Monday, December 28, 2020
In case of Germany and other countries: Are the ESC results really fair?
In case of Germany and other countries: Are the ESC results really fair?
Linde Lund
What is the reason Germany only won twice? I'm from Sweden and I can tell you the reason why. It's because Scandinavian juries vote for each other and steal Germany and other countries very often the deserved victory. The best example of this was ESC 1985 with the wonderful Germany entry ' Für alle ' ( For all ) by unforgettable composer and singer Hanne Haller. It' s really a shame and we ESC fans from Scandinavia know this facts very well. We are very sad about this.
I'm from Sweden We won 6 times ESC but not because we had the best songs. Not at all! We won because of Scandinavian solidarity and that's not a fair result.
Phil Colclough
Linde Lund It's taken me three hours to find the words to ask this without swearing but, what examples do you have?
Patrik Bergman
Phil Colclough i agree with you
Linde Lund
I mentioned 1985. Scandinavia does block voting. Everybody knows it. A country like Germany or Spain or Italy should have won several more times but in case of Germany it's a more complicated problem. There is block voting and if your neighbours like Austria or Switzerland don't give you any points you have no chance to win. It happend in 1981 too. Lena Valaitis for Germany was the favourite and should have won ESC. But Switzerland gave her 0 points although her song Johnny Blue was a huge hit in Switzerland. We have a saying in Sweden and many ESC fans laugh about it: We can send lousy crap to ESC but the world loves it and make us a winner. It's great for us but it isn't fair at all. I could go on and on. It was the same in 1999 in Jerusalem. Sweden wanted to win and we were very much afraid after Dana International said at the press conference that Germany is her favourite and should win. And who was the winner. Sweden with a very cheap version of ABBA. I like the original very much but I don't like this very cheap copy. Excuse me please.