Friday, January 26, 2024

Being able to see clearly is a basic human need!

Do you know, people get the pretender thing with mobility aids too? "Oh, do I really need this walking stick? I mean, as long as I can get to a seat fast enough, and lie down for a few hours when I get home, I can manage the walk most days!" "Should I really use a wheelchair when I can walk a few steps?" So everyone with a slowly deteriorating condition waits waaay too long to use mobility aids. And then the disability community reassures them that yes, of course that's a proper reason to use it. Same goes for glasses, at any level. They help? Wear them! Even if you're not sure, try just wearing them all the time for a bit. It'll stop you fretting about whether you need them or not, and you're less likely to lose them. Then see how you feel after a few weeks. Chances are you'll have stopped thinking about it. And in case it helps to hear it from someone with severe myopia (and an ambulatory wheelchair user, as you might have guessed), no, we do not resent you or think you're a pretender or anything like that. My partner has a teeny tiny prescription, well under a dioptre, and didn't get glasses until he was about forty. I may have laughed at him the first time he was shocked that the dishwasher steamed them up, he was like an outraged cat, but I utterly respect his need for glasses. He gets headaches without them. He'd have the right to wear them even if he didn't. He looks cute in them. Being able to see clearly is a basic human need!