Tuesday, October 15, 2024

There is a mistake in "Jurassic Park": It still annoys experts today

The West There is a mistake in "Jurassic Park": It still annoys experts today Article by Dominik Göttker • 4 hours • 2 minutes reading time Genetically modified dinosaurs that break out of a park and make the earth unsafe? Well, the concept of "Jurassic Park" has never been particularly realistic. But there is a mistake in the legendary dinosaur film that drove scientists to the brink of despair then and now. What is it? We'll explain. But to do that, we have to take a small step into the plot of the film. In "Jurassic Park", the scientist Dr. Henry Wu came up with a method that would prevent the dinosaurs from surviving in the event of an outbreak in the wild. A gene was added to the dinosaurs that would prevent the amino acid lysine from being produced in their bodies. Serious film mistake in "Jurassic Park" But they need this to survive. So the amino acid was artificially fed to them. The idea behind it is clear: the monsters can only survive in the park. If they don't get any more lysine, they die. A great plan, but unfortunately scientific nonsense. Lysine cannot be produced in the body, as the portal "my mmo" reports. Instead, lysine is absorbed through food. For example, through vegetables, fruit or meat.

Trump proposes tariffs of more than 200 percent on cars from Mexico

Trump proposes tariffs of more than 200 percent on cars from Mexico Article by Reuters • 2 hrs • 1 min read Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona, U.S., October 13, 2024. (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump is proposing tariffs of more than 200 percent on vehicles imported from Mexico to prevent cars from Mexico from being sold to the United States. "All I'm doing is saying, 'I'll put 200 or 500, I don't care.' I'm going to put a number where they can't sell a single car," he said in an interview with "Fox News" broadcast on Sunday. "I don't want them to hurt our automakers." Trump had previously promised that if he were re-elected president, he would impose a 100 percent tariff on imported cars and trucks to support the domestic auto industry. At a rally last week, Trump then doubled that number. Trump had already threatened high tariffs on cars from Mexico as president and as a candidate in 2016. The introduction of tariffs of up to 25 percent on Mexican cars and components could have a serious impact on the industry and drive up vehicle costs, according to experts.

New evidence in attempted election fraud - Trump speaks of political witch hunt

New evidence in attempted election fraud - Trump speaks of political witch hunt Article from FOCUS Online • 4 hours • 1 minute reading time Despite objections from Trump's lawyers, Judge Tanya Chutkan has released further evidence in the case of attempted election fraud. The presidential candidate sees himself as the victim of a political witch hunt. In the case of Donald Trump's attempted election fraud, Judge Tanya Chutkan has ordered the release of further evidence, despite objections from Trump's lawyers. They fear negative effects on the election campaign, as "Newsweek" reports. Trump is accused, among other things, of conspiracy to defraud the United States. The presidential candidate, however, denies all charges and sees himself as the victim of a political witch hunt. Rejection of further publications Trump's lawyers had demanded that "no further disclosures" of "so-called evidence" be released because they were "illegally selected and misrepresented," as the "Washington Post" reports. However, Chief Attorney Jack Smith explained that the source of the evidence came from both public materials such as congressional testimony on Jan. 6 and nonpublic sources such as grand jury and search warrants. Explore other legal options Nevertheless, Chutkan gave Trump's lawyers a week to fight back in court. Trump was also given permission to file his own immunity argument of up to 180 pages by Nov. 7, with further litigation continuing into December. A trial date has not yet been set, as the case is expected to go to the Supreme Court. If Trump wins the election, he is expected to order the Justice Department to terminate the case.

