Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
many Betty MacDonald and Hilde Domin fans enjoyed Letizia Mancino's THE SECOND PARADISE even she didn't mention racoons in her delightful story.
Can you remember my experiences in Prater?
It was a wonderful day.
We visited Prater in Vienna with our friends and it reminded us on Betty MacDonald's book Onions in the Stew.
You might think: Is Anja foolish? You can't compare Prater in Vienna with Vashon Island in Washington State.
Believe me, you can! Even here you can see racoons. They are really very shameless when they are looking for food.
Can you remember?
Betty MacDonald, her husband Donald Chauncey MacDonald and daughters Anne and Joan had their funny moments (sometimes) with racoons at Dolphin Point on Vashon Island.
Many readers asked us a question: Who translated Letizia Mancino's THE SECOND PARADISE in english language? It's excellent.
Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honor Member Letiza Mancino told us it had been translated by Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mary Holmes.
Betty MacDonald - and Hilde Domin Fan Club are very grateful.
Dear Mary Holmes, thank you so much for doing this.
Both, Letizia Mancino and Mary Holmes have crystal-clear thoughts like a mountain spring.
Letiza and Mary, we love you.
Thanks a Million.
Dear Anita, Eartha Kitt II and Wolfgang Hampel good luck with your new Betty MacDonald Fan Club Newsletter story.
It's so fascinating and and funny to read your stories about Betty MacDonald, Robert Eugene Heskett, Donald Chauncey MacDonald, Darsie Bard, Sydney Bard, Gammy, Alison Bard Burnett, Darsie Beck, Mary Bard Jensen, Clyde Reynolds Jensen, Sydney Cleveland Bard, Mary Alice Bard, Dorothea DeDe Goldsmith, Madge Baldwin, Don Woodfin, Mike Gordon, Ma and Pa Kettle, Nancy and Plum, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and others.
I agree with your serious warnings. It's very dangerous indeed when you listen to beloved Betty MacDonald and sister Alison Bard Burnett in Wolfgang Hampel's interviews.
I listen to Betty MacDonald, Alison Bard Burnett and Wolfgang Hampel very often because they always make me laugh. A good friend of mine roared with laughter and nearly fell off the chair. Laughter is healthy but sometimes it can be also dangerous.
By the way, don't read Wolfgang Hampel's very witty poems and stories in public places, please.
You can't stop laughing and people might think you are crazy.
Letizia Mancino is part of Wolfgang Hampel's new project 'Vita Magica'.
We got so many requests from fans from all over the world and have great info for you.
Wolfgang Hampel's stories and satirical poems will be published in several languages for his many fans from all over the world.
Vita Magica
Betty MacDonald fan club
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Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
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Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund