Wednesday, December 2, 2020

How Europe can bypass Poland and Hungary’s vetoes

How Europe can bypass Poland and Hungary’s vetoes EU partners need a credible option to circumvent rule-of-law deviants tying up recovery funds. BY PAUL TAYLOR December 2, 2020 4:01 am Paul Taylor, a contributing editor at POLITICO, writes the Europe At Large column. PARIS — European partners should prepare for bypass surgery, if necessary, to overcome the blockage by Hungary and Poland of the EU’s urgently needed COVID-19 recovery package. Budapest and Warsaw are threatening to veto the bloc’s €1.8 trillion long-term budget and coronavirus recovery fund in a cynical attempt to shield themselves from seeing payments linked to respect for the rule of law. Rather than bow to their demands, the other 25 EU states should find a way to work around this attempted hostage-taking by two of the biggest beneficiaries of European subsidies. If the painstakingly negotiated spending and revenue plan is not agreed unanimously this month, the EU will fall back on hand-to-mouth emergency funding based on the previous year’s budget. All new programs — including grants to the countries hardest hit by the pandemic and investments in the transition to a low-carbon, digital economy — would be delayed. Central Europe’s illiberal duo of conservative nationalists — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Polish Law and Justice party leader Jarosław Kaczyński — think they have the rest of Europe over a barrel. They expect they can force their peers to back down at a mid-December summit on the rule-of-law mechanism, which they claim is a political weapon to punish them arbitrarily. After years of systematically dismantling the impartiality of their courts, the neutrality of state institutions and media freedom, Warsaw and Budapest are banking on a last-minute compromise to remove or defang any measure that would condition EU payments on judicial independence. They are trying to exploit a public health emergency to secure carte blanche to go on undercutting European democratic values with impunity. Three possible bypass routes have been identified. Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, a leading liberal in the European Parliament, has suggested launching the recovery fund as a so-called enhanced cooperation among a group of willing states under the EU’s Lisbon Treaty. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has mused aloud about the possible “nuclear options” of “re-establishing the EU without Hungary and Poland” or implementing the entire recovery package outside the existing treaties via an agreement among the 25 other governments. Seasoned European lawyers say each of these paths is fraught with legal difficulty. The treaty stipulates that any enhanced cooperation “shall not undermine the internal market or economic, social and territorial cohesion” and “shall respect the competences, rights and obligations of those Member States which do not participate in it.” Above all, the unanimity of the 27 would still be required to use EU budget receipts (known in Euro-speak as “own resources”) to underwrite joint borrowing for the recovery fund, which is the crux of the landmark deal signed off in July. It is possible to create a standalone special purpose vehicle with paid-in national guarantees to borrow the money, as eurozone countries did when they created the European Stability Mechanism, the eurozone’s bailout fund for members that lose access to financial markets. But that would add extra liabilities to member countries’ national balance sheets, defeating the purpose of leveraging the community budget. Nevertheless, to hedge against Polish-Hungarian obduracy, the other 25 should at least start the legal drafting work to establish the recovery fund outside the EU framework as a last resort. There is a precedent. In 2011, when the survival of Europe’s single currency hung in the balance, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron vetoed an EU-wide deal to tackle the eurozone crisis by tightening fiscal discipline. Outraged at his strong-arm tactics, EU partners bypassed Britain and adopted the fiscal compact as an intergovernmental treaty a few weeks later. Only the Czech Republic sided with the U.K. The others signed up to the agreement, with the European Commission as enforcer. Such bypass threats are more often tactics to apply political pressure on recalcitrant partners than statements of genuine intent. It’s ironic that it was Rutte who invoked the idea of going outside the treaty. Just six months ago, French officials were hinting that Paris and Berlin might have to create a €500 billion recovery fund via a coalition of the willing — if frugal northern EU states like the Netherlands did not drop their opposition to joint borrowing and to handing out the money in grants rather than loans. The “frugals” eventually acquiesced in return for assurances on how spending would be supervised, including via a rule-of-law mechanism. It’s hard to imagine Germany, holder of the rotating EU presidency, being willing to shove Poland aside, given Berlin’s historical responsibility toward its eastern neighbor and the depth of their economic integration. Chancellor Angela Merkel made it her top priority to hold the EU together after Britain voted in 2016 to leave. She will be loath to split it on her watch. Several other EU states would have misgivings about bypassing a member country’s veto for their own reasons, however frustrated they may be with Orbán’s and Kaczyński’s blackmail. Cyprus, for example, recently used its veto to hold up EU sanctions against Belarus officials responsible for election-rigging and repression, in an effort to force tougher measures against Turkey over illegal drilling for gas. Austria delayed the launch of an EU maritime mission in the central Mediterranean to enforce an arms embargo on Libya out of opposition to migrant rescues at sea. Both ultimately dropped their objections. There is no harm in offering Warsaw and Budapest extra guarantees, if that helps them save face and lift their blockade. Reassurances could include the fact that the rule-of-law mechanism will itself be subject to depoliticized judicial oversight within the EU and that the principle of proportionality will be respected. But if Poland and Hungary are hell-bent on preventing any linkage between EU subsidies and democratic standards of judicial independence, as their escalating rhetoric suggests, then other EU countries must be ready to face them down. Hungary and Poland need the money. As their ideological soulmate U.S. President Donald Trump sulks off into the sunset, they have no alternative friends to the EU. Furthermore, recent opinion polls suggest a clear majority of voters in both countries agree with the principle that EU cash should be conditional on respecting the rule of law and strongly support EU membership. Orbán and Kaczyński must be told clearly, as David Cameron was during the eurozone crisis: If you try to hold the EU to ransom in the middle of an economic emergency, you will be bypassed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betty MacDonald fan club fans, Don't miss our wonderful Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas surprise, please. Send us your favourite text from very witty book Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel, please and you have the chance to win a signed first edition of Betty MacDonald's Nancy and Plum. We have a wonderful Xmas surprise for everybody who joins Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas contest. Deadline: December 23, 2020 Everybody is a winner because we have a great Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas surprise for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Betty MacDonald fan club fans, a new fascinating Betty MacDonald biography by Wolfgang Hampel, bestselling author of ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) will be published in 2021. Wolfgang Hampel was a very good friend of author Monica Sone, dexcribed by Betty MacDonald as Kimi in The Plague and I. Monica Sone shared the most interesting info on her wonderful friend Betty MacDonald. Wolfgang Hampel and Betty MacDonald fan club are working on this golden treasure for many Betty MacDonald fans around the world. Greetings, Mats -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are funny books so important? Take me, I'm a very optimistic personality but in these days I need some kind of support. Therefore I'm very glad and grateful I can read a very intelligent and funny book. Satire ist mein Lieblingstier (Satire is my favourite animal) by Wolfgang Hampel is a perfect example of very funny and very intelligent literature. Yes, indeed it requires lateral thinking; making unexpected connections; being one step ahead of the reader. If you are looking for a very funny and very intelligent book try brilliant Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel. You'll enjoy it as much as I do and many, many delighted readers around the world. Take care, Martine Didier ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betty MacDonald fan club fans, we wish you a great time with one of the funniest books ever written. Send us your thoughts regarding humour, please. We are going to include the best essays in our next Betty MacDonald fan club newsletters. You might be one of our Betty MacDonald fan club surprise winners. Good luck! Why do I think that Satire is my favourite animal by Wolfgang Hampel is such a popular book? I guess the reason why is it's so witty and intelligent. Yes, it's true. You can read Satire is my favourite animal over and over again the same way I do and it won't bore you. To me this happens very, very seldom. Very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel the best recipe for bad mood and depression - especially important in times like we have now. Please don't miss Satire ist mein Lieblingstier by Heidelberg author Wolfgang Hampel ( Satire is my favourite animal ) one of the funniest books ever written according to many readers around the world. (UK, USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries) Very successful writers are going to introduce their fascinating books at Vita Magica January - June 2021. You are very welcome! Vita Magica setzt ihr Programm auch 2021 fort. Im ersten Halbjahr werden großartige neue Autoren ihre sehr erfolgreichen Bücher vorstellen. Vita Magica will continue with fascinating new authors and their very interesting books at Vita Magica January - June 2021. A fascinating new Vita Magica program. Wir brauchen jetzt sehr witzige und heitere Bücher!!! Golden laughter is very important - especially now!!!! Das wunderbare Buch ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) von Wolfgang Hampel ist ein brilliantes Feuerwerk der besten Pointen mit sehr geistreicher, witziger und hintergründiger Unterhaltung!!!!! Wenn Sie ein sehr humorvolles Buch lesen wollen, dann verpassen Sie bitte nicht 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' von Wolfgang Hampel. Das sehr witzige Buch 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) von Wolfgang Hampel lieben vieler Leser auf der ganzen Welt!!!!( USA, UK, Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und vielen anderen Ländern ) Wolfgang Hampel, author of very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) and Vita Magica Team support culturual institutions with special events and book sales of Satire ist mein Lieblingstier. This very witty book is according to many readers from all over the world one of the funniest books ever written. Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel is like golden sunshine in very grey November. Please don't miss very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ). It's one of the funniest books ever written according to many readers around the world. It brings lots of fun and joy to many readers around the world. Many of them including me take this best medicine for bad mood every day. Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica founder, Wolfgang Hampel from Heidelberg, author of very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) is working on a new Betty MacDonald biography. 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' by Wolfgang Hampel is very successful in USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can read Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) by Wolfgang Hampel over and over again and it won't be boring. Don't miss it, please. Wolfgang Hampel, author of very witty Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal ) and Vita Magica Team support culturual institutions with special events and book sales of Satire ist mein Lieblingstier. This very witty book is according to many readers from all over the world one of the funniest books ever written. Take care, Greta