Dispute over the South China Sea: Russia and China block East Asia declaration

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Dispute over the South China Sea: Russia and China block East Asia declaration Article by Till Fähnders • 13 hours • 2 minutes reading time The East Asia Summit ends without a joint declaration. According to an American official, Russia and China are said to have blocked a joint declaration from the East Asia Summit. At the summit meeting in Laos at the end of last week, the two countries primarily opposed wording related to the conflicts in the South China Sea, according to a report by the Reuters news agency on Sunday. According to the US official, who did not want to be named, the ten countries of the Southeast Asian community of states ASEAN presented their draft declaration to the 18 countries participating in the summit on Thursday evening. The USA, Japan, Australia, South Korea and India supported the wording. Russia and China said "they could not and would not make a declaration". Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced at a press conference in Vientiane on Friday that the final declaration had not been adopted because of "persistent attempts by the USA, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand to turn it into a purely political statement." According to the US official, the main differences were over the points in the declaration that called for compliance with the rules for freedom of navigation laid down in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In the South China Sea, the second dangerous point of conflict in Asia, the issue is similar to the Taiwan Strait, and is also about geostrategic control of maritime areas. While China considers almost the entire sea to be its sovereign territory, the USA and its partner countries see China's behavior in the maritime area as a threat to freedom of navigation. China, Taiwan and four Southeast Asian states are also arguing over the territorial affiliation of a number of islands and atolls. Recently, there have been repeated incidents involving Philippine supply ships that have been blocked, harassed and rammed by Chinese ships. Joint military exercises by Russia and China in the Sea of ​​Japan ended At the meeting of ASEAN representatives with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. complained that his country was the victim of "harassment and intimidation". US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also expressed Washington's concern about China's "increasingly dangerous and unlawful" activities in the South China Sea. China's Prime Minister Li Qiang, on the other hand, called on "relevant countries outside the region" to "respect and support the joint efforts of China and regional countries to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea".

Friedrich Merz on "Carmen Miosga": "We must not make a mistake again!"

t-online (German) Friedrich Merz on "Carmen Miosga": "We must not make a mistake again!" Article by Charlotte Zink • 6 hours • 4 minutes reading time Merz on "Carmen Miosga" "We must not make a mistake again!" Friedrich Merz has clear ideas about future German policy on Ukraine The CDU candidate for chancellor spoke to Caren Miosga about his problem with women. With a view to the war in Ukraine, he called for a stronger role for Europe. "Are you a man for tomorrow, Mr. Merz?" Caren Miosga was looking for an answer to this question on Sunday evening and had invited the CDU candidate for chancellor as her sole guest. In the studio, she confronted Merz with a series of "impudent questions," as she herself introduced it. Among other things, she wanted to know whether the CDU leader was more likely to curse other drivers using animal names or names of "bad body parts" when driving. After all, he is considered to be someone who can lose his temper, explained Miosga. The guest Friedrich Merz (CDU), federal chairman and candidate for chancellor "Can you give me a few examples?" asked Merz. "You idiot!" Miosga immediately cursed. "Yes, that direction!" confirmed the CDU leader. When asked whether he had his own example, he simply replied: "Big idiot!", the others were not suitable for the television studio, he made clear. Miosga confronts Merz with women's problem Miosga also used Merz's visit to confront him with the fact that he has little sympathy points, especially among young women. In a video clip, "Zeit" journalist Mariam Lau reported that the CDU leader was considered an "old-school macho" by many of her female acquaintances. This statement caused laughter among the studio audience and also from Merz himself. Miosga wanted to know from the CDU candidate for chancellor whether he saw the description as "insult or compliment". Merz made it clear that he did not feel "addressed at all". Elsewhere he referred to his commitment to encouraging more women to get involved in politics. Merz wants a stronger role for Europe With a view to tomorrow's political future, Miosga also discussed the upcoming elections in the USA on Sunday evening. Merz did not want to reveal to Miosga whether he would vote for Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. After all, as chancellor he must be able to work with both if necessary, he explained. However, the Federal Republic must prepare better for Donald Trump to be re-elected president. In addition, Germany must make decisions more independently of the USA and more closely with European partners, Merz made clear. Europe should take on a stronger role with regard to the Ukraine war, Merz demanded. "It is no longer the strong force for order that we were actually used to," he explained with a view to the USA. When Miosga asked whether he would allow Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to attack military targets deep in Russia, he replied that such a decision must be made with the USA, but "much more" coordinated by Europe. "You wouldn't rule out permission?" Miosga concluded. He would try to gain a common European position on this, said Merz. He explained that he only wanted to deliver the Taurus cruise missile to Ukraine after a phased process. He was in favor of telling Russian President Vladimir Putin that he had to stop bombing civilian targets. If Russia did not comply, he would first be in favor of lifting the restrictions on the use of the weapons supplied. In a second step, he would then deliver Taurus. Chancellor Olaf Scholz is rejecting the delivery of Taurus because of its range to Moscow, among other reasons. The Union parliamentary group had twice submitted a motion to deliver Taurus to Ukraine. CDU candidate for chancellor warns of another mistake On Sunday evening, the discussion also focused on what Merz would do for the Bundeswehr as chancellor. There is a gap of 30 billion that needs to be filled. In order to become capable of defending itself again, explained the candidate for chancellor. Risk analyses show that Russia is arming itself to such an extent that it will be able to attack NATO territory in five to eight years, explained the CDU leader. "That is a very realistic assessment of the situation," he clarified. Ten years ago, people were wrong about Russian President Vladimir Putin and he then invaded Ukraine, Merz clarified. "We must not make another mistake!" he made clear. Otherwise, the price for this would be "much higher." Merz also criticized the fact that the so-called Ramstein meeting to support Ukraine was also canceled after US President Joe Biden's visit to Germany was canceled.

