Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Five men have accused Kevin Spacey

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Five Men Have Now Accused Kevin Spacey Of Sexually Harassing Or Assaulting Them

This week, men began speaking publicly about being harassed and assaulted by actor Kevin Spacey. Some of the alleged incidents happened decades ago, and some of the victims were underage at the time. In response, Netflix has suspended production of "House of Cards" indefinitely. 
So far, four men have made on-the-record accusations of assault or inappropriate advances from Spacey, and one man has anonymously described being assaulted by Spacey when he was 17. Here are their stories.

​Anthony Rapp

Anthony Rapp, a member of the original cast of "Rent" and a star of the new series "Star Trek: Discovery," was the first to accuse Spacey of inappropriate behavior. Rapp told BuzzFeed News that Spacey assaulted him at a party when Rapp was 14 and Spacey was 26. The article describing the alleged assault was published late on Sunday night.
Rapp doesn't remember Spacey saying anything to him. Instead, Rapp said, "He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold. But I don't, like, squirm away initially, because I'm like, 'What's going on?' And then he lays down on top of me." ...

Rapp recalled this all happening — Spacey appearing at the door, coming into the room, picking him up, and putting him on the bed — in one clumsy action, with Spacey landing at a slight angle on top of him. He said Spacey "was, like, pressing into me," and that he remembers Spacey "tightening his arms." But while he can't recall exactly how long Spacey remained on top of him, Rapp said he was able to "squirm" away after a short period.
Spacey responded to the allegation by saying that he didn't recall assaulting Rapp and by coming out as gay. 

Roberto Cavazos

On Monday, Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos wrote a lengthy Facebook post (in Spanish) accusing Spacey of routinely "cornering" young men in bars as well as inviting actors to talk about their careers and then making advances towards them while Spacey was the artistic director at the Old Vic Theatre in London. (Spacey held that position from 2004 to 2015.) Cavazos also said that he had a couple of incidents with Spacey that bordered on assault.
"I myself had a couple of unpleasant encounters with Spacey that were on the edge of being considered assault," the 35-year-old actor, who performed in several productions at the acclaimed London theatre, wrote in Spanish on his Facebook page. "In fact, if I was a woman, I probably wouldn't have doubted in identifying them as such, but I guess the lack of a direct or aggressive action led me to justify the incident as 'one of those things.'" ...

"I can't recall how many people told me the same story: Spacey would ask them to meet to 'talk about their career.' When they got to the theater, he had a beautifully lit picnic ready on stage with champagne," Cavazos wrote. "Each story varies in how far the picnic went, but the pattern was the same. It was more common to find Spacey at the bar of his theater, cornering whoever caught his attention."

Tony Montana

On Tuesday, Radar published an interview with filmmaker Tony Montana in which Montana describes being assaulted by Spacey at Los Angeles' Coronet Pub in 2003, when Montana was in his 30s.
"I went up to order a drink and Kevin came up to me and put his arm around me," Montana told Radar. "He was telling me to come with him, to leave the bar. He put his hand on my crotch forcefully and grabbed my whole package."

Montana claimed a seemingly intoxicated Spacey, 58, then said to him, "This designates ownership."

"I put my hand down and turned his thumb back to get his hand off it," Montana said. "I paid for my drink and got away from him."

Daniel Beal

Also on Tuesday, the British tabloid The Sun published a British bartender's allegation that Spacey flashed him outside a hotel in West Sussex in 2010. The bartender, Daniel Beal, says he was 19 at the time and that Spacey then gave him a £5,000 watch, which Beal interpreted as a bribe to keep him quiet.
Daniel Beal told how he was having a cigarette break when the Oscar-winning actor, 58,sat beside him on a bench, flashed his privates and said: "It's big, isn't it?"

Disgusted Dan returned to work at the bar — only to be followed by Spacey who insisted the then 19-year-old take his expensive Swiss watch.

Dan said yesterday: "I thought he was joking but he took off his watch and gave it to me.

"Looking back I realise it was to keep me quiet."


A man who did not wish to be identified told BBC News on Wednesday that when he was 17, in 1984, Spacey invited him to spend a weekend in his apartment. "John" says he rebuffed Spacey's invitation to sleep with him but then he woke up to find an unclothed Spacey lying on top of him.
At bedtime, John said Spacey asked him to share his bed, but John insisted on sleeping on the sofa.

"It was an icy 'goodnight' with the lights off. I thought I was going to be kicked out in the morning," he said.

"As we went to sleep, he was sobbing from his bed," said John...

The following morning, John said he woke up with Spacey's head on his stomach and his arms wrapped around him.

"He was in his underwear, I was fully clothed. I supposed it was some sort of New York theatre actor 'good morning,'" he said.

Many ESC fans from all over the world are so very sad because we lost Joy Fleming - one of the best singers ever. 

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