Sunday, June 23, 2013

Betty MacDonald and The Plague and I


great news indeed.

More interviews by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel with Betty MacDonald's unique sister Alison Bard Burnett and other family members and friends are very welcome.

I can't wait!

An urgent private message to Letizia Mancino and Mr. Tigerli. Hurry up. please. We need some more treasure stories.

Thank you so much! We enjoy it very much.
I know Betty MacDonald would have loved our very special Betty MacDonald fan Club honor member.

I'm just rereading Betty MacDonald's The Plague and I. Betty described Kimi ( Monica Sone ) just the way she was. Wonderful!

I want to share this link ( see link below ) with you and my favourite sentence is:

We do not allow patients of The Pines ( TB Sanatorium ) to think about death or other unpleasant things.

Isn't that strange?

Take care and be positive and don't think about unpleasant things,


Betty MacDonald - The Plague and I