Trump freaks out: Kamala Harris "mentally retarded"? Former president calls for brain test

Trump freaks out: Kamala Harris "mentally retarded"? Former president calls for brain test Article by news.de editor Claudia Löwe • 4 hours • 3 minutes reading time Donald Trump is conducting his election campaign largely with targeted blows below the belt. ・Donald Trump increasingly crazy in the US election campaign ・Former US president calls for cognitive test for Kamala Harris ・Donald Trump is throwing around bizarre lies: "Democrats want to ban cows and windows!" ・How is Donald Trump's mental fitness? According to a popular saying, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - a maxim that Donald Trump has apparently never heard of. Although the former US President himself seems to repeatedly provide evidence that he is no longer in full possession of his mental faculties, the Republican presidential candidate is now demanding a cognitive test from his rival Kamala Harris. Hot phase in the US election campaign: Donald Trump wants a "cognitive test" from Kamala Harris The guns that the presidential candidates are bringing out in the final stretch of the US election campaign are undoubtedly getting heavier and heavier. Donald Trump has never held back with personal attacks against his competitors, and now Kamala Harris is getting the full broadside: Donald Trump has asked the incumbent Vice President of the USA to take a cognitive test and is clearly trying to sow doubts about Harris' mental fitness just a few weeks before the election. "Her behavior has led many to believe that there might be something wrong with her," Trump claimed on the online platforms X and Truth Social. Kamala Harris "slow and lethargic"? Donald Trump attacks competitor personally Trump claimed that Harris was "slow and lethargic" even when answering the simplest questions. "We just went through that for almost four years, we shouldn't have to do it again," Trump wrote, referring to President Joe Biden's term in office. In July, at the age of 81 and after heavy criticism for a failed TV debate, Biden dropped out of the presidential race and left the field to his deputy Harris. First Joe Biden, now Kamala Harris: Donald Trump thinks Democrats are mentally retarded For Donald Trump, himself only four years younger than his successor Joe Biden, the US president's mental state was the preferred point of attack for much of his election campaign - until Biden withdrew from the race for the White House withdrew and Kamala Harris became the official Democratic presidential candidate. Since then, it is Donald Trump who has repeatedly attracted attention with cognitive failures and confused speeches during the election campaign. Donald Trump serves up bizarre lies about alleged bans on cows and windows during the election campaign One of the most recent examples of this is Donald Trump's statements made by the former President of the United States of America during an appearance in Las Vegas. In a bizarre torrent of words, Trump claimed that the Democratic Party wanted to harass the US population with insane bans: ・"They want things like a ban on cows and a ban on windows in buildings. They have wonderful plans for this country - to be honest, they are just crazy." What is Donald Trump's own mental ability like? However, Donald Trump has long had to put up with accusations that his own mental state is not in the best shape. During his term in office from 2017 to 2021, Trump was repeatedly confronted with doubts; his cognitive abilities left much to be desired. At the beginning of 2018, the Republican decided to have his abilities checked and took a test that is used, among other things, for the early detection of suspected dementia and Alzheimer's. According to his doctor, Trump passed with 30 out of 30 points.

