Wednesday, February 14, 2024

With 'Satire is my favorite animal', the Heidelberg writer Wolfgang Hampel not only wrote one of the most humorous books of all time.................

With 'Satire is my favorite animal', the Heidelberg writer Wolfgang Hampel not only wrote one of the most humorous books of all time. With this book he has also proven to me that he is the new Heinz Erhardt, Loriot and Heinrich Heine in one person. Wolfgang Hampel was twice awarded the Betty MacDonald Memorial Award for his work on Betty MacDonald and for 'Satire is my Favorite Animal'. The author has achieved the miracle of reaching rank 5500 in the 'parody' category on Amazon America with a German-language book. Chapeau and when can we read a new masterpiece? Many avid readers around the world are eagerly waiting for a sequel to 'Satire is my favorite animal'. -------------- Living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel Wolfgang Hampel, author of “Satire is my favorite animal” in Heidelberg Authors – Directory -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Book info national & international, Eurobuch national & international,---------------- - --- USA , United Kingdom, Australia , Brazil , Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany , India , Italy, Hungary , Japan, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , Switzerland , Türkiye ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 television show HEARTBEAT MOMENTS on Saturday, August 3, 2019, at 9:50 p.m.