Monday, February 19, 2024

Wolfgang Hampel, 'Satire is my favorite animal', one of the most humorous books of all time with very important serious topics

Wolfgang Hampel, 'Satire is my favorite animal', one of the most humorous books of all time with very important serious topics---- 'Satire is my favorite animal' by Wolfgang Hampel is not only one of the most humorous books of all time, but also deals with very important, serious topics, such as how we cope with depression and self-doubt. Icarus is a great text that I read again and again with enthusiasm. A humorous literary gem written at the highest level. The author doesn't just know how to make us laugh. A book that gets under your skin and encourages us all! It is absolutely understandable to me that Wolfgang Hampel reaches many readers around the world with his book 'Satire is my favorite animal'. -------------- Living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel Wolfgang Hampel, author of “Satire is my favorite animal” in Heidelberg Authors – Directory -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Book info national & international, Eurobuch national & international,---------------- - --- USA , United Kingdom, Australia , Brazil , Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany , India , Italy, Hungary , Japan, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , Switzerland , Türkiye ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 television show 'Heartbeat Moments' on Saturday, August 3, 2019, at 9:50 p.m.