Steinbrück calls on Germans to work more - and criticizes Merkel

WELT Steinbrück calls on Germans to work more - and criticizes Merkel 8 hours • 3 minutes reading time 32-hour week with full wage compensation is not possible: former finance minister Peer Steinbrück believes that Germans have a duty to work more again if the high level of social benefits is to be maintained. Former Chancellor Angela Merkel has made things too easy for Germans. These are now unusual words for a Social Democrat: former finance minister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) complains that the "concept of performance" and a "sense of the common good" have fallen behind in Germany. "Not a few people apparently believe that the high level of our prosperity - not for everyone, but for most - and of our welfare state is guaranteed without effort, and that politics is essentially responsible for this," Steinbrück told the "Tagesspiegel". In the interview, the SPD politician demanded that Germans as a whole should work more. "Not every individual, but as an economy as a whole, we need to work more and increase our productivity. A 32-hour week with full pay compensation is unlikely to meet the challenges.” If the high level of the welfare state is to remain affordable, “the activation of work” is necessary. Steinbrück accused former Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) of not having sworn the Germans to necessary changes. Her style of government was aimed at avoiding conflict and not alarming the Germans. “She was therefore the ideal projection surface for a widespread mentality according to which the Germans would like to settle comfortably in a permanent present. Merkel fed this attitude,” said Steinbrück. Steinbrück does not expect any self-criticism from Merkel’s memoirs, which are scheduled for publication in November. "No, I don't expect that," he said in response to a question on the subject: "That would not correspond to their style and self-image, as their already sparing words on Putin and Russia's attack on Ukraine have shown." Steinbrück against further subsidies Steinbrück rejects further subsidies such as a "scrappage bonus" or a 1,000 euro bonus for people who are willing to work and who receive a citizen's allowance - derided as the so-called "ass-up bonus". "I am bothered by the activism with which subsidies are being proposed," he said. "Instead of reflexively announcing new subsidies to patch up the structural problems of individual industrial companies or entire sectors, politicians should first clarify: What should Germany's competitive industrial model look like in the future?" said Steinbrück: "Such a strategy debate is lacking." The parties of the democratic center suffer from "a fear of description," said the former NRW Prime Minister. "They explain the general political and economic situation and its effects on Germany inadequately at best. For fear of driving voters into the wrong arms, unavoidable challenges and structural deficits are not adequately addressed.” This fear of description extends to issues such as “defense capability, the accuracy of social benefits, a secure and competitive energy supply, demographic pressure on the social system or the strained public finances with foreseeable increasing distribution problems.” Steinbrück said that this vacuum was then filled by “populists with absurd security policy ideas or the appeal to inertia that we do not need to change or even make an effort. This is paralyzing the country.” “Grand coalition is the best of all conceivable variants” With a view to the next federal election, Steinbrück said that he considered it almost impossible that Boris Pistorius would run for the SPD instead of Olaf Scholz. “I bet he will not be the SPD’s candidate for chancellor,” said Steinbrück. "To deny a sitting chancellor a candidacy - that would be a first, not to say a stunner." Steinbrück was the SPD's candidate for chancellor in 2013, but lost to Merkel. The former finance minister spoke out in favor of a grand coalition after the election. "If a majority of the SPD and the Union emerge, I would consider this to be the best of all conceivable options, provided that such a grand coalition agrees on an Agenda 2030 and gives the country renewed confidence and trust in the future." He sees enough common ground between the Union and the SPD to ensure a strong economy with a competitive industry, a defense-capable armed forces, a more efficient welfare state, climate protection, necessary immigration and incentives for successful integration.