Sunday, January 12, 2014

Betty MacDonald fan club motto 2014

Anita & Eartha Kitt II,

Betty MacDonald fan club fans  and Karel,

we knew that Betty MacDonald is very much beloved by Czech readers.

Welcome dear Karel to Betty MacDonald fan club.

We could see that the Czech Republic is a very beautiful country. We have to go there.

By the way Eartha loves the chicken jackets. I guess she wants to wear a jacket of her own.
I don't know what to do now.

What's about our darling Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli?
The cute guy is rather silent. What's going on?
We are crazy about Mr. Tigerli's generous Xmas present. Thank you, thank you, Sir!

Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter January 2014 will be available in several days.
You can read an article about our current Betty MacDonald research.

The Betty MacDonald fan club motto for 2014 is the same as it was in 2013 and in the past.

Let's sail away and find new Betty MacDonald treasures every day!

Dear Betty MacDonald fan club folks we will!


Anita & Eartha Kitt II