Sunday, November 5, 2023

New Wagenknecht party: big bang survey! AfD promptly took a nosedive

The West New Wagenknecht party: big bang survey! AfD promptly took a nosedive Article by Marcel Görmann • 1 day) It's still just a club, but it should become a party: Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW). Now what if this party already existed and you could already vote for it? The opinion research institute INSA quickly asked this question for “Bild”. The result would be a political earthquake! Sahra Wagenknecht is already cleaning up. One party would be thrown out of the Bundestag entirely - and the AfD would be the second big loser! Wagenknecht party on an equal footing with the Greens If the Wagenknecht party existed today, according to INSA, it could get 12 percent straight away! This would put them almost on a par with the Greens (12.5 percent). Have you not reached the end of the line yet? According to another INSA survey, this time for “Bild am Sonntag”, the potential for the Wagenknecht party is even greater. Accordingly, 27 percent of those surveyed said that they could basically imagine voting for the new party of the former Left Party frontwoman. Only 55 percent categorically ruled this out, the rest did not provide any information. Only three-party coalitions possible? The party landscape in Germany would be completely thrown into disarray. It may not even be enough for a so-called “grand coalition” between the Union and the SPD. Another three-way alliance like the disputed traffic light would then be necessary, for example. Or even a minority government – for the first time in the Bundestag! With the AfD and the Wagenknecht party and the remnants of the Left Party voters, around one in three would vote for a party away from the center. The old federal government with the two former camps black-yellow and red-green is finally history.