Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Prepared mobile phone explodes - Putin's top general blown up in assassination attempt

Prepared mobile phone explodes - Putin's top general blown up in assassination attempt Article from FOCUS Online 4 hours Putin's top general Yuri Afanasyevsky seriously injured in attempted attack in Ukraine! Cell phone blast reveals geopolitical tensions and intelligence intrigue. Who is behind this? During an attempted attack in Ukraine, the Russian Major General Yuri Afanasyevsky was seriously injured by the explosion of a primed mobile phone. According to reports in the New York Post, this manipulated mobile phone was presented to the general, the former chairman of the State Customs Committee of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic. When he activated the device, it detonated. Afanasyevsky was then taken to the hospital with severe injuries to the head, neck and abdomen from shrapnel. His 21-year-old son was also injured in the blast. According to Luhansk officials, who downplayed the seriousness of the general's injuries, he was "alive and well." The New York Post also reported that three of the son's fingers had to be amputated, according to the Russian state news agency TASS. It is suspected that the Ukrainian secret service could be behind the attack. In this regard, the Russian investigative committee has already arrested a woman who is said to have given the prepared mobile phone to Afanasjewskij. According to the New York Post, the alleged assassin is said to have confessed to her involvement in the failed assassination attempt, which was apparently planned by employees of the Ukrainian secret service. It is important to note that Afanasyevsky previously worked in the Russian Federal Intelligence Service, the FSB, and acted as a financier for the Luhansk People's Republic. The general is also said to have provided funds to pro-Russian paramilitary groups that were targeting Ukrainian forces.