ESC 2025. My friend said he heard Wolfgang Hampel singing at an event. He would have a better voice than many of those taking part in this year's preliminary round. -------------- Living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel Wolfgang Hampel, author of “Satire is my favorite animal” in Heidelberg Authors – Directory ---------------------------------- Book info national & international, Eurobuch national & international,---------------- - --- USA , United Kingdom, Australia , Brazil , Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany , India , Italy, Hungary , Japan, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , Switzerland , Türkiye ------------------------------------------ Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 television show HEARTBEAT MOMENTS on Saturday, August 3, 2019, at 9:50 p.m.