Saturday, March 9, 2024

'Satire is my favorite animal' by Wolfgang Hampel - a title that arouses curiosity!

'Satire is my favorite animal' by Wolfgang Hampel - a title that arouses curiosity! 'Satire is my favorite animal' by Wolfgang Hampel contains satirical poems and also provides information about the cult event “Vita Magica” at the Academy for Older People in Heidelberg. 🎭 The Vita Magica is a literary and musical series that has taken place monthly since July 2015. At this cult event, Wolfgang Hampel presents sketches he has written himself, sings his own songs and recites his popular satirical poems. The event has become a real success and is very popular. 'Satire is my favorite animal' is a humorous collection that invites you to smile, laugh, but also think. Whether you're a seasoned fan of satire or just looking for some high-level entertainment, this book is for you! 🤣📚 -------------- Living room reading with Wolfgang Hampel Wolfgang Hampel, author of “Satire is my favorite animal” in Heidelberg Authors – Directory -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Book info national & international, Eurobuch national & international,---------------- - --- USA , United Kingdom, Australia , Brazil , Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Germany , India , Italy, Hungary , Japan, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , Switzerland , Türkiye ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wolfgang Hampel in the SWR 3 television show 'Heartbeat Moments' on Saturday, August 3, 2019, at 9:50 p.m.