Saturday, March 29, 2014

Betty MacDonald fan club research team

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald fan club letter collection contains several letters not only written by Betty MacDonald but also by Darsie Bard, Sydney Bard,  Donald MacDonald, Mary Bard Jensen, Clyde Jensen, Joan MacDonald Keil, Jerry Keil and many letters and documents of family members and friends of Betty MacDonald and her family. I had the opportunity to listen to Wolfgang Hampel's interviews with Betty MacDonald's sister Alison Bard Burnett and other family members. These interviews should be available for Betty MacDonald fan club fans who are very interested in the subject. Only a very small part of the interviews by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel had been published. There are so many more Betty MacDonald treasures to discover.

Many Betty MacDonald fan club ESC fans are very excited during this time. ESC 2014 isn't very far away and everybody wants to know who'll be the winner. The official Betty MacDonald fan club ESC voting 2014 will start in April. Several Betty MacDonald fan club ESC members posted their future votings. I believe six or seven entries might have a chance to win ESC 2014 in Copenhagen.
A message for Betty MacDonald fan club ESC fans: We are going to publish an ESC TOP 10 2014 according to the current results during Saturday. Watch out, please.
Don't forget to send the title of your favourite Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle cure!


Betty MacDonald fan club ESC team

Wolfgang Hampel
Alison Bard Burnett