Thursday, October 29, 2009

Betty Fans enjoy Betty MacDonald Fan Club Site and Items

I'm enjoying the writings. Every day I settle comfortably into my chair in front of the computer, with a big cup of coffee (as we know, Betty loved coffee), and read the chapters. Betty would be so happy at the friends who care about her, and at the friendships she helped create through her writing!


Hi! I'm a great fan of Betty MacDonald and just finished reading all of her books for about the millionth time! I was doing a little research on her and came across your blog. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put all of that information together!


Dear Faith,
dear Kathy,

It's such a grey day today. It reminds me of November
( Betty MacDonald's 'favourite' month in The Egg and I ) but receiving so wonderful mails I feel so happy.

Thank you so much for your support and interest.

You made my day!



Betty MacDonald Fan Club Items

A fondness for reading - Mrs. Piggle - Wiggle

Robin's latest Read Aloud in her second grade classroom was Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, by Betty MacDonald . The second graders loved this book!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What would Betty MacDonald say to this?

What would Betty MacDonald say to this?
The new egg farmers should read The Egg and I. What's your opinion?

Americans turn to backyard chickens for food, security

by Laura Zuckerman – Wed Sep 16, 11:59 am ET

Melissa Moeller was a suburban housewife seeking to ensure healthy eating for a family of five when she decided to augment her vegetable garden with layer hens. The problem was her neighborhood in an exclusive section of Bellingham, Washington, outlawed livestock. Today, Moeller and her family live on acreage nearby. While her husband continues to work in the city as a computer programmer, Moeller and their three children oversee an expanding egg business that operates under the auspices of the Moeller-owned Misty Meadows Farm. "I had never raised anything other than cats before," said Moeller, whose 400 layer hens now provide income from eggs offered to buyers at the farm or at stores that carry them. "I think what the culture is feeling right now is a desire to remove that wall between our food and where it comes from." All contention aside, experts say there is little nutritional difference between homegrown and commercial eggs. Colors in the shell are different, with the bulk of commercial hens producing white-shelled eggs and backyard varieties everything from brown to light green, and pigments in the feed of backyard flocks tend to deepen the yellow of their yolks. "I don't know what the economy is going to do but I do know where I'm going to get my food," said Karen McIlroy, who maintains 65 hens near Tacoma, Wash. "And I know if I lost my job I would still be able to eat."

Dangerous Urban Chicken Craze Has Legs

What's next -- clean air?

By SARA K. SMITH Updated 8:38 PM EDT, Wed, Aug 19, 2009

A number of American cities have already jumped on the "urban chicken" movement, with residents turning their once-scenic and fragrant yards into pestilent dens of stinking guano. Such unreconstructed hippies love to play the modern homesteader, gathering eggs every morning and baling out their coops on weekends.

in german language - in deutscher Sprache

Was würde Betty MacDonald dazu sagen?
Hühner mit Windeln! Ob die neuen Hühnerfarmer Betty MacDonalds Buch Das Ei und ich gelesen haben?

Immer mehr US-Amerikaner halten sich Hühner

In vielen US-amerikanischen Großstädten legen sich mehr und mehr Menschen eigene Hühner zu, die dann in den kleinen Gärten oder Hinterhöfen fröhlich im Staub scharren können. Die Besitzer schwärmen von den frischen Eiern oder schauen ihren kleinen gefiederten Freunden einfach gerne bei der Futtersuche zu. Die Haltung von Federvieh erlebt derzeit einen regelrechten Boom. Die Menschen unterhalten und beraten sich in speziellen Internetforen darüber und kaufen ihren Hühnern sogar Windeln, um sie auch im Haus halten zu können.

Warum Großstadt-Amerikaner Hühner züchten

von Kristina Allgöwer (Chicago)

Très chic ist in den USA das Dasein als Selbstversorger: Stadtmenschen in Chicago oder Manhattan züchten jetzt begeistert Hühner. Anhänger dieser "Urban Chicken"-Bewegung freuen sich über frische Eier und liebe Haustiere.
Während die Bürger von New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans und Seattle mit wenigen Einschränkungen bereits Hühner halten dürfen, setzen sich in anderen Städten Verfechter bewusster Ernährung für die Legalisierung von Geflügel ein.

Thank you so much for the Betty MacDonald books and stories

Dear Faith,

We hope you'll enjoy the books and stories written by Wolfgang Hampel, The Kettles Million Dollar Egg, The Egg and Betty, The tragic end of Robert Heskett, Betty and Mike and Betty MacDonald's illness. We can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Warm regards,


Dear MacDonald Friends,

I got the marvelous writings today. I've just started reading them, and I'm enjoying them immensely. Thank you!
The book couldn't have come at a better time: the day after a huge rainstorm. My spirits were as soggy as the wet leaves that blanket the street outside, and my back yard. Your present really cheered me up!

